Martial Inverse

Chapter 1091: The Choice of the Four Powers

"Boom! Boom!"

Between the heaven and the earth, the sound of fierce confrontation sounded from time to time. In order to compete for the opportunity, many strong men have already fought with envy.

However, in this kind of competition, the powerhouses of the four major forces did not participate. Instead, they formed a group and did not enter the ancient temple to explore again.

Obviously, the leaders of the four major forces all saw some doubts, and did not dare to act rashly for a while.

And Feng Hao and Qian Liuli also stood in front of the main hall, and did not lead people to continue to explore other halls.

"Brother Yun, have you broken through to the Small World Realm?"

At this time, several figures flew up into the air, came to a small world realm powerhouse, and shouted in surprise.

However, facing their shouts, the figure in midair did not respond.


Just when they were puzzled, the eyes of that figure suddenly moved away, however, there was a black devilish energy in their eyes.


Seeing this scene, the faces of those strong men froze, and they finally realized something was wrong after belatedly.

However, their reactions were still too slow. They had just retreated a distance of tens of feet, but they seemed to have bumped into an invisible wall, and could no longer take half a step back.


The next moment, the figure in midair flew towards them at high speed.

"Boom! Boom!"

However, in just two breaths, those strong men who came forward had already exploded into blood mist, and disappeared without a trace.

The blood mist did not dissipate out of thin air, but lingered around the figure in midair in a strange manner, and then was slowly absorbed by it.

With the fusion of the blood mist, the devilish energy surrounding that figure also became more intense.

"Oops, it's the erosion of demon energy!"

At this time, the faces of the leaders of the four major forces all changed suddenly, with a solemn look on their faces.

"Boom! Boom!"


Once again, three palaces burst open, and there were six figures standing in the sky.

On these figures, there are fluctuations of the power of the small world, and there is a faint devilish energy around them.

"This is a trap, stop absorbing the inheritance inside!"

"Run away!"

"Go to the four major forces and Zheng Peng, they are the only ones who can resist!"

After the appearance of six Small World Realm powerhouses eroded by demon energy, people from other forces realized that something was wrong. Many of them turned around and ran away without saying a word, while more powerhouses were He ran in the direction of the four major forces and the Qianzheng family.

They understand that with their own strength, they can't run away from the pursuit of small-world powerhouses. Right now, the only hope is to rely on forces that also have small-world powerhouses. Only they can deal with these guys.

"How to do?"

The strong men of the four major forces looked at their leader one after another.

The powerhouses in the small world are simply not something they can compete with, unless their leader makes a move.

However, there are already six Small World Realm powerhouses who have been eroded by the devilish energy in midair, even if all four team leaders take action, it may be difficult to resist, right?


But at this moment, the gazes of the six figures had already looked down, and the demonic energy surged in their eyes, and the cold killing intent shrouded the whole world.


Lin Yuan glanced around and saw that the other three people had no intention of making a move. He snorted coldly and swept directly towards the depths of the palace group.

Behind him, the powerful members of the Lin family also followed closely behind.

"Lin Yuan is still so unreliable!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Luo couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

"Since you don't want to make a move, then ask yourself for luck."

Chen Bai was fine, he just sneered, his movements were the same as Lin Yuan's, and he took all the powerful members of the Chen family to plunder into the depths of the ruins.

Zhang Tianming and Mu Sen glanced at each other, and directly shook off those strong men who came to hug their thighs, and swept towards the depths of the ruins.

"Feng Hao, who are they?"

Seeing this, Qian Liuli frowned, with some displeasure in her eyes.

Adding the five Small World Realm powerhouses from the four major forces, they have a total of eight Small World Realm existences. Even if they make a move, the six figures are definitely not opponents.

Why are people from these four major forces unwilling to make a move?

"The real threat here is not those guys who have been eroded by the devil's energy. They are afraid that they will make too much noise and bring disaster to themselves."

Feng Hao explained with a light smile.

This is the core area of ​​the land of the tomb of the gods. In this first-level relic, there must be a strong person in the universe who died!

For the four major powers, the small world realm powerhouses eroded by the devilish energy are a headache, but they are not too intimidating. They just want to verify if there will be a celestial being eroded by the devilish energy!

If there is, there is no doubt that they have to withdraw from this place, otherwise, they may be wiped out.

Seeing that the four major forces abandoned them, the other strong men had already approached the palace where Qian Zheng's family was located.

"Then what shall we do?"

Qian Yunshan asked Feng Hao in a low voice.

The Qianzheng family is not familiar with these powerhouses, and there is no need for them to protect them in the ruins!

"We'll talk about it after Zheng Yunwen has received the inheritance. As for those guys, as long as they don't come to make trouble, it's fine with them."

Feng Hao glanced around and said with a smile.

In the depths of the ruins, there is a feeling that makes his heart palpitate. Although the people of the four major forces have good plans, they definitely don't dare to break in randomly.

That being the case, it is not too late to digest the opportunities in this hall first, and then go to the depths.


Hearing this, Qian Liuli and the others nodded, and then stood in front of the main hall, the power of the small world waved faintly, shocking the other powerhouses around.

At this time, among the six silhouettes in the sky that were eroded by the demonic energy, four of them had already chased away in the direction of the four major forces, and the eyes of the other two fell on the direction where the Qianzheng family was. .

Outside the ancient hall, nearly a hundred strong men gathered, none of them dared to make any changes, the figures in the sky were not something they could compete with, and the three of Qian Liuli in front of them made them dare not make any changes. change.

Right now, they could only stand outside the main hall tremblingly, looking at Qian Liuli and the others beggingly, hoping that they would protect them.


Soon, the remaining two figures in the midair moved. They tore apart the space and grabbed the figure below.


Seeing this, Qian Liuli snorted coldly, flipped her wrist, and a stream of sword energy roared out, directly intercepting the two figures.

"Boom! Boom!"

Qian Yunshan and Zheng Peng also took a step forward, and the power of the small world swept out and suppressed the two figures.

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