Martial Inverse

Chapter 1022 Remember to keep up quickly

As Pei Lao's words fell, Qian Liuli and Qian Yunshan's delicate bodies burst out with a powerful aura, and the rest of the Qian family's children also held their weapons tightly, ready to fight at any time.

"Hehe, Qian Liuli, you are still so naive!"

But at this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded, and immediately, a fiery red figure shot towards him and landed on a tree not far in front of Qianjia strongman.

This figure is a woman who looks to be about twenty years old. Although her appearance and temperament are slightly inferior to Qian Liuli's, but the hot figure outlined by that strong outfit makes people unable to take their eyes off .

"Chou Xinyu!"

Seeing this figure, Qian Liuli frowned, at this moment, she finally understood, no wonder those guys followed her on purpose just now, it turned out that they were trying to lure them over.

"In my opinion, you should retreat obediently, and don't lose your clan's children for the life and death elixir."

The pretty figure sneered, his tone full of sarcasm.

In the face of competing for opportunities, many forces even sacrificed their own clansmen or friends in order to obtain opportunities. However, Qiu Xinyu, who knew Qian Liuli's character very well, knew that the latter was too kind and was not suitable to compete for such opportunities.

Hearing her words, the faces of many Qianjia children were extremely ugly.

Qian Liuli didn't think there was anything wrong with what she did, if she abandoned her original intention for the sake of chance, then the loss outweighed the gain.

"Do you think this monster can stop us?"

Qian Yunshan snorted coldly, and wanted to make a direct move.

But at this time, Feng Hao's eyes suddenly sank, and his eyes suddenly looked behind Qiu Xinyu. Immediately, there was a violent beast roar from that direction.


Elder Pei also felt something, his complexion darkened, and he quickly reminded.


And as Pei Lao's voice fell, in the distant mountains and forests, huge trees collapsed one after another, and then, two huge monsters suddenly appeared in their sight, and the aura of these two monsters was not even the slightest. Not inferior to the one in front of them!


"Three monsters that surpass the Dao Ancestor Realm?!"


It's an enemy of the family, it must have been attracted by this witch on purpose! "

Seeing the sudden addition of two ferocious monsters, the complexions of the thousands of children suddenly changed, and one after another low-pitched voices could not help but resound.

"Chou Xinyu, you are going too far!"

Qian Liuli's pretty face also sank slightly, and she said coldly.

"Hehe, didn't this elder sister think that I looked down on your Qian family just now? Qian Liuli, are you satisfied with this gift?"

Chou Xinyu chuckled lightly, and didn't talk too much nonsense. She tiptoed, and quickly walked through the forest, climbing towards the top.

"Old Pei, I will restrain these monsters, you take people out of here first."

Qian Liuli gritted her teeth tightly. With the strength of the strong members of the Qian Family, it is not a problem to face one monster that surpassed the Dao Ancestor Realm. However, against three monsters that surpassed the Dao Ancestor Realm, there will definitely be a lot of losses.

"The princess..."

Hearing this, Mr. Pei was taken aback. He knew that Qian Liuli was not weak, but even if she played all her cards, she still couldn't resist the three monsters that surpassed the Dao Ancestor Realm.

"This silly girl..."

Looking at the dignified Qian Liuli's pretty face, Feng Hao smiled wryly in his heart. Although Qian Liuli's strength is not weak among his peers, the latter is too naive, and even seems indecisive in making decisions.

If he had climbed the mountain directly before, he would not have fallen into such an embarrassing situation. Moreover, in the face of Qiu Xinyu's targeting, Qian Liuli did not stop him first, which really surprised Feng Hao.

These monsters were obviously attracted by Qiu Xinyu and the people of the Qiu family. If Qiu Xinyu can be stopped, not to mention the hatred of the three monsters, but the Qiu family will definitely have to help. At that time, their The pressure will naturally be relieved a lot.

"Liu Li, you can take someone away, and leave this place to me."

Finally, Feng Hao stood up and said.

If there is only one monster that surpasses the Dao ancestor realm, it is not bad to regard this as a kind of experience for the children of the Qian family. And delay.


Qian Yunshan was taken aback for a moment, she couldn't imagine where this guy had the courage to say that.

Many experts from the Qian Family were also a little hesitant. These are three monsters that surpassed the Dao Ancestor Realm. Even Mr. Pei might not be able to hold them back with his own strength, right?

"I will follow, let's go, lest someone else get the fruit of life and death first."

Feng Hao whispered to Qian Liuli, these three monsters did not pose any threat to him at all, but he didn't want to be too astonishing in front of everyone in the Qian family.

"Princess, let's go."

Mr. Pei obviously also saw Feng Hao's thoughts, and he also understood that with the latter's strength, this is not a difficult matter, so he immediately persuaded Qian Liuli.

"Be careful, remember to follow up quickly."

Qian Liuli was a little hesitant, but she nodded slightly and said.

She didn't want to use Feng Hao's power, but in the current situation, it seemed that there was no better way.

Seeing the attitudes of Mr. Pei and Qian Liuli, Qian Yunshan was puzzled. Although she is not familiar with Feng Hao, where did you get the confidence to think that this guy can fight against these three fierce monsters?

Hey, why haven't the monsters made a move yet?

However, although Qian Yunshan was puzzled, she didn't say too much. After all, she also knew that Feng Hao was not like a reckless person. Since he dared to say to stop these three monsters, he must have some confidence.


After telling Feng Hao to follow up sooner, Qian Liuli finally stopped being indecisive, let out a low drink, and floated out.

Behind her, many strong men from the Qian Family hesitated for a while, and hurriedly followed.

Facing the evacuation of the disciples of the Qian family, the three monsters did not stop them, because their bodies were bound in place for some reason, unable to even move.

And with the disappearance of the Qian family's children, they suddenly felt that the pressure that suppressed them so much that they couldn't even move suddenly disappeared.


Immediately, three tall and ferocious monsters roared loudly, and a ferocious look flickered in the pupils of the beasts.

"This kind of strength is actually so stupid. It seems that the rules of the mysterious world have greatly suppressed the spiritual intelligence of the monsters here."

Seeing the appearance of the three monsters, Feng Hao couldn't help shaking his head.


In the next moment, as one sound after another sounded, the three-headed monster that had just risen violently and was about to tear the figure apart, seemed to be sent flying by an invisible giant hand, knocked down a large piece of tall trees, and ruthlessly fell in the distance.

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