Martial Inverse

Chapter eight hundred and ninety third: Undoubted death

"If you're not crazy, you can't survive!"

The demon god Chi You smiled lightly, following Feng Hao, looking at the gods and demons with a god-like vision, he felt extremely comfortable.

Talking and laughing are calm and breezy.

Yao Shuai Li Renchou looked at the Demon God Chi You with a smile at this moment, a knowing smile appeared in his eyes...

And this scene happened to be seen by Feng Hao, at that time... the whole person was stunned.

There was a thunderbolt in my mind.

What kind of look is this?

Co-authoring these two guys, in his universe, what kind of relationship has developed?

Feng Hao had a terrible toothache.

"Fengdi, what's wrong with you?"

Yaoshuai Li Renchou found Feng Hao staring at him with a strange expression, so he asked respectfully.


Feng Hao shook his head and said, "I don't know if there is a question, should I ask it?"

Yaoshuai Li Renchou was stunned for a moment, and said: "What does Emperor Feng say, you can ask, you know everything, and you can talk endlessly."

"very good!"

Feng Hao nodded slightly, and then said via voice transmission: "What is your relationship with Chi You...?"


Yaoshuai Li Renchou's expression suddenly changed, his face flushed immediately, and then he said via voice transmission: "We are sincere."

"I'm rough!"

Feng Hao was struck by lightning at that time, and he stared at Yao Shuai Li Renchou with dumbfounded eyes.

Even, I felt a group of grass mud horses flying over my head.

Yao Shuai Li Renchou found that Feng Hao's eyes were not quite right, and quickly explained: "To tell the truth to Emperor Feng, in fact... I am a woman."


After Feng Hao heard Li Renchou's words, he was taken aback for a moment.


He looked at Li Renshou's chest that was as flat as a plain, including that face that looked like a man, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

Co-authored... Chi You, the devil god, likes this kind of taste?

However, after carefully observing Li Renchou's words, Feng Hao found that Li Renchou's appearance was still somewhat delicate.

Since Li Renchou and the demon god Chi You are sincere, Feng Hao can't say much.

Free love!

The premise is that these two people must not be fundamental, after all, he doesn't want the yin and yang inside to be out of balance before the wind and universe are fully developed...


At the same time, in the cemetery of gods and demons, all the powerful gods and demons rushed towards a certain direction.

Each perform supernatural powers.

Feng Hao controls Feng Zhou and always follows behind these powerful gods and demons.

Until a certain moment, Feng Hao suddenly felt a special Dao rhyme, and not far away from the sky of the cemetery of gods and demons, a beam of light piercing into the sky appeared in his eyes.

"That's where the Dao spar is?"

Feng Hao's eyes flickered,

Judging from the direction in which these powerful gods and demons are traveling, the place where the beam of light is located is very likely to be the location of the avenue spar.

Demon God Chi You and Yao Shuai Li Renchou also stared at the beam of light with wide eyes at this time.

There was some expectation in my heart for no reason.

From their point of view, as long as Feng Hao realizes this piece of Dao spar again, then Feng Zhou... will be one step closer to the great achievement.

And the laws they have comprehended will become more perfect, and it is not impossible to become the pioneer gods of the universe by then, and it is not impossible to traverse all worlds.

They and Feng Hao both prosper and lose together.

So I can't wait for Feng Hao to get the Dao spar now, and then perfect enlightenment.



Soon, the gods and demons arrived at the location of the beam of light and stopped here. At the same time, they released their thoughts of gods and demons one by one, looking for Fenghao and the supreme Taoist artifact hidden here.

"Don't look for it, he's not here, we've all been cheated."

At this time, the King of War and the King of Immemorial God came out of the mist, and both of them looked unhappy.

Obviously they had come a long time ago, and there was no trace of Feng Hao at all.


"Impossible, if he's not here, how would he know where the origin spar is?"

"That's right!"

Every one of the gods and demons was a little upset at that time.

The King of War and the King of Immemorial Gods are the two top powerhouses in the cemetery of gods and demons, and they arrived much faster than them.

Who knows if there is any agreement reached between them.

This matter is related to the Supreme Taoist Artifact, no one will not be tempted, and there is no guarantee that these two powerful men will monopolize this Supreme Taoist Artifact.

The Primordial God King frowned and said: "We were deceived by him... From the very beginning, he didn't know the location of the original spar, the cemetery of gods and demons, and outsiders couldn't perceive it at all. Only us gods and demons can perceive it. If he If you really have the Supreme Dao Artifact, then... we have attracted him here."


"Wouldn't that have exposed the original spar?"

A group of powerful gods and demons became nervous at that time.

But at this moment, Zhan Wang said with a smile: "What does it matter? What is the difference between whether he is here or not? Whether we attract him or not, he will come... the end of coming, only One, and that is death."


The powerful gods and demons were stunned for a moment, and then they all shook their heads and laughed.


No matter what, as long as that windy feeling comes here, the end is death.

Didn't they chase after him just to kill Feng Hao?

Therefore, no matter whether Feng Hao came earlier or was attracted, he would die.

The Primordial God King glanced at Zhan Wang and said, "Does Zhan Wang think this guy is a fool? If he is not absolutely sure, he will take risks? You know, he can even take away the tombstone of the Dao."



After hearing the words of the ancient god king, the eyes of all the gods and demons almost popped out.

The avenue tombstone is the only existence that can suppress them except for the Supreme Dao Artifact, and the guy who broke into the cemetery of gods and demons can even take away this existence.

That would be too scary!

The smile on Zhan Wang's face was restrained, this... he didn't know.

But since Feng Hao was able to do this, it must be because of the supreme Taoist weapon. In this regard, Zhan Wang quietly breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It's okay, a demigod like him can only use it once or twice at most." No matter how many Supreme Dao Artifacts there are, they won’t be able to be driven, as long as he will definitely die!"


The powerful gods and demons who were still a little flustered all let out a long breath at that time.

How could a demigod use the Supreme Dao Artifact so many times?

Therefore, most of them are scaring themselves.

"Since that kid hasn't left the cemetery of gods and demons, where is he now? Without the help of the Supreme Dao Artifact, with our strength, we can disperse and find him easily!"

A strong man of gods and demons spoke.

"That's right!"

"The demigod's intrusion into the cemetery of gods and demons can be regarded as fulfilling the prophecy of the year. This is unknown, and he must die..."

Every one of the gods and demons is strong, and the eyes are shining repeatedly...

And at this moment, Feng Hao's voice sounded again: "I want to hear what the prophecy was... Is there any senior god and demon who can tell me?"

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