Martial Inverse

Chapter 1023: A Monster Beast with Rough Skin and Thick Flesh


The three monsters stood up and roared incessantly, their pupils filled with a deep look of fear.

Although their spiritual intelligence is not high, they can also feel that the Taoist in front of them is very powerful. After all, they didn't feel any strong aura just now, and they were blown away. Can it be done?

"get out."

Seeing the three monsters lying on the ground but not coming again, Feng Hao frowned and shouted.

Although I don't know how the spirit beasts in this world are so powerful, yet their spiritual intelligence is still so low. However, these monsters are definitely not born with the ability to become existences beyond the Taoist ancestor. Since they do not take the initiative to provoke him, then he is not willing to kill more.


However, just when Feng Hao was about to turn around and leave, the three monsters suddenly let out a low growl, and their aura suddenly rose sharply. Obviously, they were not very intelligent, but their reason was washed away by the violence.

"I don't have time to play with you."

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the direction where Qian Liuli was leaving. He didn't want to break his promise to this girl whom he had a good impression of, let him follow quickly.


Feng Hao took a deep breath, and slightly clenched his palms. In his palms, there was a shining light, a power that did not belong to this world, quietly surging.

And with the surge of the power of the wind and universe, Feng Hao's dark eyes involuntarily became more majestic, and an unconcealable coercion quietly diffused from his body.

Accompanied by this coercion, fear flashed across the eyes of the three scarlet-eyed monsters. If they weren't extremely powerful, they probably couldn't help but turn around and run away.


The three monsters roared uneasy, but their eyes were still filled with scarlet violence, obviously, they still refused to let it go.

"I gave you a chance, since you still refuse to leave, let me try to see how the monsters in the mysterious world are different."

A cold light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and he raised his palm slightly, feeling the terrifying power jumping at his fingertips, and the corner of his mouth could not help but twitch a smile.



Feng Hao's soles suddenly stepped out, and under his feet, cracks like spider webs spread open, and his figure instantly turned into a light and shadow whistling out.


In the next moment, Feng Hao appeared in front of a monster like a ghost. Immediately, he punched out suddenly, and amidst the surge of light, a terrifying force suddenly poured out, hitting the monster's body fiercely. physically.


A muffled loud sound resounded, and the huge body of the monster flew upside down. At the same time, an extremely mournful roar echoed in the forest.

"It's all right?"

Seeing that monster get up and run after being savagely blown away, Feng Hao couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Although the punch just now did not use his real power, even if he is a strong man who has cultivated a small world, he will probably be seriously injured by his punch.

And this monster that surpassed the Dao Ancestor Realm, although injured, still has the ability to move!

"It's really rough skin and thick flesh. No wonder the intelligence is not high, and it can still live to this day."

Feng Hao sighed with emotion, and suddenly looked at the other two monsters with interested eyes.


Seeing this "demon" looking at him, the two monsters roared and retreated quickly. They could be regarded as seeing that this guy in front of them was not something they could afford to provoke.

"It's quite a desire to survive."

Feng Hao, who originally wanted to try harder, could only shake his head helplessly when he saw this scene.


"Shua! Shua!"

In the deep forest, dozens of figures rushed past quickly, and at the same time, one after another looked around vigilantly.

"Liuli, will your friend be okay?"

While walking like this, Qian Yunshan couldn't help but speak.

Although Feng Hao's self-confidence performance makes people feel reliable, but those are three monsters that surpass the Dao ancestor. Can he really hold back with him alone?

Hearing this, the other children of the Qian family also had a look of worry in their eyes. Although they did not have a deep friendship with Feng Hao, they stayed alone to face the three ferocious monsters in order to cover their departure.

However, to their surprise, Qian Liuli glanced at the back, with a smile on his face, and said: "Don't worry, he will follow soon."

Seeing her appearance, Qian Yunshan was a little stunned, she really didn't understand why Qian Liuli had so much confidence in Feng Hao.

"I hope so..."

Qian Yunshan also glanced at the back, but at this moment, her eyes suddenly focused, because she saw a slender figure chasing towards them like lightning.

At this moment, many disciples of the Qian family couldn't help but stop, looking at the unscathed figure who didn't even breathe, their eyes were full of shock.

"You... are you okay?"

Looking at Feng Hao who quickly returned to Qian Liuli's side, Qian Yunshan couldn't hold back the doubts in her heart after all, and asked, but as soon as she said it, she seemed to feel something was wrong, and she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed on her face.

They helped them stop the monsters, and he asked like this, could it be that Feng Hao was not injured?

"Those three beasts are not very intelligent, so I got rid of them with a little trick."

Feng Hao's attention was entirely on Qian Liuli, so naturally he didn't misunderstand Qian Yunshan's question, he replied casually.

"Is that so?"

Qian Yunshan was a little stunned, but when she saw the shy Qian Liuli under Feng Hao's tender gaze, she couldn't help but smile.

It seems that these two guys are not like ordinary friends.

That's right, which ordinary friend would take the risk to hold back three monsters that surpassed the Taoist ancestor for the sake of their thousands of children?

Although Feng Hao said it lightly, in Qian Yunshan's view, the latter must have experienced a narrow escape before he escaped. Of course, she had no idea that what Feng Hao experienced was even simpler than what she casually said.

If it weren't for the other two monsters running fast, he might have to use them to try their strength again, so as to know the true strength of the monsters in the lower mysterious world.


Qian Yunshan didn't mean to interfere with the two of them, she waved her jade hand to signal everyone to continue climbing.

Seeing this, many disciples of the Qian Family quickly put away the shock in their hearts, followed them silently, and climbed towards the top of the mountain.

On the next journey, Qianjia and his party did not meet any monsters as powerful as the three before, and some weak monsters blocked the way, and did not cause them too much trouble.

Soon, the top of Wanren Mountain finally appeared in their sight.

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