Martial Inverse

Chapter 1039: Excessive Yunxiao Tianzun

After the words fell, Feng Hao reluctantly let go of Qian Liuli's jade hand, soared into the air, and under the gaze of countless eyes, he came directly to the opposite of Yunxiao Tianzun.

"Isn't that the young man next to Princess Liuli?"

"Hiss...Could it be that this lord is also a powerful Tianzun?"

"But this lord looks too young, can he compare with Yunxiao Tianzun?"

With the appearance of Feng Hao, there was an uproar in Qiancheng. In the uproar, there were many doubts. Yunxiao Tianzun has been famous for too long. In their hearts, the latter's prestige is too shocking, and Feng It was the first time for them to meet Hao, and they had never even heard of his name.

In the eyes of countless powerhouses in Qiancheng, Feng Hao is very likely to be a powerhouse who has just broken through to the realm of Tianzun.

There are strong and weak points for the strong in every realm, even the Cosmic Realm is no exception. In their view, Feng Hao may not be able to compete with Yunxiao Tianzun, a veteran Cosmic Realm existence!

"Patriarch, can Fengdi compete against Yunxiao Tianzun?"

Qian Lu's eyes were full of worry. Regarding Feng Hao's news, after all, he only learned about it from Qian Pei's information, and he had never actually seen the latter make a move.

Qian Zhong's face was extremely solemn, and he didn't answer Qian Lu's question. For some reason, he couldn't help looking at Qian Liuli and the Emperor.

"I believe in him……"

Qian Liuli bit her red lips lightly, and after a long time, said suddenly.

In just a few days of contact, she felt that Feng Hao was by no means a reckless person. Thinking about it, if he was not sure, the latter would never be so confident.

As for the Divine Emperor, there was no worry on his face, it seemed that, in his eyes, Feng Hao was an invincible existence. No matter what kind of universe he is in, he is vulnerable in front of the boss of Fengdi!

The Divine Emperor has some eyesight anyway, although he is still some distance away from the Cosmic Realm, but he has heard some news about the powerful people in the Cosmic Realm.

The Emperor of God did not forget that in Feng Zhou, Feng Hao casually took out a ball of the initial heaven and earth mysterious yellow aura that made him jealous, and the latter even asked him about the initial primordial aura!

If there is no accident, there should be the existence of the primordial spirit in the universe!

At the beginning of the Primordial Qi, God Emperor has only heard of the existence of this thing,

However, he has never heard that such a god is derived from the small world of a strong man in the universe.

Of course, it is also possible that the Emperor's knowledge is too short.

However, this does not affect Feng Hao's invincible image in the heart of the emperor.

Seeing the appearance of Qian Liuli and the Divine Emperor, Qian Zhong couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. Could it be that this young looking adult can really compare with Yunxiao Tianzun?

Otherwise, why didn't Qian Liuli send a message to Zilei Tianzun, and the emperor didn't have any worries on his face?

In the end, Qianzhong took a deep breath and stopped thinking about it, whether it was a blessing or a curse. If Feng Hao really lost, Qianjia might be affected by Yunxiao Tianzun's anger, but if Fenghao can make Yunxiao Tianzun retreat , the power of thousands of families is bound to skyrocket. At that time, maybe there will no longer be three pillars in this area, but their thousand families will dominate!

"You are the Feng Hao who beheaded my disciple?"

Yunxiao Tianzun's eyes fell on Feng Hao, he smiled and asked, but in his smile, there was a kind of chill that made people palpitate.

"Replacement as fake."

Facing the gaze of the latter, Feng Hao did not evade at all, he responded with a light smile.

"After all, you are also an existence in the Universe Realm. It would be a bit too murderous to kill the junior, right?"

Seeing Feng Hao's confession, Yunxiao Tianzun's eyes darkened slightly.

"What? You can push your nose on your face as a junior? How about I let my subordinates point at your nose and humiliate you?"

Feng Hao frowned, what kind of fallacy is this?

You protect your shortcomings, but these three views are too distorted, right?

Zheng Yunyuan offended Feng Hao first, and he provoked again and again. Could it be that Feng Hao should not care about the former because of his weak strength, and allow him to be humiliated?

Hearing Feng Hao's words, Yunxiao Tianzun's complexion suddenly changed. He naturally knew that Tianzun's majesty could not be challenged, but that was his apprentice!

Zheng Yunyuan is arrogant and domineering, the main reason why he can live till now is naturally the Heavenly Venerable Yunxiao!

Yunxiao Tianzun is notoriously protecting his weaknesses, even Qian Liuli, who also has a master Tianzun behind him, was very upset with Zheng Yunyuan, but he never scolded him face to face.

"I won't argue with you or kill my beloved disciple..."

Yunxiao Tianzun's eyes were stern, and his voice was surprisingly cold.

"Kill it, kill it, what else do you want?"

However, before he finished his words, Feng Hao interrupted him impatiently.

In Feng Hao's eyes, Zheng Yunyuan is no different from an ant. Isn't it normal to crush an ant who keeps provoking him in front of him?

"Kill it if you kill it?"

Yunxiao Tianzun took a deep breath, obviously very angry in his heart, he stared at Feng Hao with stern eyes: "I want you to kneel down and apologize, and come back to Yunxiao Realm with me, and be suppressed by the deity for thousands of years, let this matter be over!"

The voice of Yunxiao Tianzun did not hide it, and all the strong men in Qiancheng heard it clearly.

Suddenly, Qiancheng, which was originally noisy, fell into a dead silence.

The mere death of Zheng Yunyuan actually caused a Heavenly Venerable to kneel down and apologize, and moreover, he would be suppressed by him for thousands of years!

Yunxiao Tianzun's move is too much!


Hearing Yunxiao Tianzun's words, Qianzhong's expression changed suddenly.

He felt that Tianzun Yunxiao's words were clearly intentional. Obviously, Tianzun Yunxiao felt that Feng Hao would not be his opponent, so he made such a request on purpose.

"This guy will die a miserable death..."

A look of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the Divine Emperor. In Feng Zhou, he had heard little balls and the others talk about Feng Hao's growth.

Although the Emperor of God did not personally witness Feng Hao's step-by-step road to becoming stronger, it is not difficult to judge from what he heard from Xiao Qiuqiu's mouth. !

Dare to provoke Fenghao like this, the emperor can conclude that if Yunxiao Tianzun is not strong enough to support his big words, then his consequences will definitely not be better than the master of the Tianshen Temple suppressed by Fengzhou.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the smile on Feng Hao's face gradually subsided, and a cold arc formed at the corner of his mouth.

"Your ignorance has successfully angered me."

Feng Hao sighed softly, feeling cold in his heart.

He can understand the pain of being lost as a disciple, but Yunxiao Tianzun's request is too much. This guy made it clear that he didn't want to negotiate peace with him to resolve this grievance.

That being the case, Feng Hao wanted to see what is so special about the powerhouses in the universe in the mysterious world!

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