Martial Inverse

Chapter Nine Hundred and Ninety Two: Destroying Jinzhong


In the next moment, a loud noise resounded, but the situation that everyone expected did not appear.

Under the stares of many stunned gazes, the Bull Demon King is like a god and demon, leaving a dark space crack in the sky wherever he passes, and as the Bull Demon King bumps down, Jin Zhong, who was originally majestic and majestic, directly looks like a Like a cannonball, it blasted fiercely into a snow mountain.

The wind and snow howled, looking at the collapsed snow mountain, the faces of Yuanshi Tianzun and other experts of the Dragon Soul Alliance froze instantly.

Such a fierce monster from outside the territory was knocked into the air by the Bull Demon King?

You must know that this great monster from outside the territory cannot be compared with someone like Jin Jiong.

Just from the aura revealed by the latter, it is not difficult to find that even if the Yuanshi Tianzun and Zeus and other powerful people are gathered together, it is difficult to compete with this existence!

However, how could Jin Zhong be so unbearable under the bull head of the Bull Demon King? !

After a long time, Jin Zhong finally climbed out from the snow-capped mountain, but the golden light around him was dim, and his breath was extremely disordered. Obviously, the blow just now had caused him a lot of trauma.

"You... who are you?!"

Jin Zhong looked at the Bull Demon King in horror, his eyes were full of fear.

He almost didn't even have a chance to react to the blow just now. If he hadn't been wearing a divine armor that scattered most of his strength, the blow just now would have been enough to knock him into a blood mist!

Moreover, even with the protection of the divine armor, this blow almost smashed all his bones into pieces. Now he just managed to breathe a sigh of relief, and he has no strength to fight anymore!

"How dare a mere king invade the earth? Are you tired of living?"

The Bull Demon King snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

The strength of the latter is placed in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, but the peak of the king has not even reached the realm of the emperor. This kind of strength is no different from an ant in front of him who is a half-step Dao ancestor.

"Bastard, how dare a native treat me like this!"

Jin Zhong was furious in his heart. For them, the interface of the earth could not be seen by them at all. If they hadn't accidentally learned that there was a boundary master here, how could they have worked so hard to open up a space channel to the earth?

Originally thought that controlling the earth was just a snap of the fingers, but who would have thought that there would be such a strong person in such an interface!

It's nothing more than Jin Yin's defeat. The latter is just a lowly god after all. However, Jin Zhong is a strong man at the peak of the king. Even if he is placed in his place, he can be called a giant. defeat?

"Is there anyone else behind? Tell them to come out quickly, don't waste Master Niu's time."

The Bull Demon King was too lazy to talk nonsense with Jin Zhong, he pointed to the huge space passage above, and shouted impatiently.

He doesn't want to waste time here, he is still rushing to the Four Seas Dragon Palace to have a good time!

"Too arrogant!"

Hearing this, Jin Zhong's face turned ashen. Immediately, he gritted his teeth, took out a golden token from his bosom, and crushed it.


The moment the token was crushed, the Bull Demon King also seemed to feel some strange fluctuations, but now he is also a bold person with high skills, so he didn't care about it.

Otherwise, relying on his control of the avenue, he can completely block the space where the latter is located, and that kind of fluctuation cannot be transmitted at all.

"Hahaha... you are finished, I have already notified the domain master, even if you are the emperor, you must die!"

Jin Zhong grinned crazily, his eyes full of resentment.

The fate of the master of the world was guessed by their family from ancient legends. Originally, they wanted to keep this secret, but they did not tell the powerful forces behind them.

However, seeing the Bull Demon King, Jin Zhong knew that his family alone could not swallow this secret.

In this case, there is only another plan!

He crushed the token in his hand, and on the other side of the passage, someone would naturally tell the big forces behind him about it!

"Royal Realm?"

Hearing this, the Bull Demon King couldn't help but sneered,

It seems that I held back my attack just now, which made this big monster from outside the territory underestimate his strength.

However, since the latter has already sent out a distress signal, there is no point in keeping him.

Here, the Bull Demon King doesn't have so many worries like Feng Hao.

After all, he doesn't have any confidante here, moreover, it is Feng Hao's confession to guard the earth, as long as it doesn't wanton damage.


The next moment, the Bull Demon King waved, and a wave of the Dao of the Righteousness swept away. Under the shocked eyes, Jin Zhong's body seemed to be pinched by an invisible giant hand.


But in just a moment, Jin Zhong didn't even have time to let out a scream, and it burst into a cloud of blood mist, and that aura full of majesty completely disappeared in the world.

"Is this guy really the Bull Demon King? How could he be so powerful?!"

"This ruffian is definitely his!"

"My gosh, what the hell happened in these years, how did he do it?!"

After a long time, the blood mist dissipated, and the sound of exclamation sounded.

Even Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help swallowing when he looked at the figure standing in the wind and snow like a god of war.

The Bull Demon King is too strong now, isn't he? !

"No, the Bull Demon King is just Feng Hao's little follower, he is already so strong, what level should Feng Hao's current strength be?!"

Suddenly, Yuanshi Tianzun thought of a terrible question, his pupils shrank, and there was a deep shock in his pupils.

Zeus seemed to have thought of this too. At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little thankful. Fortunately, since joining the Dragon Soul Alliance, he has been conscientious and dedicated.

Otherwise, when Feng Hao returns, wouldn't he be the first one to be taught a lesson?

Thinking of the strength of Bull Demon King and Feng Hao, Zeus couldn't help but feel chills all over his body.

It seems that joining the Dragon Soul Alliance is the wisest decision for him!

"That...cough cough, Bull Demon King, do you want to seal this place first?"

After a long silence, Yuanshi Tianzun coughed dryly and asked with some concern.

They all heard Jin Zhong's final shout. Obviously, after this guy was frustrated, he had already notified a more powerful existence. If this space channel was not sealed in time, there might be a stronger existence coming.

Although the Bull Demon King is powerful, they are still worried that they will encounter trouble.

"With my old cow here, what are you afraid of?"

The Bull Demon King stared at him and directly rejected him.

Just kidding, the reason why he kept his hand in the first hit was not to let those big monsters from outside the territory come over quickly, so that he could take it easy?

Only after finishing what Feng Hao told him, can he go to the Four Seas Dragon Palace to enjoy it with peace of mind!

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