Martial Inverse

Chapter 1089 Another world remains

At the center of the fist print, the light curtain has dissipated, revealing a distorted space.

"Shua! Shua!"

With the sound of breaking wind, one after another figure quickly flew towards the ruins in the middle area of ​​the fist print.

The space there is distorted, as if there is another world in the ruins.

However, even though they knew that there might be dangers they could not resist in the ruins in front of them, under the temptation of the first-level ruins, the eyes of those strong men were already filled with greed.

As for their actions, Lin Yuan and other people from the four major forces did not stop them. In their eyes, there was still a touch of joking.

Exploring the first-level ruins, even a team with small world powerhouses, dare not take it lightly. In their eyes, these guys are nothing but cannon fodder.


Sure enough, as soon as those strong men entered that distorted space, there were one after another shrill screams that resounded through that space.

However, these screams did not stop the strong behind.

Soon, hundreds of figures filed in.

At the entrance of the ruins, it gradually became quieter.

"It's time for us to go, too."

Mu Sen sneered, and immediately waved his hand, leading a group of experts from the Mu family towards the entrance of the ruins.

The other three major forces glanced at the Qianzheng family's men and horses, and they also quickly looted.

"Be careful."

Feng Hao's starry eyes swept across, and he felt that in the depths of this ruins, there was an extremely evil demonic energy. Immediately, his expression froze, and he reminded Qian Liuli softly.


Hearing this, Qian Liuli's expression became a lot more dignified, and she nodded in response.

And hearing Feng Hao's reminder, Qian Yunshan and Zheng Peng's expressions were also concentrated. They had never seen Feng Hao look so serious. It seems that this relic is really unusual, and it may even contain a great Dangerous!

"Whoa! Whoa!"


Under the leadership of Qian Liuli and Feng Hao, the Qianzheng family passed through the distorted space in front of them.

At this time, everyone discovered that there is another world behind the distorted space.

This world is surprisingly vast. At the entrance, there are more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground, covered with blood. Obviously, these are the corpses left by the strong men who broke in first.

However, at this time, the entrance seemed a little quiet. Obviously, the danger here had already been resolved by the strong men who broke in first.

In the distance, an extremely magnificent palace could be vaguely seen, and at this moment, figures, like locusts, flew towards that palace overwhelmingly.

People from the four major forces are also among them.

However, although the four major powers all have Small World Realm powerhouses in charge, they are not at the forefront.

Apparently, the people from these four major forces used the other teams as cannon fodder and deliberately asked them to explore the way ahead for them.

And those greedy powerhouses, although they also know the calculations of the four major forces, they have no choice. If they are lucky and enter that temple group, maybe a good luck will make them soar into the sky!

For the sake of chance, they can only fight each other with their lives!

"That should be where the opportunity lies."

Qian Liuli murmured, for some reason, as soon as she entered this world, she felt as if she was being stared at by a pair of eyes, the feeling of being secretly peeped made her very uncomfortable.

"Is there?"

Looking at the magnificent palace in the distance, Feng Hao narrowed his starry eyes slightly, and he had a vague feeling.

The three small world-level decayed warriors they met before came from this world!


Feng Hao didn't say much, but his mind was tense in the dark.

A decadent warrior who can control a small world, a demon of darkness, is definitely not an easy task. It is about Qian Liuli's safety, so he dare not take it lightly.

The group of people flew by for more than a quarter of an hour, but the group of temples in the distance still maintained an extremely distant distance.

"It seems that this space is not as simple as what we see."

Qian Liuli murmured and said.

Feng Hao also nodded slightly. This space is actually extremely distorted. The group of palaces he saw should be projected through the distorted space. In fact, there is an extremely long distance between them.

Fortunately, following the four major powers and those greedy powerhouses, Qian and Zheng's two powerhouses did not encounter any danger. Occasionally, devil energy eroded them, and they were easily defeated by Zheng Peng and the other three.

After rushing like this, finally, half an hour passed, and the speed of the people in front slowed down.

And the palace, which had been kept far away, gradually became larger in their sight.

When they really got close to the group of temples, Qian Liuli and the others couldn't help but gasp. The grandeur of the temple in front of them was far beyond their imagination, and the terrible sense of oppression made them feel that they were in a small world. , have some scalp numbness.

Although it was already known that this ruins was unusual, but when they actually saw this magnificent palace, the powerful people were still deeply shocked and awed.

At this time, more than half of the powerhouses who had swarmed in had been lost. As for the people of the four major forces, there was no damage at all.

However, the eyes of those strong men are full of excitement.

The opportunity of the first-level ruins is just around the corner!

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Soon, people from the four major forces took the lead in taking action. They flew towards the palaces one after another, separated by a tacit understanding, obviously fearing each other.

Seeing this, the powerhouses of other forces did not dare to compete with the people of the four major forces, and immediately flew towards some palaces in the marginal area.

Feng Hao glanced at it and found that the Qianzheng family was also very excited, but because he hadn't spoken yet, he had been patient. Immediately, he chuckled and said: "Let's do it too, so as not to be preempted by others." got a head start."


Qian Liuli nodded, then flew towards the group of palaces, followed by a group of strong men.


And just as Qian Liuli and the others approached the palace, a strange force suddenly emerged in that space, and a series of dark space cracks appeared out of thin air, trying to prevent everyone from approaching.

However, for this kind of obstruction, Qian Liuli just waved his jade hand, and wiped away all the cracks in space that were enough to make those who surpassed the Dao Ancestor Realm palpitate.

In the end, under the leadership of Feng Hao and Qian Liuli, the powerhouses of the Qianzheng family came to a majestic palace.

An extremely majestic wave emanated from the hall.

With that kind of majesty, even the powerhouses in the Small World Realm couldn't help but froze.

It seems that the previous owner of this hall was at least a giant in the small world!

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