Martial Inverse

Eight hundred and ninetieth eight chapters retreat

"You mean?"

The Queen of War realized it later, and then seemed to think of something, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

Obviously, Feng Hao is running for the origin spar.

Seeing that Zhan Wang was still in a daze, the Primordial God King said with a dark face, "What are you still doing in a daze? Go and stop it!"

They don't want the Supreme Taoist Artifact anymore.

Even the Burning Divine Yuan failed to suppress Feng Hao, and now they... How dare they say that they are mere demigods, not worth mentioning.

The only thing I think about now is to let Feng Hao leave the cemetery of gods and demons as soon as possible, so as not to be severely injured by the fire demon.

"Uh, yes! Yes! Stop it!"


The Zhan Dynasty swept in the direction of the altar of the cemetery of gods and demons, followed by the ancient god king, and the two great god kings, at this time, fine sweat dripped from their foreheads.

If the laws of the cemetery of gods and demons break down this time, and the god emperor is born...they will definitely not have good fruit to eat.

In a more serious situation, for example, if the source spar is stolen by Feng Hao, then...they also dig a hole by themselves from time to time, and sleep forever...

The kind that never wakes up.

"What kind of supreme Taoist weapon is this son? It's simply too terrifying."

The Primordial God King still couldn't understand how Feng Hao, a mere demigod in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, got such a treasure.

Even, it can be perfectly controlled.

It wasn't until they burned their divine essence that they could catch a trace.

When the Primordial God King and War King entered under the altar and saw that there was nothing under the altar, the two of them felt as if their heads had been hammered.

My brain buzzed.


The source spar, which was more than ten feet high, disappeared, and the bottom of the altar was empty, not even a single stone remained.

"Ah... Feng Hao!"

The ancient god king suddenly shouted wildly,

The beard and hair are all stretched out, and the whole person looks crazy.

"Unforgivable, unforgivable!"

Zhan Wangqi's body trembled, unexpectedly they came one step too late after all, and the source spar was directly taken away by Feng Hao.

The key point is that there is no movement at all, and the speed is really fast.

It's simply impossible to guard against.

The ancient god king stood under the empty altar, his head was blank, the original spar that had nourished them for millions of years was just stolen by Feng Hao.

The King of War scolded: "Shameless, I have never seen such a brazen person."

"What's the use of scolding? The origin spar is gone, what you should think about is, how will I explain to the God Emperor..." the Immemorial God King said in a deep voice.

"Let's just say it was stolen. This kid has the Supreme Dao Artifact, who can stop him?"

The King of War didn't feel that this matter had much to do with them.

The enemy is too strong, and there is nothing they can do.

Moreover, that is still the Supreme Taoist Artifact, even if the burning divine essence can't be suppressed, what else can it do? It's not that they did it on purpose.

The ancient god king looked at the cemetery of gods and demons dyed red by the sky fire, and was silent for a while, before speaking after a long time: "The source spar was taken away by Feng Hao, it is not all a bad thing for us, at least, losing the source Crystal stone, the laws of the cemetery of gods and demons will be broken, this body is free..."

The King of War froze for a moment, then nodded.

This should be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

They are free!

But after thinking about it like this, King Zhan suddenly realized that he didn't seem to hate Feng Hao too much!

He even felt that Feng Hao helped him escape.

In the end, the Primordial God King said: "Wait... The God Emperor must be coming back soon, prepare to deal with the catastrophe of heaven and earth!"

The war king didn't speak.

A ray of light shot out from the only remaining eyeball...


At the same time, Feng Hao, who took away the avenue spar under the altar, used Feng Zhou to leave the cemetery of gods and demons without any hindrance.

Even... passing through the sky fire falling from the Nine Heavens, there is no problem.

In the next second, Feng Hao appeared on the cliff.

That is Tianmo Mountain.

At this moment, Tianmo Mountain is also in a mess. Many of the hilltops of the half-step Taoist ancestors are now burned bare by the sky fire. This kind of sky fire, even the tomb guards of the cemetery of the gods and demons can compete, and the half-step Taoist ancestor can be alone. easy.

The cultivation base is not bad.

However, compared with the Gods and Demons Cemetery, Tianmo Mountain has received less impact.

"There is no half-step Taoist ancestor fall in Tianmo Mountain, which means that the sky fire is mainly concentrated in the cemetery of gods and demons... These guys still call themselves gods and demons... Even the sky fire can't stand it anymore."

Feng Hao is in a good mood now.

Because the purpose of this trip has been achieved, and also... there is an unexpected harvest, that is, knowing that there are still such a group of old immortals in the cemetery of gods and demons.

I just don't know if those bigwigs in Xuanxian Ancestral Realm know about it.

"Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu asked me to rush back to the Yuhua Emperor Sect... But let's take a look at Luo Fan first. After all, this is a great way to spare, so we can't let him have an accident."

Feng Hao murmured in a low voice.

Then, with the help of Feng Zhou, he fled to the mountain where Luo Fan and the group of half-step ancestors were.

On the Guya Peak of Tianmo Mountain, this was originally the hilltop of Emeritus Emperor Li Chongyang, but now it has no owner. What is even more amazing is that other hilltops have been ravaged by sky fire.

Only Guya Peak was intact.

At this time, on the Guya Peak, a half-step Taoist ancestor shook his head and sighed: "Great calamity, this is a great calamity!"

"What kind of bullshit calamity, isn't it just the fire demon in the Nine Layers of Heaven, whose strength is getting stronger and stronger. The fire of the sky will come with it, and there will be a day when it will be exhausted."

"That's the way it is said, all energy will be exhausted one day, but... Feng Hao entered the precipice and has not returned yet. I'm afraid it will be bad luck."

"This has nothing to do with us. It's not that we forced him to go to the cliff. He thinks he can be as powerful as the world lord Xuanyuan. It's no wonder we are going to find the Dao spar."

One and a half Taoist ancestors, every word you say to me, there is a trace of melancholy in the brows.

Everything was fine.

Suddenly, fire fell from the sky, like the scene of the end of the world.

At this moment, Luo Fan who was in the corner said, "Feng Hao... will be fine."



"That's how you understand, kid? Even the world lord Xuanyuan entered the cliff, and was forced to survive in the form of the Dao of Incarnation. He Feng he more powerful than the world lord Xuanyuan?"

Some half-step Daozu thought it was funny.

Even the world masters didn't end well. A half-step Dao ancestor who was slightly stronger than them could retreat completely?

Although they don't know what lies at the end of the cliff, but for millions of years, countless immortals and gods have been buried at the bottom of the cliff.

Even what existed below did not bring out any valuable clues.

"That being said, but... Feng Hao will definitely not perish."

Luo Fan said seriously.

He didn't know where the confidence came from, but he just felt... Feng Hao would not fall so easily.

Some people don't look strong, but he just doesn't have any worries about his life.

And at this moment, Feng Hao's voice also suddenly sounded above Guya Peak: "Luo Fan, it seems that you still know me quite well?"

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