Martial Inverse

Chapter 873: Zhenzong’s Treasure

"I think... it's doable!"

Li Chongyang thought for a while, and immediately made a decision.

Daoist Baiyu on the side stared sharply, his heart was shocked, he thought that Li Chongyang would not agree, and even scolded him.

Unexpectedly, I actually approved it.

"Uncle Master, it's a Dao spar..."

Taoist Bai Yu couldn't help emphasizing it, fearing that Li Chongyang had heard it wrong.

"I know!"

Li Chongyang nodded and said: "Feng Hao, for his dedication to Yuhua Shenzong, he is entitled to this Dao spar, you... go and tell Feng Hao."

Taoist Baiyu was overjoyed.

Being able to bring good news to Feng Hao is what he is most happy to do now.

"I'll take my leave first."

Taoist Baiyu bowed and saluted, and then left the main hall.

Today, Yuhua has become the emperor's sect, and the main hall has been lifted into the sky since the promotion ceremony, and has never come down again.

Taoist Baiyu left the main hall, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the Inner Sect Master Peak.

At this time, Feng Haoran, the inner sect master, was upright in the cave, and after Feng Hao sent the world master's wife away, he prepared to retreat for a period of time.

Now the Yuhua Emperor Sect has become the first sect in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, basically, there is nothing for him to worry about.

Just when Feng Hao was about to retreat, he suddenly felt a wave of fluctuation.

"There's trouble again..."

As soon as Feng Hao felt this aura, he knew that something unsettling must happen.

I wanted to practice hard, but now it seems that there is little hope.

When Feng Hao walked out of the cave, Taoist Baiyu descended from the sky with a smile all over his face, before Feng Hao could open his mouth.

He cupped his hands and congratulated: "Congratulations, congratulations!"


Feng Hao froze for a moment,

Puzzled: "Congratulations for what?"

Daoist Bai Yu said: "Of course it's a good thing. I just came back from my uncle and I chatted with my uncle. First of all, I would like to thank you for your dedication to our Ascension Sect, so my uncle decided to give you a gift."

"Hehe! Master uncle has a heart."

Feng Hao smiled, the gift or something is not important.

Although he is not too clear about the background of the Yuhua Emperor Sect, but he also knows... There is really nothing in the Yuhua Emperor Sect that can move his heart.

When Taoist Baiyu heard Feng Hao's tone, he knew that Feng Hao didn't like Feng Hao at all.

Daoist Baiyu was anxious at the time, and said: "Feng Hao, don't refuse in a hurry! This thing is not simple... This is the treasure of the Yuhua Sect!"

"The treasure of Zhenzong?"

At this time, Feng Hao became a little curious.

If Taoist Baiyu can say that it is the treasure of Zhenzong, it must not be a vulgar thing.

After all, he understood the character of Daoist Bai Yu.

This kind of thing is not a joke.

"Then tell me, what kind of thing is it that can be called the treasure of the Yuhua Emperor Sect?"

Feng Hao smiled.

This thing may be very precious, but if it is the treasure of Zhenzong, then under normal circumstances, Li Chongyang would not be able to do such a thing.

There is no such thing as sending out the treasure of Zhenzong.

Daoist Baiyu lowered his voice and said, "Avenue spar!"


Feng Hao has never heard of such a thing, but the word Dao seems to be able to seduce his soul, and it immediately grabbed his heart.

He walked all the way with the purpose of perfecting the Dao and restoring his cultivation.

Get to the top of your game again and find your way home.

The word avenue.

Feng Hao's soul has been haunted by dreams for too long.

"What's so special about this Dao spar?" Feng Hao looked serious.

If this avenue spar is related to the avenue, then it really deserves the title of Zhenzong's treasure.

Seeing Feng Hao's excited look, Bai Yu said with a smile: "I knew it, you must like it, this Dao spar is a divine stone that is naturally generated by the good fortune of many heavens and earths. , to master the power of the Dao.

The Dao spar is equivalent to the demon seeds of the Heavenly Demon Realm, and there are only three in the entire Xuanxian Ancestral Realm. "


Feng Hao couldn't help but gasped.

Did Li Chongyang's head twitch, or what? To give such an important thing to him?

"Li Chongyang is right..."

Feng Hao felt that Taoist Bai Yu was joking with him.

Any sect would treat such an important thing as a treasure, and would not even show it to others easily.

Now that Li Chongyang is the emperor at the beginning, he just needs this thing to step into a higher realm.

It is not impossible to become a Taoist ancestor.

If this Dao spar is really as powerful as Taoist Baiyu said, then it should be kept.

What are you giving him?

"That's right,"

Daoist Bai Yu patted his chest and assured him: "I promise, I proposed this, and Master Uncle agreed."


Feng Hao is a little curious now, what is the relationship between Taoist Master Baiyu and his uncle Li Chongyang.

Li Chongyang actually agreed to such a bizarre request.

"Shouldn't you be Li Chongyang's illegitimate son?" Feng Hao said.

"what's the situation?"

Daoist Bai Yu was stunned at that time.

Why, Feng Hao suddenly asked such a strange question.

Taoist Master Baiyu blushed and said, "How could I be Li Chongyang's illegitimate child? It can't be cured, I just like my master and uncle more."

"By the way, do you still want the Dao spar? If you want it, I'll send it to you."

Taoist Bai Yu asked.

Feng Hao couldn't even open his mouth, so he smiled helplessly: "Then you can send it!"

"it is good!"

Daoist Baiyu nodded, turned around and turned into a stream of light, leaving the Inner Sect Master Peak.

"Avenue spar, such an important thing, how can you give it away at will?"

Feng Hao didn't believe it.

If the Dao spar is really equivalent to a demon seed, then its value will be too great.

If three avenue crystals can be pieced together to create a perfect avenue, then...the avenue crystal of the Emerald Emperor Sect.

It is equivalent to having one-third of the Dao comprehension.

Feng Hao didn't dare to imagine that if he could integrate this one-third of his perception of the Dao, the half-step Dao ancestor would be no problem.

Even perfecting the universe is only a matter of time.

Feng Hao entered the cave.

Then close the cave, sit cross-legged on the stone, practice for about half an hour, Feng Hao once again felt the breath of Taoist Baiyu coming.

"Really delivered?"

Feng Hao was not only stunned, but Taoist Master Bai Yu went back and forth, could it be that he really brought the Dao spar over?

Feng Hao leaves the cave.

Daoist Bai Yu was out of breath, looked at Feng Hao with a smile, and said, "I brought it here for you."


Taoist Baiyu spread out his palm, a colorless and transparent stone emitting a soft light, lying quietly.

And from time to time, exudes a breathtaking force.

The power of the avenue.


Feng Hao's mind was shocked, and his face was full of surprise.

On this small spar, Feng Hao really felt the power of the Great Dao.

Daoist Baiyu said: "What are you doing in a daze, Master Uncle gave it to you, you have paid so much for the Yuhua Emperor Sect, after much deliberation, this is the only thing that can be sold..."

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