Martial Inverse

Chapter 847 Changes in the Universe

All the immortal sects panicked to death, and after knowing that Feng Hao also appeared here, their emotions stabilized.

They found that Feng Hao seemed to be very familiar with this giant, even...

The giant still called Feng Hao Fengdi, and his attitude still wanted to be humble, just like a sect disciple meeting the suzerain.

That's why everyone put their hopes on Feng Hao.

Feng Hao glanced at the immortals apologetically, and said: "Originally, fellow daoists were drunk on the floating island, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I brought you here..."

As he said that, Feng Hao looked at Chi You, who was hundreds of meters tall, and said, "Do you need me to help you transform back?"


The demon god Chi You laughed dryly, his body quickly shrank, and he regained his normal body shape. At the same time, he said to the representatives of the immortal sects who were frightened, "I'm sorry, I'm just kidding you..."


It wasn't until this time that the representatives of the Immortal Sect finally breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, they began to wonder what this place was.


It actually made it impossible for them to use any immortal skills, but the middle-aged man who looked like Kong Wu in front of him was infinitely changeable.

"Fenghuang... may I ask what is this place?"

A representative of Xianzong asked.

He had clinked wine glasses with Feng Hao and respected Feng Hao, so relatively speaking, he had a certain amount of courage to ask Feng Hao this question.

Feng Hao chuckled lightly and said, "Let's call it Feng Zhou! This... is Chi You, who was previously a Demon God."



After hearing Feng Hao's words, all the masters of the Immortal Sect felt their brains buzzing.


The Demon God of the Heavenly Demon Realm... What a sleazy character this must be.

But... everyone is wondering now,

Why does Feng Hao have such a good relationship with the demon god, and the other party still listens to him.

Doesn't this mean that Feng Hao is also a demon?

When some Xianzong masters thought of this, their faces paled quickly. They felt that Feng Hao must have planned to kill them for appearing in this place called Fengzhou.

"Feng Huang, have mercy!"


At that time, several representatives of Xianzong knelt down, their bodies trembling slightly, and their hearts were extremely frightened.

At this time, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered by a huge shadow.

Everyone raised their heads in doubt, and saw a fish flying in the sky. The fish was thousands of miles long, and there was no end in sight.

It was as if the night had become something tangible, covering the sky and the sun.

Feng Hao had a terrible headache.

As his cultivation has been promoted to the Emperor Realm, both the Demon God Chi You and the Yaoshuai Li Renchou have received huge benefits...

Now they have mastered such a terrible secret technique.

Feng Hao still clearly remembers that when the demon god Chi You and Li Renchou came in, they were almost like ordinary people.

I didn't expect it to be so powerful now....

"You come down too!"

Feng Hao raised his head, and a thought swept over him. Suddenly, the fish that was covering the sky suddenly turned into a person and fell directly from the sky.

The sky cleared and the man danced and danced as he fell.

Feng Hao was worried that Yaoshuai Li Renchou would fall to his death, so he stopped him when he was about to fall to the ground.

Then the impetus disappeared, and Feng Hao let go of Li Renchou.

"Fengdi, you... you're scaring me to death!"

Li Renchou was still in shock, his pale face was scary, he wanted to pretend just now, but he almost fell to his death.

Feng Hao said: "You practice the shape-changing technique, you can change it to another place, but here it is..."

Li Renshou laughed twice, and said: "Be careful next time, be careful next time!"


The representatives of the Immortal Sect looked at Li Renchou blankly, they almost felt numb.

The demon god Chiyou called Ye Lan the emperor.

At this time, they couldn't help but wonder, is Feng Hao the Demon Emperor of the Demon Race?

Now there is a guy who can transform into shape. After transforming into shape, he looks like a kun, scaring people to death.

Feng Hao introduced to the representatives of the Immortal Sect: "This is Yaoshuai Li Renchou."


Yaoshuai Li Renchou said hello.


The frightened representatives of those immortal sects retreated hastily, and their little hearts were pounding, it was too scary.

He turned out to be handsome!

At this time, the representatives of the Immortal Sect were in a state of confusion, thinking that Feng Hao was not only the Demon Emperor, but now he was also a Demon Emperor.


All the representatives of the Immortal Sect didn't respond to Yaoshuai Li Renchou's call, and they were all almost desperate, so they didn't know how to respond.

Feng Hao saw that the representatives of the Xianzong were frightened like this, so he had no choice but to explain: "Get up! I am not a demon emperor, nor a demon emperor...Although they are demons, they are demons, but they have nothing to do with the demon world. , I said just now that this is Fengzhou...meaning, this is an independent world, and you are not in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm..."

"This, this, this..."

"This created by you, Fenghuang? It is understandable to open up space, but you...can actually contain laws, and even give birth to creatures, which is really shocking..."

A slightly rational representative of Xianzong saw the creatures conceived in the sacred tree of life, as well as the laws between heaven and earth.

As long as you comprehend it with your heart, you can still feel it, and much you comprehend, your cultivation will be restored.

And at this moment, a representative of Xianzong suddenly left the ground, his body was suspended in mid-air...


Many Xianzong representatives were amazed.

Even Feng Hao looked over, and the corners of his mouth curled up. Is this a talent suitable for cultivating in Feng Zhou?

It is extremely difficult to achieve this step in such a short period of time.

It shows that the understanding is very high.

Feng Hao looked at the representatives of the Immortal Sect with a smile and said: "That's right, I created Fengzhou, it is a world of its own, and the law of the Dao of Freedom, if you can understand it, you can also go to heaven and earth to be omnipotent...

However, let's go back to Xuanxian Ancestral Realm now! "

Feng Hao took them in because he saw that they were drunk, and because the floating island needed to be tidied up, he took them in.

Now that the floating island has been cleaned up, of course they will be taken out.

Of course, Feng Hao did this...with a little care, that is to let these Xianzong representatives understand one thing.

Ascension Shenzong is the future.

Regarding this...Feng Hao felt that he had broken his heart in order to become the Shenzong.

After everyone listened to Feng Hao's words, before they had time to react, they went back to the floating island of Da Luo Shenzong in a moment of darkness and light.

And Taoist Master Baiyu of Yuhua Shenzong was looking at them with a smile at this time, and said, "Did you enjoy your drink?"

"Uh...have fun!"

The representatives of the Xianzong were stunned for a moment, then subconsciously nodded.

But... At this time, the representative of the Xianzong who understood the law of Fengzhou said to Feng Hao at that time: "Fengdi, can you let me go to Fengzhou? I kneel down for you..."

The representative of the Immortal Sect was in tears. In the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, his cultivation was low and he could not see the future.

But in the universe, he felt...that was the world he longed for.

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