Martial Inverse

Chapter 902 Road Encounter

? Chapter 902 Road Encounter

Sages are not allowed to enter the ancient tomb. There is no clear rule for this. However, if a saint dares to enter, he will definitely be besieged by everyone. destroy.

After all, the destructive power of the holy power is too great. If there is a fight between saints in the ancient tomb, the ancient tomb will definitely collapse. Tombs will be blown away, and nothing will be left.

Although people may be fine, the inheritance and secret treasures within them will be destructively damaged.

Therefore, after many such incidents, saints are not allowed to enter the ancient tomb, which has almost become an iron law that every saint must abide by.

After all, destroying the ancient tomb is not something everyone wants to see, so no one violates it at all.

Saints are not allowed to enter, then, who else can rob yourself, a person with spatial talent.

Thinking about it, Feng Hao was filled with joy.

With Huang Tianyun here, even if he grabs something, safety shouldn't be a problem, so in the ancient tomb, he can let go of his hands and feet to grab it.

For him, this is simply great news. He seems to see that the holy skills and ultimate power that exist in the ancient tomb are all waiting for him to inherit.


Seeing his appearance, Huang Tianyun naturally knew what he was thinking, and suddenly there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said with a playful tone, "Master, I forgot to say just now that every ancient tomb is a unique space, yes If you can't walk in the void, even if you have a talent for space, otherwise, the space of that ancient tomb will collapse!"


His words were undoubtedly like a bucket of cold water pouring on Feng Hao's fiery heart, which immediately cooled down.

Looking at that smiling face, Feng Hao really wanted to beat it to pieces, but when he thought that he still needed this guy to protect his own safety, he suppressed the impulse in his heart.

"You can't even use space talent..."

Feng Hao frowned slightly.

In this way, his greatest advantage has been stifled. However, if it is really faster than the speed, as long as the wings of the Phoenix God are displayed,

His speed will increase several times.

You must know that Suzaku is known as the fastest beast, its speed is unquestionable, and Feng Hao, who has the wings of the Phoenix God, will naturally not slow down. When it comes time to grab something, there will still be many advantages.

With his current strength, Feng Hao is very confident that he can compete with the younger generation of elites in the Hongmeng world.

Not every faction can possess holy skills, and not everyone is Yan Aotian.

Possessing three ultimate powers and four ultimate talents, how many people can compete with him.

"Go, go to the imperial capital!"

Feng Hao suppressed all kinds of things in his heart, exhaled a long breath, and said lightly, then he swept in one direction.

"Master, you are going in the wrong direction. To go to the Shuangxuan Imperial Capital, this is the way to go!"

With just a few words from Huang Tianyun, Feng Hao almost fell from the clouds, he turned his head with gnashing teeth, his eyes spit out raging anger, and wished he could slash this guy with a thousand swords.

"That doesn't lead the way!"


Huang Tianyun smiled, his body like a cloud swallow, and like a breeze, he swept away in another direction.

"Damn it!"

Feng Hao cursed secretly, turned into an afterimage, and followed.

There is no doubt that the imperial capital is definitely the most well-informed place. Moreover, these ancient imperial capitals all have teleportation formations that can directly lead to other empires, which is very convenient. Therefore, this is what became Feng Hao. Preferred.

"God so loved the world..."

When passing a small village, a familiar voice made Feng Hao stop. He turned around, his face turned cold, and in his eyes, purple awns slowly ignited, and he looked into the small village.

I saw a white bishop standing in the middle of the village, his whole body was very white, and if the divine light was shining, his face full of compassion would really be like the legendary savior.

Around him, there were hundreds of simple-clothed villagers kneeling, old and young, male and female, all of them with sincerity on their faces, and kept kowtowing to him.

And behind these villagers, there are more than a dozen indifferent holy guards standing, looking at the villagers kneeling on the ground in front of them, there is not much emotion in their eyes, if there is no heartbeat, Feng Hao Almost thought they were puppets.

Seeing that Feng Hao hadn't followed, Huang Tianyun also stopped, turned around, and looked at Feng Hao's line of sight, he understood.

The behavior of the Temple of Light is different, even he feels very strange, and he also wants to know what kind of power this is.

Feng Hao stood there quietly and did not show up to provoke him. He knew very well that if he went to provoke these people from the Temple of Light at this time, maybe these ordinary villagers would be hostile to him.

It has to be said that the Bright Alliance is still very good at buying people's hearts. They exchanged the lowest profit for the goodwill of ordinary people.

There is no exception. After the bishop in white finished reading, he spilled a lot of Wu Jing, food, and cloth, which was immediately exchanged for the gratitude of all the villagers, and some old people were even more grateful and screamed. It was the arrival of the Savior, which made the smile on the white bishop's face even stronger.

"God's people, God, need servants..."

With a wave of his hand, the white light fell, and he spoke slowly with a compassionate tone in his mouth.

"We would like to be God's servants!"

The villagers are all sincere and excited, as if it is a very honorable thing to be a servant for this so-called god.

"very good..."

The white-robed bishop glanced at the audience and pointed out with his hand constantly. One by one, boys and girls, young strong men were selected. In the cheers of the villagers, these selected people were brought by the white-robed holy guards. , rose slowly.

Naturally, they found out where Feng Hao and Huang Tianyun were, but they didn't pay attention.

A person with a single eye and a person with a level of Wu Zun can't get into their eyes.

Afterwards, these selected people were taken by a white-robed holy guard and swept away, while the white-robed bishop continued to drive towards another village with the remaining holy guards.

No doubt, doing the same thing again.

"Waiter, what does the Temple of Light need these ordinary people for!"

Feng Hao did not provoke the bishop in white, but quietly followed behind the Holy Guard with a group of villagers.

The fifth update, I feel much better, I can resume normal updates,

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