Martial Inverse

Chapter 892 Supreme Taoist Artifact

"War King, I didn't expect you to recover..."

The Primordial God King looked at the god-fiend powerhouse with only one eyeball left, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

Known as the king of battle, the strong man of gods and demons said with a blank face: "For hundreds of thousands of years, demigods from the Xuanxian world have entered the cemetery of gods and demons. It is difficult not to wake up, but you, such a good opportunity, just missed it. ...How do you explain to the God Emperor?"

"Now is not the time to blame me, I'd better find a way to find Feng Hao. After hundreds of thousands of years, a second demigod finally entered the cemetery of gods and demons. It's time to break the original curse on us."

The ancient god king glanced at the cemetery of gods and demons, and the huge will of the god king swept out, covering almost half of the cemetery of gods and demons.

But apparently, he got nothing.

Because Feng Hao was not in the cemetery of gods and demons, at the last moment just now, Feng Hao directly entered Feng Zhou.

There was no breath of him in the whole world.

Not to mention the ancient god king, it is estimated that even the god emperor they talked about might not be able to perceive Feng Hao's existence.

After all, today's Fengzhou is not the original Fengzhou, after Fenghao realized one-third of the way of heaven.

It has already exceeded a certain range.

Without the existence of the world of birth, it is impossible to perceive the wind and universe.

Realm and strength are not on the same level at all.

"What did you find?"

The king of war with only one eye asked other strong men who came out of the tomb of gods and demons.

The other powerful gods and demons all shook their heads and said: "No trace was found, this person... seems to have disappeared from this world, leaving nothing behind."

"This person is very unusual. Xuanyuan, the lord of the Xuanxian world hundreds of thousands of years ago, never came to this step, and finally turned into the Dao. Could it be that...this person is now following Xuanyuan's footsteps?"

Some gods and demons frowned.

It's just too weird.

They are all superior to the half-step Taoist ancestors, that is, the demigod powerhouses, and they are real gods and demons.

Take control of the road.

But even so, facing Feng Hao who disappeared from the cemetery of gods and demons, he still has no clue.

The ancient god king said: "Besides the cemetery of gods and demons, the keeper of the tomb has also disappeared. I once thought that he might have an artifact of the great space on him, otherwise... it couldn't be done.

But now... this seat feels that this may not be just a space artifact. "

"What does the ancient god king mean?"

In the only remaining eyeball of the King of War, there was a slight tremor, and the eyes were already full of fire, and he said hoarsely: "That is to say, it may be... a supreme Taoist weapon?"



"The supreme Taoist artifact is conceived from the Dao of Heaven and Earth. It only exists in legends, and only in legends... the creation god who created a world is eligible to possess it."


The powerful gods and demons gasped one by one, their eyes already full of horror.

This is beyond their cognition.

But the matter has come to this point, Feng Hao disappeared from the cemetery of gods and demons, and he is no longer hidden in the Three Realms and Five Elements at all.

Obviously, this is the only explanation.

It's just that this explanation is too scary, even if they live the same life as the world, they can't hide the shock in their hearts at this moment.

The Primordial God King nodded, and said: "The King of War is right, Feng Hao may really have such a supreme Taoist weapon!"

"Then what to do now?"

"Supreme Dao Artifact, if we can get it,

Get rid of the cemetery of gods and demons, from now on...we will redefine the whole world, let everything...return to the prehistoric, and we...are the Lord of the Myriad Worlds. "

Every one of the gods and demons is already hungry and thirsty.

They are gearing up, wishing they could get Feng Hao out now, and then forcibly deprive Feng Hao of his Dao weapon, laughing at the world.


"Supreme Dao Artifact?"

Feng Hao in Feng Zhou stood with his hands behind his back on the top of the mountain inserted into the sea of ​​clouds, beside him were the demon god Chi You, the Yaoshuai Li Renchou, and Ye Chen.

But above the void in front of them, the scene in the cemetery of gods and demons emerged.

Every move of the powerful gods and demons is under the control of Feng Hao and others.

"Fengdi, what the hell are you talking about, what kind of supreme Taoist artifact?"

The demon god Chi You couldn't help but want to laugh, a group of terrifying and terrifying gods and demons have come to such a conclusion.

It's ridiculous.

Could it be that it is so difficult to guess that Feng Hao created a world of his own?

Or, do you not believe that a strong demigod can create a universe?

Feng Hao shook his head and said: "Although I have never seen it, but... since the supreme Taoist artifact exists, then... there must be such a thing."

"Fengdi, you... don't you think so?"

The demon god Chi You stared at him, hearing Feng Hao's words, it seemed that Feng Hao was moved by the Supreme Taoist Artifact.


A smile appeared on Feng Hao's face.

Demon God Chi You and Yao Shuai Li Renchou saw the curved corner of Feng Hao's mouth, and their bodies trembled at that moment.

Obviously, Feng Hao was really tempted.

At the same time, Feng Hao said loudly in Feng Zhou: "This emperor is waiting for you here at the Dao spar... If you want the supreme Taoist weapon, just come!"

Feng Hao felt that since it would not work outright, it could only be done secretly.

Dao spar, take it first as a respect.

Since the ancient god king refused to say where the Dao spar was, then... he could only use this method.



"It's his voice! Where did it come from?"

The powerful gods and demons heard Feng Hao's voice, and suddenly drifted in the cemetery of gods and demons without warning.

They came from all directions, and all of them looked moved at that time.

However, when they heard Feng Hao say that the Supreme Dao Artifact could be obtained from the Dao spar, their eyes instantly turned red.

Can't wait.

The ancient god king said in a deep voice: "As expected of the owner of the supreme Taoist artifact, I even found the source spar."

The King of War said indifferently: "Since he is at the source spar, then... I will go there later, this supreme Taoist artifact is bound to be obtained!"

After they heard Feng Hao's words, especially the four words Supreme Dao Qi, they carried infinite magic power.

This made them have a moment, and they didn't have the energy to think about whether Feng Hao's words might induce them.

I only know...go to the source spar, Feng Hao, with the Supreme Taoist Artifact, is waiting for them there.



At that time, every one of the powerful gods and demons, fearing that they would be late, entered the depths of the cemetery of gods and demons almost immediately after Feng Hao's voice fell.

The speed was so fast that Feng Hao, who was in the wind, couldn't help being speechless.

"It's really a group of crazy gods and demons..."

Feng Hao controlled Feng Zhou and followed closely behind these gods and demons. With these strong gods and demons leading the way, Feng Hao was much more relaxed.

The Primordial God King and War King could doubt his words and choose the wrong place, but these powerful gods and demons...

Obviously didn't think that much.

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