Martial Inverse

Chapter 991: Sending the Bull Head

The top of the Alps.

Countless mysterious divine lines connect the sky and the earth, turning into three powerful formations, sealing the space passages in the sky.

However, at this time, in the three passages, black light surged, vaguely showing signs of breaking through the seal. Powerful spatial fluctuations continued to diffuse from the seal as the formation trembled.

In mid-air, Yuanshi Tianzun and other powerful members of the Dragon Soul Alliance looked dignified. They naturally understood how strong the seal they jointly laid was. If they were able to break through their seal, there might be a terrifying existence behind this passage.

"What level of existence will come this time..."

Yuanshi Tianzun sighed softly, with a look of powerlessness on his face.

Fortunately, there is Feng Hao in the Dragon Soul Alliance, otherwise, even if they were able to resist Jin Ji last time, they might not be able to recover from the continued intrusion of the big monsters from outside the territory.

"Can Feng Hao come here?"

Zeus asked with some concern. After all, the fluctuations faintly coming from that channel were too astonishing.

"no problem."

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced around and said loudly.

They have all seen Feng Hao's strength with their own eyes. Thinking about it, as long as Feng Hao is in charge, the changes in this passage should be suppressed soon, right?

While Yuanshi Tianzun and the others were talking, the fluctuations in the space above suddenly intensified. The next moment, under the gaze of many astonished eyes, the three space passages trembled suddenly, and the mysterious divine patterns permeated around them suddenly burst open.

"Oops, the seal is about to break!"

Seeing this scene, many experts from the Dragon Soul Alliance couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.


Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly, waved his hands, and powerful energies whizzed out from his hands, turning into cumbersome and mysterious divine lines, falling into the damaged part of the formation.


With the influx of these divine patterns, the trembling formation gradually stabilized.

"Hoo hoo..."

Seeing this scene, Zeus and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the formation didn't break open before Feng Hao arrived.

However, compared with them, Yuanshi Tianzun's complexion is still dignified.


Just when Zeus wanted to ask Yuanshi Tianzun about the situation, the black light of the voice of the sky burst out suddenly, and the formation that had just stabilized was disintegrated almost instantly.

And under the gaze of many horrified eyes, the three spatial passages quickly merged together, turning into a huge pitch-black passage of nearly a thousand feet.

At the same time, a chilly aura came out from that huge passage.

"Oops, I can't suppress it!"

Yuanshi Tianzun and Zeus and other strong men tried to seal this passage together, but under that terrible breath, their seal was almost broken at the touch of a touch, and it was impossible to seal it again.

"Ants, do you know the consequences of blocking the deity?"

And just when Yuanshi Tianzun and other strong men were about to make another move, trying to delay Feng Hao's arrival, an indifferent voice suddenly came from the passage.

Everyone looked up, the golden light pierced the sky, the aura of heaven and earth was rippling, and a figure in a golden robe appeared at the bottom of the passage at some time.

This golden figure stood in the air, and in its body, an indescribable arrogance rose to the sky. Under this kind of arrogance, no one dared to feel dissatisfied.

"He is of the same family as Jin Ji!"

Sensing this aura, Yuanshi Tianzun's complexion suddenly changed. The latter's aura was somewhat similar to that of Jin Ji, but it was so powerful that it was far beyond what Jin Ji could compare.

Obviously, this big monster should be the strongest behind Jin Ji!

"This is not the place where you big monsters from outside the territory will act fiercely. If you retreat here, we will not care about your encroachment!"

Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath and shouted in a deep voice.

Although that breath made him a little out of breath, but when he thought of Feng Hao's support, he was not afraid.

"It's ridiculous, where does the deity Jin Zhong want to go, and you still need the consent of an ant like you?!"

hear this,

That golden figure looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, a voice full of disdain reverberated between heaven and earth.

The huge sound waves turned into circles of ripples, and the weaker Dragon Soul Alliance powerhouses couldn't help falling under the sound waves, and there was even bright red blood at the base of their ears. adrift.

Just the laughter caused a group of powerful members of the Dragon Soul Alliance to be injured. This level of strength is simply terrifying!

"Why hasn't Feng Hao come yet?"

Yuanshi Tianzun was very anxious. The strength of this big monster named Jin Zhong was beyond his ability to compete.

"Where's the ant that hurt my brother?"

Jin Zhong glanced around, but he didn't seem to find the strong man in Jin Ji's mouth. Finally, his eyes fell on Yuanshi Tianzun again, and his cold voice sounded slowly: "It seems that he has hidden it wisely. If that's the case, then first Let's start with you ants."

"Hey, where is the idiot who dares to play wild on your master Niu's territory, are you tired of work?"

And just when Jin Zhong was about to make a move, there was a loud shout, and a burly figure came through the air, it was the Bull Demon King!

"It's the Bull Demon King, why is he here?"

"The Bull Demon King seems to be much stronger, but I can't see through his strength anymore. Could it be that Feng Hao asked him to come to support him?!"

"Hey, no matter how fast he improves, he can't be the opponent of this big monster."

Seeing the appearance of the Bull Demon King, all the powerful members of the Dragon Soul Alliance were overjoyed. However, when they thought of the gap in strength between the two sides, they were still a little worried.

Although the aura of the Bull Demon King is powerful, their understanding of the latter is still a long time ago. Naturally, it is unexpected that today's Bull Demon King has stepped into the realm of the half-step Taoist ancestor.


However, what was somewhat surprising was that Jin Zhong was not furious when he saw the Bull Demon King appearing, and even the arrogance sweeping the world seemed to have subsided a lot.

"Who is this guy? Why didn't I hear Jin Ji mention it?"

Jin Zhong frowned, and murmured inwardly.

However, although there is some sense of danger from the latter, he does not think that the natives in this kind of place can threaten his own existence.

"Idiot, why are you so dazed in front of the old cow, are you courting death?"

The Bull Demon King glanced, and a cold snort came out of his nostrils. The next moment, before Yuanshi Tianzun and others could react, he directly slammed into Jin Zhong.


At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun finally reacted, and quickly reminded loudly.

However, his voice was still a bit late. I don't know how the Bull Demon King did it. With one kick, he directly pierced through the space, and rushed towards Jin Zhong angrily.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Yuan Tianzun and others could not bear to close their eyes, you are a stupid cow, do you know how powerful this big monster from outside the territory is? Why don't they act together, so reckless, it's like giving away... a bull's head!

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