Martial Inverse

Chapter One Thousand and Thirty-Eight: Heavenly Venerate in the Sky

"This is your friend, Feng Hao?"

Soon, Qian Lu's eyes fell on Feng Hao, and he said with a friendly smile on his face.

In fact, Qian Lu had received a summons a long time ago, knowing that Feng Hao was very likely to be a Celestial Venerable, but he could also see that the latter did intend to have a deep friendship with Qian Liuli. inappropriate.

Feng Hao nodded, he felt that Qian Lu was a strong man who cultivated a small world.

It is said that among the Qian Family, only Qian Lu and the Patriarch of the Qian Family have cultivated the small world. Qian Lu came to greet him in person, which is enough to see that the Qian Family attaches great importance to him.

"Inside please, inside please!"

Qian Lu didn't say a word of nonsense, and said respectfully with an empty hand.

Afterwards, accompanied by Qian Lu himself, the group strode into Qiancheng.

"Princess Liuli is back!"

"Hey, why did Lord Qianlu come to greet you in person?"

"Who is that person next to Princess Liuli? Why does Master Qianlu treat him so respectfully?"


As a group of people entered, there was a commotion at the city gate.

No one was unfamiliar with Qian Liuli, and they were naturally envious to see a strange man by her side. And when they saw how respectful Qian Lu was to Feng Hao, they couldn't help but guess the latter's identity.

However, the voice of this kind of discussion is extremely small. Obviously, everyone understands that they are not something they can talk about casually.

In the center of Qiancheng, a huge mansion stands, and this place is Qianfu.

In front of Qianfu, more than ten figures stood quietly in front of the door, as if waiting for something, all of these figures had powerful aura fluctuations, and they were all high-level officials of Qianjia.

And the leader is a man who looks about forty years old, this person is the Patriarch of the Qian Family... Qian Zhong!

"Why did Patriarch Qian come out in person? With such a posture, is he welcoming someone?"

"Who can make the Patriarch of Qian Family pay so much attention to it?"

"Could it be that Zi Lei Tianzun came?"

far away,

Looking at the figure in front of Qianjia's mansion, there were whispers among the crowd of onlookers from time to time.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of one after another, a group of people headed by Qian Lu appeared at the end of the street.

When they saw the figure accompanied by Qian Lu, everyone couldn't help being a little stunned. Could it be that the person who was so important to the Qian family, and even the head of the Qian family came out to greet him in person, was actually a young man who looked only in his twenties?

"Qianjiaqianzhong, welcome to your lord."

While the many powerhouses watching from a distance were still in shock, Patriarch Qian Family had strode forward and bowed his hands in salute.

"The master of the thousand families is gone."

Although Feng Hao didn't like this kind of scene very much, he still smiled and bowed his hands, and returned the courtesy.

Along the way, Qian Liuli had already introduced him to the experts of the Qian family, and her father, Qian Zhong, was naturally among them.

"I have ordered someone to set up a banquet to clean up the wind and dust for your lord, please come inside your lord."

Qian Zhong was flattered, others didn't know, but, as the Patriarch of Qian Family, he knew very well what a Celestial Venerable represented.

He never dreamed that one day, there would be a celestial being who would bow to him so politely.

Under the leadership of Qianzhong, Feng Hao and his party went straight into Qianfu.

"Qianjia is so courageous, anyone dares to be a distinguished guest!"

And just when Feng Hao stepped into Qianfu, a sneer suddenly resounded through the heaven and earth.

Hearing this voice, the complexions of countless strong men in Qiancheng changed.


Qian Zhong's complexion also sank, and he shouted.


Above Qiancheng, the space was suddenly distorted, and immediately, under the gaze of countless eyes, a figure slowly stepped out of the distorted space, and with his appearance, the world seemed to dim down, an invisible fluctuation, It actually makes people want to kneel down.

This figure is dressed in a white robe and has silver hair. His eyes are full of vicissitudes, but his skin is as white as a baby. There is no spiritual energy fluctuation on his body, but there is a faint Coercion, but it makes the space freeze.

"That is……"

Looking at the figure above Qiancheng, even Qianzhong couldn't help but gasped, his face became extremely serious.

"Cloud... Yunxiao Tianzun!"

Qian Lu couldn't help clenching his palms tightly, and his voice was full of difficulty and solemnity.

Qiancheng, which was originally full of people, suddenly became silent, and the faces of countless strong men tensed up, and the eyes looking at the figure in the sky were full of dignity and horror.

"Heaven... Tianzun!"

This terrible silence lasted for a long time, and just now some voices with deep shock came quietly.

No one thought that when the distinguished guests from thousands of families came, there would be a legendary Heavenly Lord descending on Qiancheng in person!

Yunxiao Tianzun, let alone in this region, even in the entire Xuanjie Continent, can definitely be regarded as the most top-tier existence!

This kind of Heavenly Venerable, Shenlong sees the head but does not see the tail, and countless powerful people in the Xuanjie Continent have only heard of their names, but have never had the luck to actually meet them.

Qian Zhong and Qian Lu looked at each other, their expressions were extremely dignified, they had known for a long time that Feng Hao might have offended Yunxiao Tianzun, but they never imagined that as soon as Feng Hao arrived, Yunxiao Tianzun came immediately .

Many high-ranking officials of the Thousand Families are in a panic at this time. For them, the existence of Yunxiao Tianzun has no room for resistance. Facing the legendary Tianzun, they will inevitably panic.

"Feng Hao!"

And at the moment when Yunxiao Tianzun appeared, Qianliuli Lian moved slightly and stood beside Feng Hao, her jade hand suddenly grasped the thick palm.

Although her master is also a Celestial Venerable, she still feels a little nervous when facing the unkind Yunxiao Celestial Venerable.

"I will invite my master to come immediately."

Qian Liuli said in a low voice, her tone was extremely firm.

She didn't know Fenghao's real strength, but if she could invite Master to come over, Tianzun Yunxiao would give Zilei Tianzun a little bit of a favor.

"nothing. "

However, just when Qian Liuli wanted to send a message, Feng Hao held her jade hand tightly, shook his head, and said with a smile.

"Killing my beloved apprentice, you still dare to walk on the mainland, you are too crazy!"

Yunxiao Tianzun's eyes fell directly on Feng Hao, and said coldly.

"Kill it, kill it, do I still have to hide?"

A smile appeared on Feng Hao's face, and his clear voice resounded throughout the world.

Hearing this conversation, countless strong men were shocked. It turned out that the reason why Yunxiao Tianzun came to Qiancheng was because someone killed his apprentice? !

Moreover, the person who killed his apprentice is in Qiancheng!

Could it be that the source of that clear voice just now is the distinguished guest of Patriarch Qian Family? !

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