Martial Inverse

Chapter 903 Plan

?Chapter 903 Planning

Most of the forces are clear about the selection of divine servants in the Temple of Light. However, their actions are very small, and they all choose some villagers from small mountain villages, so basically they will not

There is power to care about his little actions. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

After all, they are just some ordinary people, and the empire has no need to offend this behemoth.

The saint is high above, but the bishop of the Temple of Light has to do this kind of thing himself, which makes Feng Hao suspicious.

There is no doubt that the matter presided over by the white bishop in the realm of saints is absolutely extremely important to the Temple of Light. Feng Hao does not understand how the important thing in the Temple of Light is to choose a god attendant. , what is the use of him needing so many divine servants.

Following all the way, Feng Hao, who has a talent for space, is naturally impossible to be discovered by the white-robed holy guard. After a long time, they came to a main city.

It's not that Feng Hao doesn't want to save these villagers. The most important thing is that if Feng Hao kills the white-robed holy guard at this time, it will undoubtedly become the hatred of these villagers.

Because, in their opinion, the people in the Temple of Light are the saviors of the world, and it is their blessing to be able to serve as a servant of the gods, while those who oppose the Temple of Light are absolutely dark, the kind of unpardonable devil.

"It seems that it is not so simple to completely solve the Temple of Light..."

Feng Hao couldn't help sighing.

It has to be said that the Temple of Light is a superb move, almost pulling all ordinary people to his camp. It can be said that in the eyes of ordinary people, they are already really gods.

Although Feng Hao is not a good person, he is not a bad person either. If he destroys the Temple of Light for no reason at this time, the blow to these ordinary people will definitely be huge. It is possible that many people will commit suicide because of this. , hatred.

At that time, the world will really be in chaos.

This is what Feng Hao doesn't want to see.

So, unless he can find the evil deeds of the Temple of Light and prove it.

Moreover, it is also the most important point, unless there is a force that can replace the Temple of Light.

In this way, the common people will not be in chaos.

"Looking for a real good guy!"

There was a bitterness in Feng Hao's heart,

A little, a very familiar face appeared in the back of his mind.

Rain condensation.

That is the most pure and kind-hearted girl Feng Hao has ever seen...

"She's alright!"

A touch of complexity flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and there was a faint arc on the corner of his mouth, "If you talk about the savior, no one is more suitable than her!"

Feng Hao believes that she will definitely do well. She is kind from the heart, and sacrifices for others without any selfishness. More importantly, she may now be a pharmacist at the peak of the sky.

If it is said that a force like the Temple of Light must be formed, Yu Ning is definitely the best candidate.

"Then the Holy Land of Medicine Master must be developed into the Hongmeng Realm..."

Feng Hao had a calculation in his heart.

A perfect solution to the Temple of Light had already taken shape in his mind.

If you compare the salvation of the world, who can compare to the pharmacist.

The Temple of Light can subsidize material things, but he has no way to deal with the pain, and they will turn a blind eye to those who are sick. This is actually hypocritical to a certain extent.

"She will definitely do well!"

For that kind girl, Feng Hao was full of confidence.

Now, the major empires do not have the slightest affection for the Temple of Light. Feng Hao believes that the major empires definitely hope to see such a force to check and balance the Temple of Light.

At this time, the white-robed Saint Guard had already brought those villagers into the Temple of Light.

"I'm here to see what the hell you're up to!"

Feng Hao sighed lightly, his purple pupils lit up, penetrating everything, and he saw everything in the Temple of Light.

Under the leadership of the white-robed holy guards, their group came to the depths of the Temple of Light, where more than a hundred people were already waiting. From what they looked like, they seemed to be ordinary villagers, with dozens of white-robed holy guards. Standing aside, it seems that the hunter is guarding his prey.

However, these villagers did not realize that their hearts were full of excitement, and it was such a great honor to be able to serve God.

"Serving God, do you need so many people!"

Feng Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

He feels that this is definitely not the first time that the Temple of Light has selected a god attendant. This is only one place, and only a few hundred or ten empires are selected. How many people can be selected at one time.

Feng Hao had a bad premonition. He felt that something shameful was going on in the Temple of Light...

But at this time, he had no choice.

"It seems that we need to wait for the bishop in white to come back..."

After observing for a while, they found that they still did not move. Feng Hao and Huang Tianyun found an inn nearby, and secretly observed the movement in the Temple of Light.

During this period, Huang Tianyun also put away his hippie smile, and his turbid eyes kept flashing the spirit of the people, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

This wait was one day, and it was not until the afternoon of the next day that the white-robed bishop returned with the last white-robed holy guard, and finally brought nearly a thousand people into a secret room.

"Damn, I can't even break it!"

Within the purple pupil, the secret room was very blurry, and everything inside could not be seen clearly. It seemed to be specially made, which made Feng Hao quite annoyed.

"There's a teleportation array in there!"

Huang Tianyun, who was on the side, spoke lightly. He withdrew his eyes, and his eyes returned to calm, but his face was surprisingly serious.

"Teleportation Array!"

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Where are they sending people to!"

"I don't know!"

Huang Tianyun shook his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, "I should be the holy mountain of the Temple of Light, to serve God, it should be there..."

"The Holy Mountain of Light..."

The light in Feng Hao's eyes flickered uncertainly. After a long time, he said, "It seems that the Holy Mountain of Light must be visited once, but not now!"

Now that he went to the Holy Mountain of Light, it was of little use, and he couldn't change anything at all. Without strong strength, he couldn't enter the Holy Temple of Light at all.

"However, I think it's time to go back to Tianwu Continent first!"

Because of his previous thoughts, Feng Hao still decided to go back to Tianwu Continent first to solve the Tianwu Bright Alliance. Otherwise, it would be difficult to solve it if his influence expanded.

Moreover, his plan can only be carried out with the cooperation of the Holy Land of Medicine Master. I believe that as the master of the virtual martial arts, there should be no problem in mobilizing the Medicine Master Guild. Please come to see the first release without advertisement -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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