Martial Inverse

Chapter eight hundred and ninety seventh: Heavenly catastrophe


The King of War and the Immemorial God King were stunned when they saw Feng Hao appearing out of thin air...

This method, if it is a demigod powerhouse, can it be done?

When did the Supreme Dao Artifact allow the demigod powerhouse to squander it at will?

In the altar of the cemetery of gods and demons, there are only two strong men left at the moment, the King of War and the King of Immemorial Gods, and Feng Hao is alone.

Originally, with the psychology of Zhan Wang and the ancient god king eager to obtain the supreme Taoist weapon, if we don't seize the opportunity to suppress Feng Hao at this time, I am afraid that there will be no chance in the future.

But... when Feng Hao really appeared alone, the two powerful gods and demons were still a little bit weak.

It's an amazing feeling.

It was as if two tigers felt guilty when they saw a rabbit.

"Huh? Is it convenient to say?"

Feng Hao had nothing to worry about, and looked at the Primordial God King with ease and indifference.

The ancient god king and the war king looked at each other, and their eyes fell on Feng Hao, saying: "It doesn't matter if this prophecy tells you, when a demigod powerhouse steps into the cemetery of gods and demons, the fire demon will revive, and the fairy world will be destroyed." fall from the sky……"

When he said these words, the Immemorial God King looked extremely dignified, and there seemed to be thousands of ways of evolution in the depths of his eyes.

Feng Hao: "..."

After Feng Hao heard the words of the ancient god king, he was stunned for a moment, of course he knew what the fire demon was.

It refers to the ten suns outside the ninth heaven of Xuanxian Ancestral Realm. They are said to be suns, but in fact... they are just very large fireballs.

But the ancient god king said that after the fireball revives, the fairy world will fall... Feng Hao still believes this to a certain extent.

After all, before coming to Tianmo Mountain, Emperor Yuhua and the other emperors of the Nine Great Divine Sects had gone to the Nine Heavens.

That place was indeed extremely dangerous, just the light emitted by the fireball almost killed Luo Tian.


If this fireball really descends on Xuanxian Ancestral Realm,

I'm afraid... the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm may really be erased.


What Feng Hao wondered was why the fireball revived when a strong demigod broke into the cemetery of gods and demons?

Besides... Even if a strong demigod entered the cemetery of gods and demons, it was the ancient god king who led the way and let him in.

What's more, the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm disappeared, which is also unknown for the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm. When will it be the turn of the Gods and Demons Cemetery?

"Before this, who was it? Let me lead me into the cemetery of gods and demons?"

Feng Hao looked at Zhan Wang and the ancient god king.

The war king looked at the ancient god king.


The Primordial God King was speechless at the time, he was luring Feng Hao into the God and Demon Cemetery, but...

This is to replace his eternal sleep.

But in his opinion, breaking into the cemetery of gods and demons and luring him into the cemetery of gods and demons are two different concepts.

The ominous omen is that a strong demigod broke into the cemetery of gods and demons.


It wasn't until he fought Feng Hao head-on that the Primordial God-King realized that... that ominous sign might really be coming.

"It's just a prophecy, if it's not true, don't worry about it!"

The King of War comforted him.


However, as soon as the King of War's words fell, a deafening explosion erupted in the cemetery of gods and demons.


The Primordial God King's heart suddenly thumped, with a strong premonition.

Even Feng Hao, the moment the explosion sounded, his scalp could not help but tingle. It was placed on the earth, as if he had been bombarded suddenly.

Still that kind of powerful shell.

The King of War closed his eyes, communicated with the tomb guard outside the cemetery of gods and demons, and then...

He saw a most terrible scene.

The sea of ​​corpses and bones outside the cemetery of gods and demons is igniting a raging fire.



One after another sky fires fell from the nine heavens, like meteorites falling from the sky, and the sea of ​​fire spread in the sea of ​​corpses and bones in an instant.

The tomb guards came out of the ground one after another, and their powerful strength finally formed a curtain of the avenue to resist the coming of the sky fire.

At the same time, the spread of the sea of ​​fire was isolated.

"It came really fast...Hundreds of thousands of years ago, that boy Xuanyuan broke into the cemetery of gods and demons, causing nine new fire demons to be born in Jiuchongtian. Now it's fine... Another one broke in and started to kill it. "

Seeing this scene, the Primordial God King couldn't help but get hot.

to be frank……

He regretted luring Feng Hao in, he thought...Feng Hao had a Dao weapon in his body, so he suppressed it first and then forcibly took away the Dao weapon.

What could be the risk?

Who knew...but it would have such a big consequence.

Although he didn't want to admit that this incident happened because of him, in fact, he really couldn't get away with it.

With only half of his head left, the one-eyed King of War flashed a strange light, and then he looked at Feng Hao suddenly and said, "Leaving the cemetery of gods and demons, maybe... there is still salvation."


Feng Hao originally thought that if Zhan Wang and the ancient god king lured him out, a big battle would be inevitable.

Unexpectedly, the cemetery of gods and demons suddenly suffered such a catastrophe.

Moreover, looking at the meaning of the King of War, it seems that because he is in the cemetery of gods and demons, the fireball of the nine heavens will revive and rain down the sky fire.

From Feng Hao's point of view, if the fireball really wanted to be conscious, it would definitely not be so easy for the representatives of their Shenzong to leave when they went to Jiuchongtian. was the War King and the Primordial God King just now, including those powerful gods and demons who burned their divine essence.

That aura went straight to the ninth heaven, which caused all this to happen.

The so-called prophecy, Feng Hao thinks, is a simple calculation, such as outsiders entering the cemetery of gods and demons.

The purpose must be to rush to the Dao spar.

Then... There must be a tough battle between the strong gods and demons and the strong who broke in.

When this tough battle breaks out, the aura will surely shake the heavens and the earth, causing an imbalance in some aspects, and causing the phenomenon of heaven and earth, which is also reasonable.

Feng Hao has never believed in any prophecy, in his opinion, this is a kind of arithmetic method.

"Aren't you going to keep this emperor?"

Feng Hao looked at Zhan Wang with a smile, and to be honest...he didn't want to leave now.

The ancient god king said: "Miscalculation, you are not an ordinary demigod at all."

In fact, if Feng Hao hadn't been so powerful, maybe he would have been fine.

The issue is!

Feng Hao is simply too weird. They tried their best to suppress him.

In the end, it also caused this to happen.

At the same time, Feng Hao suddenly felt a weak fluctuation coming from Feng Zhou.

Feeling carefully, it turned out to be the idea of ​​Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu.

in danger?

Feng Hao raised his brows, he wondered if the Emperor Emperor's side would also suffer this kind of impact.

If that's the case,'s really bad luck.

"Avenue spar!"

Feng Hao didn't care so much at the moment, and immediately disappeared in place.

After entering Fengzhou, head towards the bottom of the altar in the cemetery of gods and demons, and then directly plunder.

"Where are people?"

"I'm stupid, he... he wouldn't want to pay attention to the original spar, killing a thousand swords, he is simply a lunatic..."

The ancient god king thought of something, and suddenly his expression changed drastically.

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