Martial Inverse

Chapter 890: Tombstone

"what's the situation?"

Feng Hao saw that the gate of the cemetery of gods and demons was closed, and so many tomb guards crawled out of the ground, he felt a strange feeling in his heart for no reason.

It's as if he went to someone's house as a guest and was turned away before he even entered, and at the same time, the servants at the door wanted to blow him away.

While Feng Hao frowned, he turned his head to look at the long-haired middle-aged man standing not far away.

The strange thing is that the other party, unlike the tomb guards who crawled out of the ground, did not show any hostility towards Feng Hao.

Instead, he stood on the same line as Feng Hao, staring at the group of tomb guards who crawled out.

"Back off!"

At this moment, the long-haired middle-aged man stomped his feet suddenly, and a wave of Taoism suddenly descended. The tomb guards who had just climbed out were stunned for a moment, and then all retreated in despair.


Feng Hao glanced at the long-haired middle-aged man, and his expression was slightly moved. This guy gave him the feeling that he was the head of the grave keeper.

Feng Hao couldn't help thinking to himself, it really is an existence that can be possessed by a mysterious strong man, far from being comparable to those underground tomb guards.

Those tomb guards were dismissed, but the gate of the cemetery of gods and demons was still closed.

There is no sign of opening for Feng Hao at all.

"Is this a test?"

Feng Hao looked at the middle-aged man with long hair.

The latter shook his head, walked towards the iron gate of the cemetery of the gods and demons, and then... held the iron gate stained with the blood of the gods and demons with both hands, and pushed hard inside.


The door of the cemetery of gods and demons was easily pushed open by the long-haired middle-aged tomb guard.


Seeing this scene, Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, is it so easy?

Or... the gate of the cemetery of gods and demons, only the tomb guards can open it?

"It's just a strong wind, just push it away."

The gravekeeper said dully, then entered the cemetery of gods and demons, and disappeared into the mist.

Feng Hao had a toothache at that time. He thought that this cemetery of gods and demons would shut him out, but he didn't expect...

But it's just windy.


However, as soon as the gravekeeper entered the cemetery of gods and demons, the rusty iron gate was immediately closed again.

Block Feng Hao out.


Feng Hao watched helplessly as the tomb guard disappeared into the cemetery of gods and demons. Just as he was about to open the door, he found...

The iron gate remained motionless.

It seems to weigh as much as a thousand jun.

"Is this... just the wind?"

The corners of Feng Hao's mouth twitched slightly, and he was very depressed at that time, what kind of wind is it that makes him unable to push this iron door open.

What about the wind?

Feng Hao pushes hard with his own cultivation,

The unicorn arm loomed, and found that the iron gate was still motionless.

"The cultivation base of the half-step Taoist ancestor can't even be shaken..."

Feng Hao was shocked.

A half-step Taoist can't open a door, what kind of concept is this?

It is equivalent to... an existence that almost surpasses all living beings, and I thought it was unparalleled in the world.

In fact, it may be just sitting in the sky.

But this result also made Feng Hao very excited. He was most afraid of climbing to the peak of the Taoist ancestor again, and found that it was the limit of the Tao, and the road ahead was blocked.

In this case, what's the point of his rebuilding?

Accidentally came to the universe, isn't it just to surpass the previous self?

But now, the cemetery of gods and demons, let Feng Hao see the future, a future that makes his heart beat.

The future is promising.

Combining the power of Feng Zhou and the power of Dao, Feng Hao's hands, like the hands of God, pushed gently.


It doesn't take too much time, the iron gate of the Gods and Demons Cemetery has already been opened.

Feng Hao took a step forward and entered the cemetery of gods and demons. The originally thick fog dissipated at this moment.

Not far away, a middle-aged man with long hair stood quietly there.

And Feng Hao also discovered that the tomb guard at this time was once again possessed by the mysterious strong man.

"Congratulations, you have become the first half-step god ancestor to step into the cemetery of gods and demons in hundreds of thousands of years."

A hoarse voice sounded, and the tomb guard possessed by a mysterious strongman pointed his finger in a certain direction in the cemetery of gods and demons, and said, "My seat, in the one hundred and eighth tomb, if you want to see me, you can come here."

Feng Hao nodded and said, "Okay!"

In the cemetery of gods and demons, there was a strong suppressing force, which caused Feng Hao to run the power of the avenue, a little stagnant.

But Feng Zhou sensed it clearly, which gave him more confidence to face these terrifying existences in the cemetery of gods and demons.

The tomb keeper who was possessed by a mysterious strongman smiled slightly, then lowered his head and stopped moving.

Feng Hao glanced at it, but did not stop, and began to count one hundred and eight tombs according to the direction pointed by the other party.

Walking all the way, he finally stopped in front of a tombstone that was only half in length and was still stained with the blood of gods and demons.

Looking at this ancient tomb full of mottled traces of time, Feng Hao couldn't help frowning. the tomb of the mysterious strong man?

A power who has been buried underground for a hundred thousand years?

But there are thousands of tombs like the ancient tomb in front of me, that is to say...

How many thousand such god-level powers are buried in this cemetery of gods and demons?

Even... the existence beyond the ancestors of the gods.

Feng Hao's heart was slightly shocked, he looked at the half of the tombstone in front of him, and said: "I am here according to your instructions, then... show yourself!"


As Feng Hao's voice fell, there was a sudden movement from the tomb behind the tombstone.

boom! boom!

The movement became louder and louder, Feng Hao took two steps back.


With a bang, the tomb exploded directly, and the mud splashed, and it was only when the dust fell to the ground that Feng Hao could clearly see the real body of the mysterious strong man.

A middle-aged man with long shoulder-length hair and a tough martial arts school, his face is as pale as paper, but his figure stands upright like a javelin, and a powerful momentum goes straight to the sky.

The middle-aged man was wearing a black robe, but under the erosion of the years, this obviously extraordinary divine robe was also full of traces of the years and was in dilapidated condition.

It's just the divine light that wanders from time to time, letting people know that this divine garment is extraordinary.

Feng Hao looked at the middle-aged man quietly, although he didn't know the identity of the other party, but the camp was obviously a god.

The middle-aged man stood with his hands behind his back, one head taller than Feng Hao, slightly lowered his head and looked down at Feng Hao, and said softly: "Being able to enter the God and Demon Cemetery means that you are qualified to be promoted to a god. According to the rules of the God and Demon Cemetery, you You need to sleep for millions of years in the cemetery of gods and demons before you can wake up."

"Long sleep for a million years?"

After Feng Hao heard the middle-aged man's words, he was stunned for a moment. Was this a joke?

The middle-aged man nodded and said: "This is the rule of the cemetery of gods and demons. The thousands of ancient tombs you see now, in which gods and demons sleep forever, are all for a period of millions of years. This is the ultimate will and cannot be disobeyed. "

Feng Hao frowned and said, "What about you?"

"Me? Hehe!"

The middle-aged man looked at Feng Hao with a smile, and said: "You are chosen by this seat to replace this seat to sleep forever, take a look at the tombstone..."

Feng Hao looked at the tombstone when he heard the words, his heart sank, and he saw that there were two bright red ancient characters engraved on the half-cut tombstone: Feng Hao.

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