Martial Inverse

Chapter 846: The Shocked Representative of Xianzong

Feng Hao thought to himself that Taoist Master Baiyu's roar was completely like an old hand, which meant that he had done such things before.

The dozen or so representatives of the Immortal Sect also came over politely, and put all the wine and vegetables they brought into the Qiankun bag. When they opened the Qiankun bag at this time, stacks of dishes fell into the hall.

Those white jade jugs also landed firmly on the table in the hall.

"This table is a bit small!"

Taoist Baiyu found that there were not enough seats for more than a dozen of them, and the table in this hall could only accommodate four people at most.

"Let's move, Fenghuang, Daoist Baiyu, just sit down!"


Several representatives of Xianzong left the main hall of the floating island, and it didn't take long for these people to come back one by one.

Tables flew out of the universe bag.


The small table that was originally square was assembled into a huge jade table at this time, and more than a dozen people sat around it, which was very suitable.

The only shortcoming is that the dishes brought by the representatives of the major immortal sects are all repeated.

Fortunately, there are good wines and wines, otherwise Taoist Bai Yu would have to go crazy.

During the banquet, these representatives of the Xianzong held up their wine glasses to toast the wine of Fenghao and Taoist Baiyu respectively, all of them regarded themselves as juniors.

Feng Hao chuckled and said: "If you want to talk about juniors, I am your junior... The emperor's selection method is determined this time, congratulations to everyone first!"

The representatives of all the immortal sects were very knowledgeable at this time, and no one dared to pretend to be drunk in front of Taoist Baiyu, or use immortal techniques to relieve alcohol.

Well this is the first and last time.

So everyone is very conscious, sincerely drinking, chatting...chatting and chatting about feelings.

Talk about anything.

More than a dozen representatives of Xianzong were very excited to be able to stand on the same line with Yuhua Shenzong, one of the Shenzong.


This dinner went on for a long time,

Drinking from the first day to the next day, no one proposed to leave early.

Even if they all fell down, lying on the ground like large characters, they were still yelling: drink, drink quickly!

Anyone who doesn't drink is looking down on our Fenghuang and Baiyu Daoist.

"Life and death are bearish, just do it and you're done..."

Daoist Baiyu was also a little drunk, this time he drank to his heart's content, and he was heartbroken with the representatives of the various immortal sects.

Except for the first few sects, they all expressed their support for the Yuhua Shenzong, but when it came to the Immortal Association...

Or something went wrong.

Because Yuhua Shenzong didn't even have the chance to propose, this made those immortal sects who were waiting to hug Yuhua Shenzong's thighs extremely distressed.

At this time, there was a representative of the fact, the lord of the Xianzong, and said to Feng Hao and the Taoist Baiyu: "To be honest, we have agreed before that to support the noble sect...but... later Why didn't your lord propose it?"

Daoist Baiyu smiled, and said: "For me, Yuhua Shenzong, of course I hope that the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm will get better and better, so I don't care who mentions it, and whoever raises it makes sense, just talk to me."

The representative of Xianzong said: "'s a pity that I couldn't help Yuhua Shenzong, I feel so guilty..."

Feng Hao glanced at the representative of Xianzong, the middle-aged man with mustache, and said with a smile: "You all misunderstood..."


"Uh... hiccup!"

Several Xianzong representatives were so drunk and dazed that they heard Feng Hao say that they had misunderstood.

At that time, everyone thought they hugged the wrong thigh, and they were half awake from the wine at that time.


Taoist Master Baiyu smiled, and then said loudly: "You fellow immortals don't know, this proposal from the Huoyan Shenzong is the proposal from the Yuhua Shenzong..."

"This, this, this..."

Some Immortal Sect representatives were stunned at the time. The Fire Flame Sect, a neutral department with a deep foundation, would give Taoist Baiyu a suggestion?

Isn't this bullshit?

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible.

Feng Hao added: "In addition to Huoyanzong, Luo Fuzong also expressed support in advance..."


The representatives of the various immortal sects felt their brains buzzing at that time.

The two families with the deepest heritage in the Xuanxian ancestral world unexpectedly proposed for the Yuhua Shenzong at the same time.

Daoist Baiyu said: "Shentian Xuanzong is also..."


When the representatives of the immortal sects heard Feng Hao and Taoist Baiyu's words, their brains began to turn a little bit.

There are only ten Shenzongs, and more than half of the Shenzongs support Yuhua Shenzong's proposal. It's scary!

They didn't understand why these Shenzongs had to make a proposal for the Yuhua Shenzong, but this proposal did give them hope.


After the banquet was over, the ground was in a mess.

Feng Hao was not drunk, he glanced at the palace, and suddenly felt a bit of a headache.

Feng Hao saw that among the dozen or so immortal sects, thirteen or four were already drunk and snoring, not at all what a strong person in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm should look like.

Feng Hao thought for a while, and with an idea, he pulled all these people directly into Feng Zhou, so that the filth in the hall could be dealt with so that it could return to the way everyone moved in.

If the ground was left in a mess, the disciples of Da Luo Shenzong would all roll their eyes later.

Eat enough.

After Bai Yu Daoist woke up a lot, when he saw that there was no one in the hall, he was startled.

But seeing that no one was there, Taoist Master Bai Yu thought everyone had left, so he continued to lie on the table and fell asleep.

Feng Hao restored the floating island to its original appearance, then left the main hall and leaned against a pillar outside the hall.

Watching the sea of ​​clouds rolling in the distance, and then...

Feng Hao disappeared completely.

Went to the universe.

Feng Hao entered Feng Zhou, and when he saw more than a dozen representatives of the Xianzong, they were sitting cross-legged on the ground with a dazed expression, and standing in front of them was the demon god Chi You with his hands on his hips.

For this, Feng Hao was taken aback for a moment.

"Chi You!"

Feng Hao shouted.

"Emperor you have any orders?" Demon God Chi You asked with a smile.

Feng Hao asked: "Are you going to commit suicide again?"

Demon God Chi You said: "Isn't this something I realized, I want to try it out!"

As he spoke, Chi You, the Demon God, looked at the representatives of the Immortal Sect.

At that time, the representatives of Xianzong trembled one by one. They have discovered a big secret here.

That is, they completely lost their magic skills and became ordinary people.

Then suddenly a giant several hundred meters tall appeared, like a god of war, and they were frightened when they saw it.

Fortunately, Fenghuang appeared at this time.

"Fenghuang, you came too timely... What is this place, why is it not on the floating island?"

"I was drunk before, and I don't know what happened..."

All the masters of the Immortal Sect, even though they are well-informed, still look confused by the situation in front of them, which has never been seen before...

Unheard of ah!

Because if it is a formation, then they will also sense signs of the operation of the formation, but there is no sign of it here.

At the same time... Even if this is a formation, it is impossible for two situations to exist in the formation at the same time: one is the huge demon god Chiyou, and the other is the celestial sect master who has lost his entire body of magic.

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