Martial Inverse

Chapter 891: The Ancient God King

The name left on the half of the tombstone made Feng Hao frowned, and he became more hostile towards the mysterious middle-aged man.

At this moment, Feng Hao looked at the middle-aged man with a calm expression on the premise of keeping Feng Zhou open at any time, and asked, "Why should I sleep forever in your place?"


The middle-aged man was obviously stopped by Feng Hao's words.


Feng Hao is his substitute who secretly dissuaded many powerful gods and demons and induced them to enter the cemetery of gods and demons.

Only when Feng Hao sleeps for him, can he leave the cemetery of gods and demons and travel across the world.

The cemetery of gods and demons.

It is better to say that it is a prison of gods and demons, an existence specially born for immortal gods and demons like them.


The middle-aged man laughed and looked at Feng Hao, saying: "There is no reason, since you are here, you can stay and sleep forever! Your tombstone, I have carved it for you."

"How did you know my name?"

Feng Hao was quite curious about this point, because he did not say his name from the beginning to the end.

But the other party knew it very clearly.

"This seat is a god, and there is no one in the world that this seat does not know."

The middle-aged man said softly.

And as his voice fell, where Feng Hao was standing, suddenly there were hands with slender fingers, like the hands of evil spirits, stretched out from the ground, and grabbed Feng Hao's ankles.

These hands seemed to contain the principles of the Dao, and they pulled Feng Hao down into the grave.

"What a powerful suppression!"

Feng Hao tried to break free from the shackles, but found that the ghostly hands holding his legs and ankles had a terrifying suppressive force.

It's like the hand of heaven.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man laughed and said, "Don't be stubborn, you should be thankful, you just sleep forever in place of me, if it's other gods and demons, you'd be close to death... Moreover, this seat is the ancient god king, you should feel pleasure."

Feng Hao, who was slowly sinking, shook his head, and with a thought, the half of the tombstone was directly put into Feng Zhou.


Immediately, Feng Hao's sinking figure stopped suddenly, and the pair of Daoist hands also disappeared without a sound.

Feng Hao jumped out from the ground.


The smile on the middle-aged man's face suddenly froze, and his starry eyes were full of disbelief.

He was shocked!

This half of the avenue tombstone has disappeared.

This half of the avenue tombstone is an artifact of the avenue, which can suppress the existence of gods and demons.

As long as anyone's name is engraved on it, that person will be imprisoned by heaven for millions of years, unless one day the name on the tombstone can be rewritten.

Now, however, what shocks the middle-aged man is not the disappearance of the names on the tombstones.

Instead... the entire avenue of tombstones disappeared.

Without Da Dao's tombstone, it is naturally impossible for Feng Hao to be suppressed.

"Heaven can't accept this emperor, so this emperor has no choice but to accept it. You... don't mind?"

Feng Hao stared at the middle-aged man.

Although he can't compete with the tombstone of the avenue and the god in front of him with his cultivation, Feng Zhou...

From the moment of birth, it is above the way of heaven.

As long as the tombstone is not so powerful that it surpasses the way of heaven, then Feng Hao doesn't need to worry too much.

However, in this cemetery of gods and demons, perhaps because of the Dao spar,

The induction between Fenghao and Fengzhou...

Not particularly smooth, kind of stagnant.

In this case, there is a certain chance that there is no way to communicate with the universe.

This is also why he was caught underground by the ghost just now, but it took almost a few breaths before he managed to communicate with Fengzhou and put the tombstone in.


The middle-aged man fixedly stared at Feng Hao, with a look of horror that could not be drowned in his eyes.

At first... he was possessed by the grave guard and showed great interest in Feng Hao.

Because this is the second half-step god ancestor who walked to the cemetery of gods and demons after a world lord named Xuanyuan successfully walked through Baigu Mountain hundreds of thousands of years ago.

He once guessed that there might be a great artifact in Feng Hao's body, but now it seems.

This may not be just a simple avenue artifact.

After all, the Dao artifact may not be able to make the tombstone disappear. This is the cemetery of gods and demons, and it is a law of its own.

After a long while, the middle-aged man suppressed the throbbing in his heart, stared at Feng Hao and said, "This Emperor... So, you are the Immortal Emperor?"

Feng Hao shook his head and said, "Why should you care about this? I just want to know, where is the Dao spar in the cemetery of gods and demons?"

To Feng Hao, the cemetery of gods and demons is like an existence above the ancestors of Taoism. These gods and demons...

It is also above it.

It is also true that Feng Hao is full of hope for the future and wants to climb to the top.

Therefore, this Dao spar is determined to be obtained.

Even in the face of these gods and demons, he is fearless. Feng his biggest trump card at present.

"Origin spar?"

The middle-aged man corrected Ye Lan's statement, and then said: "It didn't come here to become a god, but you came here for the source spar?"

Feng Hao said: "Yes!"

"No wonder! It will take tens of thousands of years to replace me in eternal sleep, but you gave up the opportunity to become a god after tens of thousands of years of eternal sleep. I didn't expect that you came here for the source spar. It's not a small plan."

The middle-aged man sneered and said: "This source spar is in the cemetery of gods and demons. It is the largest source spar in the world. It is in charge of the truth of life and death. Thousands of gods and demons sleep here to understand life and death. , to obtain an immortal body, you are here now, and you are also here for the source spar, but you are neither a god nor a demon, what qualifications do you have?"

"How do you know that this emperor is not qualified?"

Feng Hao looked at the middle-aged man with a smile and said: "As long as you tell me the exact location of the Dao spar, you will understand...whether I am qualified or not."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then sneered, "I don't know the exact location of the source spar, hand over the Dao artifact first."


As the middle-aged man's voice fell, a vast and terrifying force appeared out of thin air above the cemetery of gods and demons.

Then, a big hand patted it directly.

Feng Hao looked up, his eyes were cold, this was almost the scariest attack he had ever faced when he came to this world.

It seems that there is no earth-shattering momentum, but the power of the avenue contained in it is enough to destroy a planet.

With the cultivation base of the half-step Taoist ancestor, Feng Hao must have no way to compete, so he communicated with Feng Zhou with a thought.

The whole person disappeared from the cemetery of gods and demons.


The giant hand slapped down, and the entire cemetery of gods and demons trembled, and then... countless tombs collapsed.

Powerful gods and demons walked out of the tomb one by one.

There is a terrifying aura emanating from each of the powerful gods and demons, far surpassing the Taoist ancestor.

"Primeval God King, you made a mistake..."

A strong god and demon with a dark hole in his head walked towards the side of the ancient god king.

The only remaining eyeball exuded a breathtaking coldness.

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