Martial Inverse

Chapter 889: Real Gods and Demons

Feng Hao saw just now that the middle-aged man transformed into the will body of the god and demon was possessed by a mysterious strong man.

In his heart, he put away his contempt for Tianmo Mountain, and even became more dignified.

Originally thought that the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm could be invincible, but now...Feng Hao discovered that there are still secrets that he does not understand in the Tianmo Mountain God and Demon Cemetery.

The long-haired middle-aged man continued to move forward. Along the way, there were still quite a few spirits of gods and demons, who were staring at him.

But they all seemed to have received some orders, and did not attack Feng Hao.

The cemetery of gods and demons was covered by mist, and occasionally crows would sound from a few dead trees.

The crow was made of black bones, with a faint green glow in its eyes, staring straight at Feng Hao who walked under the tree.

"Even the crows are made from the bones of gods and demons. This place... is like a place of darkness."

Feng Hao felt that it was able to form the spiritual sense of the half-step Taoist ancestor here, as if it was a ghost.

Only dead things, no living things.

Even these seemingly normal existences are formed by the will of gods and demons.

"There is life in the great way, and there must be death."

Feng Hao suddenly realized that if the avenue spar can breed a god, it will naturally breed a monster corresponding to the god.

Everything has two sides, there are yin and yang.

One thought of good and evil, one thought of gods and demons.

And the Dao spar is in the cemetery of gods and demons, no doubt... This is a Dao spar that contains the way of life and death.


At the same time, the half-step Taoist ancestors from various peaks in Tianmo Mountain gathered together to discuss Feng Hao's entry into the cliff.

A certain half-step Taoist said in a deep voice: "The bottom of the cliff is the real cemetery of gods and demons. Since ancient times, no one has ever been able to come back alive from the cemetery of gods and demons. Fenghao... I am afraid that there is a lot of bad luck."

A thin half-step Dao ancestor said: "Gods and demons... We are all just fairy gods, and the demons in the sky and demon world are just demons... The real gods and demons, how can we, the gods and gods who seek Tao, be able to compete? But Feng Hao doesn't care. How should I put it, it is the existence that is most likely to become a god, this time... I hope he can come out alive."


The atmosphere at the scene was extremely dignified, and Luo Chen, who was leading Ye Lan to the cliff, said at this time: "If he can pass the examination of the tomb guard, maybe he can enter the depths of the cemetery alive and see the real The gods and demons, the old man thinks that Feng Hao might be able to get the chance we have been chasing for tens of thousands of years..."

"You mean... Divine Ancestral Realm?"

Another half-step Daozu opened his mouth.


The Taoist ancestors in the field couldn't help but gasp at that time. They have been half-step Taoist ancestors for tens of thousands of years.

None of them have made further progress.

If Feng Hao, who has surpassed them in only a few years, can even meet the real god and demon this time, and get recognized smoothly...

Then, it is very possible to become a real god.

The half-step Taoist ancestor is still a fairy god.

But Taoist... is the real god, omnipotent, everything is born with one thought, and everything is destroyed with one thought.

And the entire Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, that is, Xuanyuan, the lord of the Ancestral Realm, was one step short of becoming a real god.

It's a pity that it was not recognized, so that he turned into a Dao, but his spiritual consciousness is still alive, and there is still hope of returning.

"If you fail... the Lord Xuanyuan, I'm afraid you won't be lonely."

Half-step Daozu smiled.

There are only two outcomes for entering the cemetery of gods and demons, either becoming a god and returning, or... being the same as the Lord Xuanyuan.

It is also to enter the cemetery of gods and demons to comprehend the avenue, and become the avenue by himself.

Luo Fan, who was at the side, suddenly asked: "Seniors, you all know that this junior is a divine body of the Great Dao, do you mean... If this junior wants to achieve the Dao of Reaching Heaven, the Cemetery of Gods and Demons is also the way to go?"

The Taoist ancestors looked at Luo Fan and looked at each other, then the white-haired and childlike Taoist Luo Chen nodded and said: "Anyone who wants to climb the extreme path must go through it."


Luo Fan was stunned at that moment, what the hell is this cemetery of gods and demons!

It is obviously a place to bury gods and demons, why do the living have to experience such terrible things?

At this time, another half-step Dao ancestor said: "The cemetery of gods and demons represents death, and we represent life... If you want to achieve infinity, you can only go through life to death, so that you can break it and then stand up. Maybe... this is the Dao spar The purpose in the cemetery of gods and demons."

"Well, it's just how difficult it is? Two Dao spars are living, and one Dao spar is dying. The second life and the first death have reached a balance. It is conceivable... this death is terrible."

The half-step ancestors fell silent.

They have practiced for tens of thousands of years, and they were expected to reach a higher level, but... they are afraid of death.

Rather than entering the cemetery of the gods and demons to comprehend the last avenue, it is better... to slowly comprehend in the Tianmo Mountain.

Enjoy the pleasure of living the same life as heaven and earth.

Open your eyes and close your eyes, it is a hundred years and a thousand years.


At this moment, under the leadership of the tomb guards, Feng Hao, who crossed the sea of ​​bones, finally entered the real cemetery of gods and demons.

An iron fence fence like an ordinary cemetery winds out for an unknown number of miles.

And Feng Hao and the tomb guard were standing at the gate of the cemetery.

On both sides of the iron gate at the entrance, there are also several skeletons of gods and demons, and their postures are in a crawling state.

But until his death, he did not enter the cemetery of gods and demons.

Feng Hao felt that these gods and demons must have gone through hardships to get here. Maybe it was because of the obstruction of the will body of the gods and demons like middle-aged people, who were seriously injured and finally fell here.

Did not enter the cemetery of gods and demons.

The cemetery of gods and demons, in Feng Hao's feeling at this time, is more like a palace.

One needs to be recognized by the existence inside before being able to enter the cemetery of gods and demons.

Just like in the secular world, many people who are about to die hope that the fallen leaves will return to their roots, or be buried in the family cemetery.

This is an obsession.

The same is true for the cemetery of gods and demons.

Feng Hao took a deep breath, even though he was the master of the great thousand, at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little pressure coming.

There has never been such a place in the world.

Even Feng Hao, who had faced Taoist ancestors before, had never experienced this kind of pressure, but now...a Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, which in his opinion is the first level higher than the Great Thousand World, gave him a feeling of palpitation.

Feng Hao took a step forward.


Woo! Woo!

The mist in the cemetery of gods and demons diffused from the iron fence, and a bone crow flew out of the cemetery.

As if frightened by something.

Feng Hao looked at the tomb guard beside him, and found that there was a trace of awe in the latter's calm eyes.

At this time, the tomb guard was not possessed by the mysterious existence in the cemetery of gods and demons, so Feng Hao take a step forward.

Taking another step, suddenly, a pressure hit.

The iron gate of the cemetery of gods and demons was suddenly shut with a bang by an invisible force.

Click! Click! Click!

Then, in the ground outside the cemetery of gods and demons, the sound of breaking ground suddenly sounded.

Feng Hao glanced back, and suddenly felt his scalp tingling, it turned out to be... Countless strong men like middle-aged men with long hair crawled out of the ground.

Feng Hao called him the gravekeeper.

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