Martial Inverse

Chapter 1090: Demonic Qi in Inheritance

"This palace is left by a small world realm powerhouse."

Qian Liuli murmured, and immediately the power of the small world surged out.


Under the power of this small world, the oppressive aura that filled the palace in front was actually suppressed.

"This girl, the talent is really amazing."

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Although Qian Liuli's small world is still very weak, her control over the power of the small world is extremely astonishing. If this kind of talent is seen by the God Emperor, I am afraid that she will be ashamed.


Afterwards, Qian Liuli rushed to the front of the palace, and with a push of her jade arm, the door that had been sealed for a long time burst open.

The ancient breath permeated out, and the scene in the palace also appeared in front of everyone.

The most conspicuous one is undoubtedly in the deepest part of the temple, where there is a lingering light group, a mysterious wave continuously permeates out of it.

"Inheritance of the Small World Realm?!"

When they saw the ball of light, there was a look of surprise in the eyes of Qian and Zheng's two powerhouses.

Qian Liuli glanced around the many strong men, and finally landed on Zheng Yunwen.

Today, among the powerhouses of the Qianzheng family, the one with the highest cultivation is Zheng Yunwen. Although there are other powerhouses who have just broken through to surpass the Dao ancestor realm, their realm is not yet stable, and they still have a lot of differences with Zheng Yunwen. difference.

"Zheng Yunwen, go and understand the inheritance."

Qian Liuli hesitated a little, then said.

Hearing this, Zheng Yunwen was taken aback for a moment, apparently he did not expect that Qian Liuli would be so generous, and the expressions of many powerful members of the Zheng family were almost the same as him.

As for Qian Liuli's decision, although the strong members of the Qian family were a little surprised, they didn't show any dissatisfaction.

Among the thousands of families, there are two small world powerhouses, which has far exceeded their previous expectations. Moreover, among them, there are now two powerhouses who have surpassed the Taoist realm. All are Taoist ancestors.

this boost,

It has made them very satisfied!

As for the inheritance of the Small World Realm, although it is tempting, they also know that they cannot control it with their own strength.

Instead of this, it is better to give this opportunity to Zheng Yunwen, maybe he can make the strength of both parties stronger.

"Wait a moment."

And at this moment, Feng Hao suddenly made a sound.

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback for a moment, Zheng Yunwen also suppressed the excitement in his heart, and there was no change.

"Is there anything weird about it?"

Zheng Peng asked softly.

They didn't think that Feng Hao would snatch this opportunity. After all, they all knew that Feng Hao's strength was unfathomable, and the latter still didn't like this opportunity.

And since Feng Hao spoke out to stop him, I am afraid that there is something wrong with this hall.


Feng Hao nodded and didn't say much, he grabbed the ball of light deep in the palace with his palm in the air.


Following his movements, the ball of light in the depths of the temple suddenly became chaotic, and its shape was constantly distorted, as if being continuously kneaded by an invisible giant hand.

And just when everyone was wondering, in just a moment, a ray of pitch-black devilish energy suddenly penetrated from the light group.

This ray of devilish energy is full of the most evil breath, which is exactly the same as the breath of the three decaying warriors in the Small World Realm that they have encountered before!


Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions darkened. Obviously, they did not expect that such a vicious handwriting was hidden in the palace that seemed not to be eroded by the devil's energy.

If Feng Hao hadn't stopped him, and Zheng Yunwen went to comprehend the inheritance, he would have been corroded by the devil energy at this time!

"You can go now."

Feng Hao wiped out the wisp of devilish energy casually, and said to Zheng Yunwen.


Zheng Yunwen nodded heavily, he knew that he would never thank him for his kindness, and he would remember this kindness in his heart.


Immediately, without saying a word, Zheng Yunwen swept towards the ball of light in the depths of the hall. With his touch, the ball of light diffused, completely enveloping his figure.

"See if there is any chance."

Qian Yunshan also signaled to the Qianzheng family behind her.

Hearing this, the dozens of strong men behind them rushed in with ecstasy on their faces, and started a carpet-like search for this huge palace.

In addition to the most important inheritance, the temples left by the small world realm powerhouses usually contain cultivation experience and miraculous medicines.


And just when everyone started to search, there was a sudden violent movement in the distance.

Feng Hao looked sideways, and found a temple burst open, in which a figure soared into the sky.

Feng Hao had a little impression of that figure, because that guy was the first strong man who rushed into the distorted space.

However, what is surprising is that before entering this world, this figure was only capable of surpassing the Dao Ancestor Realm, but now, the fluctuations emanating from him have already reached the Small World Realm!

"what happened?!"

This kind of movement quickly attracted the attention of other strong men, and all eyes were on the figure that soared into the sky.

"He actually broke through to the Small World Realm?!"

When they felt the aura fluctuating on that figure, many strong men had a look of envy in their eyes.

In the first-level ruins, chances are everywhere, but I didn't expect that someone would get a big chance and break through to the small world so soon.

"Something's wrong, the breath on his body..."

However, compared with the envy of those strong men, the people of the four major forces suddenly stopped the actions of the strong men under their command.

Among the four major forces, there are small world realm powerhouses. In the past, among their respective forces, there were many people who took advantage of opportunities to break through to the small world realm.

However, they have never heard of it. As soon as they entered the ruins, someone took the opportunity to break through and become a small world realm.

Among them, there must be something strange!

"Boom! Boom!"

And amidst the surprise of the four major forces, two halls suddenly burst open again, and two figures flew out and landed in midair.

The aura of these two figures is exactly the same as that of the previous person, and they all have the fluctuations that only small world realm powerhouses have!

"Oops, the inheritance here is weird, get out of the hall quickly!"

The leaders of the four major forces shouted at the strong men under their command almost at the same time.

If one person breaks through to the Small World Realm, he is lucky, but it is no coincidence that three people break through to the Small World Realm in succession!

"My God, is this the chance of a first-level relic?!"

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and grab the opportunity!"

"The next person in the Small World Realm is me, get the hell out of here!"

Seeing this scene, many powerhouses were jealous and mad, and for a while, the world fell into madness again.

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