Martial Inverse

Chapter 895 Contest

Feng Zhou was marked by the King of War, the Primordial God King, and other powerful gods and demons.

Feng Hao wants to withdraw, but there is only one choice.

That is to let Feng Zhou disconnect from this world, but... In this way, it may be difficult to find the coordinates of this world again.

Feng Hao dare not take this risk.

You can't take it either.

After all, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu are still in Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, and Yang Jian, Monkey King, Bull Demon King and others are also there.

"Fengdi, these powerful gods and demons, there is something!"

The demon god Chi You looked at Feng Hao, a little flustered in his heart.

Being able to lock onto the existence of Feng Zhou, this strength... cannot be underestimated.

Feng Hao said: "It won't last long, they burn their souls, and what they consume is themselves."

Compared with being locked in the universe, the King of War and the King of Immemorial Gods themselves will face more serious damage.

Injure the enemy eight hundred, and self-injury one thousand.


And at this time, the powerful gods and demons in the cemetery of gods and demons also saw the connection between Feng Zhou and this world.

It was a golden dot, as small as one millionth of a grain of dust, an existence that could not be detected by naked eyes or spiritual thoughts.

But after burning the divine essence, the naked eye can see the microcosm, and only then can it be seen clearly.

"One grain of sand, one world, one tree, one bodhi..."

The Primordial God King murmured in a low voice, and then joined forces with the King of War, and the Law of the Great Dao fought out one by one.

Directly lock the wind.

"What about the strong gods and demons? Do you think you can fight against the power of the world?"

Feng Hao sneered, letting these Dao laws strike at the point where Feng Zhou connects with this world.

Under the bombardment of these avenue laws,

Feng Zhou, which has not yet matured, has been somewhat affected.

For example, some ecological balance in the wind universe suddenly became chaotic.

While Feng Hao was controlling Feng Zhou, he said to the demon god Chi You and Yao Shuai Liren: "You two, restore order and balance, and I will defend against these avenues..."

"Okay, Fengdi!"


The demon god Chi You and the Yaoshuai are worried about people, and they dare not be careless and neglectful.

They have been cultivating in Fengzhou for so many years, but in fact they have already participated in good fortune, and with the completion of Fengzhou, their cultivation has improved rapidly.

In Feng Zhou, they... seem to be equivalent to Taoist ancestors.

It is not difficult to restore the chaotic balance order.

Although Feng Hao can also do it, he must wholeheartedly face the attacks of powerful gods and monsters such as Zhan Wang and the ancient god king.

This point is especially important.

"As expected of the Supreme Dao Artifact..."

The Primordial God King was very excited, and the King of War beside him was also very hungry and thirsty.

Although those powerful gods and demons have hot eyes, they can only sigh in awe when faced with the tyrannical strength of the War King and the Primordial God King.

The burning of the gods is still going on, and the bombardment of the law of the great way has not stopped, and it even has a tendency to intensify.

The fighting power of the King of War and the King of Immemorial Gods has been rising steadily, but they have suffered from those powerful gods and demons.

They were forced to burn their divine essence and dedicate it to the war king and the ancient god king.

They will also suffer the most.

But the good thing is that they may not have their share in the end, but the matter has come to this point, and it is already involuntary.

We can only hope that the King of War and the Immemorial God King will quickly seize the Supreme Taoist Artifact and kill the demigod who broke into the cemetery of gods and demons.


The laws of the avenue are intertwined, the cemetery of gods and demons is in turmoil, and even... the sky above the entire Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

It's all a horrible vision.

The ten fireballs even released flowing fire, which fell from the nine heavens, and many sacred mountains in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm burned.

Some immortal sects were directly hit by the sky fire and instantly burned.

The fire was so powerful that it could not be extinguished at all.

For a moment... the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm was like a doomsday scene, and many Xianzong experts were stunned.

This sudden disaster was something they had never imagined.

At the same time, the main hall of Yuhua Emperor Sect also welcomed many representatives of Shenzong and Xianzong.

They gathered together, and they were all discussing why the Fire Demon above the nine heavens suddenly descended on Liuhuo.

This kind of divine fire is hard to extinguish.

It looks like a catastrophe in the God Realm.

A representative of Shenzong said: "This matter may have something to do with the previous emperors of the Shenzong who went to the Nine Heavens to eliminate the fire demon?"

This statement was affirmed by many representatives at that time.

It must be that they offended the fire demon, and then the punishment was imposed. For a while... the representatives of the Xianzong and Shenzong couldn't help feeling panic.

The fire demon above the nine heavens must not be provoked.


Feng Hao knew nothing about what happened in Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, he fully controlled Feng Zhou, and the power of the world poured out.

A barrier was formed to resist the bombardment of countless Dao laws.

However, a small part still infiltrated into the universe, but fortunately, the demon god Chi You and the Yaoshuai Li Renchou took action.

The disturbed balance was quickly restored.

"What the hell is going on? Why has Feng Hao been able to control the supreme Taoist weapon for so long?"

There was a huge wave in the heart of the ancient god king.

As time went by, he felt more and more scary.

I thought that the Supreme Dao Artifact mastered by Feng Hao would not be able to last too many rounds, but I didn't expect...

This supreme Taoist artifact is in Feng Hao's hands, as if it has inexhaustible energy, and Feng Hao can control it casually.

Otherwise, it is impossible to persist until now.

The King of War said: "It can't be done, some gods and demons have been burned to death, but... still haven't broken through."

Many gods and demons were sucked dry by them.

But it still hasn't made much progress, although it seems that the origin of this supreme Taoist weapon has been shaken.

But... In fact, the Supreme Taoist Artifact didn't show any signs of being broken.

At this moment, Feng Hao is also under tremendous pressure, if he hadn't used all his strength to combine the perception of the Dao spar with Feng Zhou...

Forcibly evolving a defender's front, I am afraid that this unfinished wind and universe will probably be broken up.

Of course, the continuous blessing of Feng Zhou's world power is also due to the dedication of the demon god Chi You and the Yaoshuai Li Renchou.

Otherwise, the universe will lose its balance, and the power of the world will no longer be solidified.

The consequence is that it is simply unable to withstand the bombardment of the Law of the Great Dao.


Feng Hao saw that the aura of the Zhan Wang and the Immemorial God King was constantly decreasing sharply.

Many powerful gods and demons died directly.

Feng Hao knew that it was time to end.

At that time, Feng Hao controlled Feng Zhou to transfer positions, while the King of War and the King of Immemorial Gods, under the premise that the abyss was sharply reduced.

It has been impossible to completely lock the location of Feng Zhou.

Eyes blurred.

Before he could react in the future, Zhan Wang found a black stone tablet and threw it directly at his face.



The head of the King of War was hit by half of the stone tablet at that time, and his whole figure was shaking, and the thunder resounded in his mind.

"It turned out to be a stone stele..."

The seven orifices of the King of War were full of smoke, and when he grabbed the stone tablet of the avenue with his big hand, and then stretched out his hand...

The avenue stele suddenly disappeared.


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