Martial Inverse

Chapter 1037 Going to City 0

"Where did this guy come from!"

Under the gaze of strange gazes, Zheng Feng's face was gloomy. Although he wished to take Feng Hao down and avenge Zheng Yunyuan, he also knew that he couldn't do it.

Even, let alone Feng Hao, even the strong man standing behind him is enough to crush him!

"Is there anything else? Get out of the way if you have nothing to do."

Feng Hao swept his eyes away, and said lightly, his tone was filled with an unquestionable majesty.

"No matter who you are, Yunxiao Tianzun will not let you go."

Zheng Feng's face turned red, he held back for a while, and then said bitterly.

In fact, he also understood that the reason why Feng Hao spared his life was because he was completely inconspicuous, and they didn't even bother to kill him!

Zheng Feng also understood that this kind of existence must be Tianzun!

Facing Tianzun, he could only use the name of Yunxiao Tianzun, which made the latter afraid.

Hearing this, everyone on the top of the mountain trembled. If they were lucky enough to see a strong man like General Zheng Feng, but Tianzun, that was the existence they could only look up to.

Although they didn't know how Zheng Yunyuan offended Feng Hao, the latter directly killed Zheng Yunyuan, which was slapping Tianzun Yunxiao in the face!

Yunxiao Tianzun, that is not comparable to a strong man like Zheng Feng who has cultivated a small world.

"Let him come."

However, what is surprising is that Feng Hao did not change his face about this. His tone was still indifferent, with that appearance, as if he had no fear of Yunxiao Tianzun at all.


Seeing the appearance of the latter, Zheng Feng didn't say any more nonsense, he snorted coldly, turned into a streamer, and left quickly.

Seeing Zheng Fengzhiqu, Feng Hao didn't intend to stop him, the latter was not a threat at all in his eyes, since he didn't challenge his bottom line, he naturally didn't need to kill them all.

"Let's go."

Then, Feng Hao smiled lightly at Qian Liuli, and motioned.

heard that,

The thousands of people from the Qian family rallied, quickly followed behind Feng Hao, and flew away, their faces were full of pride.

It is already a blessing for Qian Liuli to be accepted as an apprentice by Tianzun. Unexpectedly, one day, they will be lucky enough to follow behind a Tianzun!

Regarding the departure of the strong men from the Qian Family, the many strong men on the top of the mountain did not have the slightest objection. Even Xiao Lang just lowered his head, as if he was afraid of being found out by others.

Between the Xiao family and the Qian family, no one will be convinced, but once Tianzun is involved, it is not something that a person like him who has not even broken through the Dao Ancestor Realm can participate in.


Above the sky, streams of light roared past. This group of people was exactly the children of the Qian family headed by Qian Yunshan, and Feng Hao and Qian Liuli were among them.

The Divine Emperor did not return to Feng Zhou, but obediently followed behind Feng Hao.

Beside him, Qian Pei looked respectful. Although he and the Divine Emperor walked side by side behind Feng Hao and Qian Liuli, he knew very well that the strength of the latter was not comparable to his own.

Just kidding, the patriarch of one of the three major families, General Zheng Feng, was so beaten by this man that he was unable to fight back. In the face of such a strong man, can he be unrestrained?

"Feng... Emperor Feng, thank you!"

In front, Qian Yunshan suddenly said to Feng Hao.

She understood that if it wasn't for Feng Hao, it would be difficult for her to obtain the Spiritual Fruit of Life and Death, and even if she got it by chance, it would be difficult for her to escape under Xiao Lang's instigation.

And after guessing that Feng Hao might be Tianzun, when Qian Yunshan faced Feng Hao, she no longer had the same indifference before, and even the title could not help but imitate the name of the God Emperor to Feng Hao.

Feng Hao shook his head, he didn't want to help Qian Yunshan, he acted secretly before, it was all because he wanted to protect Qian Liuli, who was after all his first friend who came to Xuanjie.

"Fengdi, where are you going to go next?"

Qian Liuli's beautiful eyes flickered and she asked.

"You should still call me Fenghao..."

Originally, Feng Hao had nothing to do with Qian Yunshan's address, but when he heard Qian Liuli addressing her like that, he couldn't help feeling a little awkward, and immediately smiled wryly.


Seeing Feng Hao's appearance, Qian Liuli was taken aback for a moment, and when she saw the latter's eyes without any strange colors, a soft smile burst into that absolutely beautiful face.

"Feng Hao, do you want to come back to the clan with me?"

Under Feng Hao's watchful eyes, Qian Liuli finally put aside her barriers and said with a smile.

"Otherwise where am I going?"

Feng Hao shrugged and smiled.

The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly, without any extra words.

Qian Liuli didn't seem to be worried at all about the threat Zheng Feng said when he left, and Feng Hao didn't seem to consider other factors, just quietly accompanied Qian Liuli to continue on the way.

"I hope nothing will happen..."

Behind the two of them, Old Pei sighed softly in his heart, he didn't regard Feng Hao as a burden.

However, if Tianzun Yunxiao really came to trouble Fenghao, it would definitely not be a good thing for Qianjia.

Even if Feng Hao can barely resist this veteran Tianzun, but even if it is just the aftermath of the fight between Tianzun, it is enough to make Qianjia completely disappear from the mysterious world!


Flying like this, after two full days, finally, the outline of a huge city appeared at the end of the sky.

During these two days, I also met many strong people from the mysterious world on the way, and many of them were from the Dao ancestral realm. It is a person with evil intentions, so he can only quietly put away that thought.

"A Thousand Cities..."

Feng Hao swept his eyes and landed on the city gate far away. When he saw the two words above the city gate, he understood that this place should be the destination of Qian Liuli and the others.

"Feng Hao, Qiancheng is ahead."

Sure enough, Qian Liuli pointed to the outline of the huge city, and said to Feng Hao: "Although Qiancheng is only a hundred miles in size, most of the people in Qiancheng are direct descendants of our Qian family."

"Thousand cities are also the foundation of our thousand families."

Hearing this, Feng Hao nodded silently, he could feel that the city in front of him was quite lively, and there were many powerful auras in it.

It seems that to be able to become one of the three major families in this area, the background of the Qian family is really extraordinary.

"Haha, Liuli, Yunshan, you are back!"

When Feng Hao and his group approached Qiancheng, several figures came through the air, and a hearty laugh resounded through the air.

"Uncle Qianlu, long time no see."

Qian Liuli cupped her hands and shouted at the people in the center of the figure.

"You girl, you came back from hunting the star beast, and you didn't come back to see uncle first."

Qian Lu nodded and smiled, his eyes full of pampering.

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