Martial Inverse

Chapter 872: Avenue Crystal

Master Jie's wife looked at Sect Master Luo Fu and Sect Master Huo Yan, and said, "However, whether you can come back or not depends on Sect Master Feng Hao, whether he is willing..."


"This, this, this..."

The two big crocodiles of the Shenzong were dumbfounded at the time, and there was an uproar in their hearts.

Whether their master can return, the key depends on whether Feng Hao of the Yuhua Emperor Sect is willing.

The two looked at each other, and Sect Master Huoyan said: "Disciple, I know what to do."

Sect Master Luofu also nodded.

They knew that when Mrs. Jie said such things to them, they could name Feng Hao, that is, tell them insincerely.

Feng Hao is the key.

In other words, support Feng Hao at any cost.

"Hmm! You just need to understand, I... have returned to the temple."

The Lord's wife is very satisfied with the awareness of the two.

Before she gave Feng Hao a token of bracelets, the purpose was to let those strong people in Xuanxian Ancestral Realm give Feng Hao support.

If it was said before, it was a cryptic expression.

So now, it is to tell Sect Master Luofu and Sect Master Huoyan openly.

Afterwards, a golden beam of light was projected from the clouds above the Yuhua Emperor Sect, enveloping the figure of the world master's wife.

Sect Master Luo Fu and Sect Master Huo Yan kneeled down to send off their teacher-wife respectfully.

Under the shroud of the light beam, the lady of the world master slowly rose into the air until she disappeared.


In the main hall of the Yuhuashen Sect, Li Chongyang stood outside the main hall. He is now the master of the Yuhua Emperor Sect.

It is an existence below one person and above ten thousand people.

But his attire changed back to a white cloth after the ceremony, and his hair was loose.

It looks free and unrestrained.

He stood with his hands behind his back, silently watching the scene of the world master's wife leaving.

"Uncle Master, you called me?"

At this moment, Taoist Bai Yu ran up from the stone steps, and his eyes fell on Li Chongyang.

"Why, the wife of the master of the world favors Feng Hao so much, and Feng Hao doesn't want to be the head of the emperor's sect, but she hasn't said much, and she is alone in the cave with Feng Hao?"

Li Chongyang thought of a lot.

Including, is Feng Hao the heir of Mrs. Jie, or...they had an indescribable relationship before.

a lot of.

But in any case, because of the relationship between Feng Hao and the wife of the world lord, the position of the head of the Emperor Sect is the most suitable for Feng Hao.

Daoist Bai Yu froze for a moment, and after pondering for a moment, said: "Maybe... Feng Hao is the wife of the world master, the heir who lives in the world?

Or, there is some kind of relationship between them...? "


Li Chongyang was dumbfounded, and after a long pause, he shook his head and smiled wryly: "You have thought of being with me, but it seems... that is unlikely, after all, she is the wife of the world master, and Feng Hao, the world master and the world master Ma'am, it's not of the same origin."

Daoist Bai Yu said: "Uncle Master, although I have a good relationship with Feng Hao, but... I really can't guess this kind of thing, but it must be a good thing for our Yuhua Emperor Sect."

"That's true."

Li Chongyang nodded slightly, and said: "Mrs. Jiezhu, I intend to help Feng Hao and our Emerging Emperor Sect... Bai Yu, go down and make some preparations. After a while, start the plan to destroy the sun. It's up to you... It's still Chu Tiannan."

"What am I going to do with Chu Tiannan?"

Daoist Baiyu said with a speechless expression: "Let Sect Master Cailian go, she is the strongest, stay for one day out of ten, there are nine suns in total, although Chu Tiannan and I want to go, but our strength does not allow it what!"


Li Chongyang's face turned red with anger, and he said: "We are the Emperor Sect now, we must always set an example, just you and Cailian, Chu Tiannan is in charge of things inside and outside the sect."

Daoist Baiyu wants to cry but has no tears. His strength has not fully recovered. Going to the Nine Heavens, if he is not careful, his life will be in danger.

The point is, he just came back not long ago.

I don't want to hang up again so quickly.

"How about... let Feng Hao go?"

Taoist Master Bai Yu looked at Li Chongyang, said in a low voice, and at the same time looked at Li Chongyang cautiously, as if he found something wrong and ran away quickly.

Feng Hao has paid so much for Yuhua Shenzong, at this time, if he is still called Feng Hao, it is a bit too much.

Daoist Bai Yu was afraid that his master uncle Li Chongyang would beat him up.

Li Chongyang was silent for a while, then parted his lips and said, "Yes!"


Daoist Baiyu was slightly stunned, but his uncle, Li Chongyang, actually approved of his proposal.

However, Taoist Baiyu feels guilty when he thinks that Fenghao is the Yuhua Emperor Sect and has fought several times and never needed any rewards.

"Uncle Master, Feng Hao has paid so much for the Emerald Emperor Sect... Is this really good?"

Taoist Bai Yu looked at his uncle Li Chongyang.

Even though Feng Hao never asks for anything, it would be hard for anyone to accept Feng Hao's actions over and over again.

Li Chongyang fell silent.


Looking at Yunjuan Yunshu in the sky, he said: "Feng Hao's contribution is indelible. The Emperor Yuhua can give him everything. As long as he speaks, Emperor Yuhua will try his best to satisfy him, including... his friends .”

Feng Hao's contribution is really too great.

As big as Yuhua Emperor Sect, there is no way to get resources that can be equal to Feng Hao's contribution.

After thinking about it, there is only the position of the emperor's master.

But Feng Hao didn't have this ambition at all, and he didn't even want Feng Hao to be the head of the Emperor Sect.

In fact, Yi Fenghao is now the holy king and emperor in Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, he is fully qualified and capable.

"I see that Feng Hao often talks about practice, he is simply a cultivator, or... give him that thing?"

Daoist Baiyu suddenly remembered something, and a look of excitement appeared in his eyes.


Li Chongyang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You mean...that Dao spar?"


Daoist Bai Yu looked at Li Chongyang, it seemed that something that could compensate Feng Hao, except for the position of emperor, he knew the Dao spar.

Avenue spar.

In the entire Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, there are only three.

This is the secret of the Emerald Emperor Sect, a non-core figure who doesn't even know of its existence.

For tens of thousands of years, Yuhua Shenzong was proud to sit on the position of Shenzong in Xuanxian Realm, relying on that Dao spar.

This is something more valuable than dragon veins.


It is equivalent to the demon species in the Heavenly Demon Realm.

The value is extraordinary.

Li Chongyang's breathing became a little short, the Dao spar is too important, many times...

Even more important than Yuhua Shenzong.

It is better to destroy the sect, and the Dao spar is indispensable.

Now, Taoist Master Bai Yu actually proposed such an idea, Li Chongyang almost scolded the former, a prodigal son.

But Li Chongyang didn't scold. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that this proposal was very suitable for their current situation.

Feng Hao has paid so much, he must be rewarded.

And apart from the Dao spar, there is nothing that can match Feng Hao's efforts over the years.

It was him who transformed the Yuhua Emperor Sect.

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