Martial Inverse

Chapter 956 Determination

?Chapter 956

If you want to rob Originium, of course you don’t want to go to the quarry’s Origin Mine. That would be too much trouble. Moreover, how many people should there be in a Origin Vein? How could a few people be able to destroy them? At that time, thousands, even tens of thousands of people besieged, it would not be fun, no matter how tyrannical Feng Hao is, even if he has the defensive talent of Xuanwu, he will still die, and he will definitely be smashed to slag. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

That's not to rob Originium, but to die.

Seizing the Origin Vein is generally a competition between races. If it is captured, it still needs to be defended. It is definitely not something that a few people can set off.

Moreover, if they were just robbing Originium, there was no need to do so. All they had to do was to intercept the people who transported Originium. They were carrying a huge amount of Originium mined within the Origin Vein. Ten thousand.

This kind of person who escorts Originium is of course not weak, and generally it will be the most tyrannical person in the race, and it will not be a single person, but not everyone can hit their ideas.

If it was placed before, Haotian would never have thought about robbing the source stone of other races, but now it is different, a Feng Hao, an ice cube that can kill the Wu Ling family's same-level powerhouse in one move. , Qiong Linger, plus himself, four super-powerful people, such a team will be an extraordinary existence wherever it is placed, and it already has the qualifications to robbery.

"Currently, Wu Meng is responsible for the delivery of the source stone of the Wu Ling family. His strength is called the third existence in the Wu Ling family. For a character like Wu Yun, he might even be able to kill him instantly!"

Shen Shen, Haotian introduced the current situation of the Wuling clan's source stone transportation with a stern face. When he mentioned this Wumeng, his face became a little heavy.

Obviously, this Wu Meng is definitely not a simple character, ranking third in the Wu Ling clan, which basically means that he has the potential to become a Wu Ling clan giant in the future.

"Can kill Wu Yun in seconds!"

Hearing this, Feng Hao frowned slightly.

Although he was able to kill Wu Yun, it would definitely not be easy, and even if it wasn't for the existence of 'Xuan Zhongyu', it would take a long time to kill him.

However, this Wu Meng can easily kill Wu Yun in seconds, which undoubtedly means that this Wu Meng's strength absolutely surpasses himself.

Not only him, but Samsara frowned slightly.

His strength is tyrannical,

There is no doubt, however, he is a real and excellent killer. He pays attention to killing with one blow, transforming ten forces with one force, and bursting out in an instant. However, if he encounters an opponent who reaches his tenth level, let him Fighting hard is not his forte.

The third powerhouse of the younger generation of the Wu Ling family, it is not easy to kill in seconds. The calculation in his heart tells him that this is not the object he can kill in seconds.

"That's right!"

Haotian nodded earnestly and explained, "This Wu Meng, it can be said, is already half of the holy rank. If he wants to be promoted to the holy rank, it is just a matter of thought, because he has already touched" The existence of Dao', and the reason why he did not advance to the Holy Rank is to deliver the Origin Stone to the Wuling Clan. Only by using this kind of person and using the Origin Stone will it be safe. Even if he is not defeated, once he is promoted to the Holy Rank, naturally Someone will pick him up... In fact, all ethnic groups do this, so it is almost impossible to rob Originium, and there are not many successful examples within the Origin Realm!"

"So it is!"

Feng Hao nodded suddenly.

All races are not fools, the races that can stand at the top of the food chain, their wisdom is no less than the human race.

The preciousness of the source stone, it goes without saying that looting the source stone, every race wants to do it, in order to prevent this kind of robbery, it is indeed possible to use this kind of person to be foolproof.

The strength is tyrannical, this is a kind of shock, it can break through the holy order at any time, this is a guarantee.

At least 10,000 Origin Stones, this is a huge amount, even if it is a major race, if it loses such a large amount of Origin Stone, it will hurt for a long time.

Origin Stone, this is not only the background of a supernatural force, but also the background of a race. If a race starts a war, it will definitely be a showdown between the powerhouses. Origin Stone can decide many things, even the survival of a race.

"So, if you want to rob the Origin Stone, you must be able to kill him without giving him a chance to breathe. Otherwise, it will fall short, and it will also attract the anger of the Wu Ling family!"

Haotian put his eyes on Feng Hao.

Whether it can be successful or not, in his opinion, is placed on this man, because he has that unpredictable space talent, even if Wu Meng's strength is tyrannical, it is absolutely unthinkable.

"In addition to Wu Meng, he will have ten followers, all of whom are first-rate in strength. Among them, there may be people from the Wu vein, and then we will be like this..."

Haotian completely got rid of his own thoughts and plans.

"Okay, let's do it!"

When Feng Hao's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and applauded, and the matter was decided.

If you can succeed and do this kind of thing a few more times, then the matter of the Holy Physician Holy Land will be solved.

However, when thinking about the future development and robbery, this is definitely not a long-term solution. If you want to obtain the source of the source stone for a long time, you must establish a strong enough force, so that you can join the example of the source of the source.

The temporary combination of the Feng family and the holy place of holy medicine, the Feng family has people from the imperial vein, which means that they have no less than the background of the top ten empires, plus the influence of the holy place of holy medicine, this is enough to arouse the idea of ​​​​supernatural forces .

As long as there is enough time, Feng Hao has the confidence to push the Feng family into a force no less than the top ten empires.

Of course, Feng Hao didn't want the Feng family to annex the Holy Medicine Holy Land. This was just a union of the two, to learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses. Each was not allowed to interfere with the other's internal situation, but to reach a consensus of the alliance.

"Brother Haotian, how is the origin of my human race!"

Thinking of the thoughts in his heart, Feng Hao asked Haotian.

If you want to get the source of the source, this is not a simple matter. You must make an effort when you get the source. Otherwise, the major forces will never be able to divide a part.

Therefore, Feng Hao's idea is still to find a new source vein. As long as he wins the source vein, he contributes his own strength, shows his strength, and divides it. Naturally, there will be no shortage of Feng family.

At that time, with their own strength, the division will definitely not be less.

There is a guarantee for the division of the source line, which is enough for the rise of the Feng family. Only in this way can the Feng family truly rise. At that time, it is not impossible to surpass the top ten empires. Please see the first release without advertisements- \u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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