Martial Inverse

Chapter 896: Unknown Omen


Zhan Wang grabbed the air with one hand, was slightly stunned, then became angry from embarrassment, and shouted: "If you have the ability to come out, you are timid, what kind of demigod?"


In the void, the half stone tablet of Wumingshi reappeared on top of Zhan Wang's head, and when it hit it, there was a heaven-shaking sound.

At that time, half of the head of the King of War was almost shattered, and the cracks like spider webs were densely covered.

"Damn it!"

The king of war hopped his feet angrily.

This Feng Hao is simply too disgusting, if he has the ability to show up and confront him face to face, what kind of god is he sneaking around?

"I'm here to help you!"

The Primordial God King couldn't stand it any longer. Zhan Wang's half-headed body was obviously not working well. If it went on like this, he might be shocked to death by the Dao Stone Stele.

call out!

The Primordial God King appeared next to the King of War, his divine sense locked onto Feng Zhou, and he saw energy fluctuations coming.

Apart from anything else, a Dao Law greeted the past.


The law collided with the stone tablet of the avenue, and there was a deafening sound above the altar of the cemetery of gods and demons.

Like the sound of the avenue.

A certain strong man covered his ears: "Ah, such a powerful Dao impact, the ancient god king is so terrifying?"

In addition, a powerful god and demon said: "It is true that the ancient god king is terrifying, but the demigod who masters the supreme Taoist weapon is even more terrifying..."

Feng Hao is more than terrifying.

In Fengzhou, it is inherently beneficial to the invincible place, if it is not for the cemetery of gods and demons, it can suppress the connection between Fengzhou and the cemetery of gods and demons.

He is not so embarrassed.

In order to avoid the law attack of the gods and demons, the burning gods, so that the demon god Chi You and the Yaoshuai can help him out of his worries.

If this is known by friends in the world,

I'm afraid I'm going to laugh at him, the majestic master of the world.

It would even come to this point.

This time the sneak attack was unsuccessful, and Feng Hao was not discouraged. The moment the avenue stone tablet was retracted, it disappeared again.

Now, there are gods and demons who have burnt out their gods and died, causing the advantages of the war king and the ancient god king to gradually weaken.

It is basically impossible to lock Feng Zhou again now.

In the universe.

Feng Hao stood on the top of Fengzhou Mountain, looked at the scene of the cemetery of gods and demons emerging from the void, and said with a chuckle, "You said... Did I overestimate them?"

Before, Feng Hao was shocked by the land of gods and demons in the land of cliffs, which was indeed extremely strong.

In fact...

The King of War and the King of Immemorial Gods are indeed unmatched in power, even if a hundred half-step ancestors join forces, it may not be able to please them.

And Feng Hao... was also facing the situation of Feng Zhou being suppressed, and he couldn't sense it for a while.

So preconceived, I felt that these powerful gods and demons were extremely perverted.

But until this time, Feng Hao didn't understand.

It is not these gods and demons that are powerful, but... the cemetery of gods and demons.

The pressure he has been feeling all this time, to be precise, is not these powerful gods and demons, but the cemetery of gods and demons.


This is not to say that the revived gods and demons in the cemetery of gods and demons are not powerful.

Quite the opposite.

They are extremely powerful, even if a god and demon walks out of the cemetery of gods and demons, it will definitely run rampant in the Xuanxian ancestral world.

Almost no one can compete.

Even Feng Hao must rely on the power of Feng Zhou to suppress it.

These gods and demons are strong.

Already equivalent to Daozu.

The demon god Chi You and the Yaoshuai separated from others and stabilized the universe.

After the two heard Feng Hao's words, Chi You laughed and said, "It's not overestimated, they are really powerful..."

Li Renchou nodded and said: "Speaking of which, Emperor Feng, they... are already contending with a world."

Isn't Fengzhou just a world?


Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing.


The universe is not a Taoist tool, it is a world.

It is indeed extremely terrifying for these powerful gods and demons to be able to contend against the power of a world.


There are always people who better than you.


At this time, the state of the King of War and the King of Primordial Gods is not bad, but the side effects of burning the gods and demons are too great.

One by one was depressed.

He clamored to return to the tomb again and sleep forever to recover his spirit.

At this time, they can't care about any supreme Taoist artifacts, the most important thing is to survive first.

The Primordial God King and War King couldn't say anything, they could only watch these powerful gods and demons leave.

"Feng Hao, I know you are right next to you, can you come out, this seat... will never make a move, I will discuss important matters with you."

The ancient god king suddenly looked in all directions in the void.

He didn't know exactly where Feng Hao was, but he firmly believed that Feng Hao was observing his and Zhan Wang's every move.

"What's up?"

It is impossible for Feng Hao to go out and leave Feng Zhou. He is definitely not the opponent of the ancient god king and the war king.

To go out is to give away the head.

"Come out." The ancient king said.

"This emperor can see you and communicate with you. If you have anything to say, just say it. It doesn't matter if this emperor goes out or not."

Feng Hao didn't believe that the guy who wanted to take his life just a second ago would calm down and discuss things with him.


The Primordial God King knew that Feng Hao was unlikely to come out, so he thought about it and said, "Didn't you want to know what the prophecy of the Gods and Demons Cemetery is?"


Feng Hao raised his brows, this sentence can be said to have reached his heart.

The powerful gods and demons were discussing this issue before, and Feng Hao was very interested in it.

Why did he respond to the ominous signs they said when he entered the cemetery of gods and demons?

This is unknown, and it is obviously not good for these powerful gods and demons.

Otherwise, it is not unknown.

But good luck.

"If you want to know, just show up!"

The ancient god king said seriously.

At this time, the King of War also said loudly: "Now, there are only me and the ancient god king here. You might as well show up and sit down for a chat."

Feng Hao was a little moved.

Seeing that Feng Hao was a little moved, the demon god Chi You quickly dissuaded him: "Feng Emperor, no, this cemetery of gods and demons is not simple, and with their strength, if they go out, they may change."

Yao Shuai Li Renchou doesn't want Feng Hao to go out either.

In Feng Zhou, Invincible is inherently beneficial to manipulating the avenue stele in the cemetery of gods and demons, and he can smash whoever he wants.

Even the king of war will be deflated.


Feng Hao finally decided to leave Feng Zhou.

His purpose is the avenue spar in the cemetery of gods and demons, and he always has to go out. Now the king of war and the king of ancient gods are no longer in their peak state, and he is closely connected with Feng Zhou.

A single thought can almost enter the universe.


Feng Hao disappeared into the universe of wind and appeared in the cemetery of gods and demons, hundreds of meters away from the king of war and the king of ancient gods.

This distance is useless.

It's just a thought, a momentary effort.

"Now that the Emperor has appeared, you can speak." Feng Hao looked at the Primordial God King.

What is the unknown in the mouth of the strong man of gods and demons?

This interested him quite a bit.

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