Martial Inverse

Chapter 957 Huge rewards

?Chapter 957 Huge Rewards

"The source of my clan!"

Haotian shook his head with a wry smile and explained, "The source of my human race has been exhausted for more than two years. In the past two years, our human race has been looking for the source of the source, but unfortunately, there has been no whereabouts of the source. Therefore, these two years Over the years, the source stone of our human race has basically come from the source beast!"

"Original veins are exhausted!"

Feng Hao's heart moved, but his face was silent, "Could it be that the human race didn't want to go and snatch one!"

"Take one!"

A look of surprise flashed across Haotian's face. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

He didn't understand why the man in front of him didn't even know a lot of common sense.

This made him wonder.

"Isn't he really from the Yan family!"

Suddenly, a thought flashed in his mind, and he remembered some rumors in Xuantian Palace before...

Qiong Ling'er and Wan Xin were picked up from Tianwu Continent, and it is rumored that the two of them are in Tianwu Continent and already have a crush...

At that time, he didn't care. If he was really a person from Tianwu Continent, someone who could be worthy of the attention of Shangxuan Tiangong, even if the two women agreed, the bosses of Xuan Tiangong would never allow it.

But now, he has a feeling that maybe, the person in front of him is the one from Tianwu Continent, who is exactly the person of the two girls.

"Although it is possible to seize the source vein, it is often more than the loss, and it is very likely that both sides will suffer, and then other races will benefit from the fisherman!"

Haotian explained in detail.

Indeed, at the very beginning, seizing the source vein was almost a common occurrence in the source realm, but whoever had the source vein would be willing to take it away.

The two major races want to fight, and they will never stop. After fighting, the peak level will either break through the holy rank and fly away, or they will perish together. If this is the case, wouldn't it give another race a chance?

To cultivate such a peak-level character, it is not a simple matter, and it takes time to precipitate.

"I see!"

Feng Hao nodded.

Indeed, the two races are fighting for each other, which simply creates opportunities for other forces. At that time, neither of them may be able to gain a foothold in the source world.

"Now there are fewer and fewer sources of the source world, and it is difficult to find them. Some existences in the source world that are like forbidden places are the source lifelines of the source world. Not only are the strength not allowed, but the major races will not move, otherwise, The source world is completely destroyed!"

Haotian sighed lightly, "Actually, it's not just the human race, but the source veins of many other races have long been exhausted... After endless years of mining, the source world will only have those few origin lifelines left!"


A gleam of light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and he asked, "Brother Haotian, if you find a source vein, what will be the benefits!"

"Discover the source vein!"

Looking at the man with a faint smile in front of him, Haotian found that he was becoming more and more mysterious. There was a mist covering his body, which made him a little unclear.

"The major superhuman forces of the human race have long promised that as long as they can find a 'suitable' source vein, they will be able to get a reward of 10,000 Origin Stones, and they will have an unconditional one percent share of this source vein! "

As soon as he said these words, the eyes of everyone around him could not help but light up.

Naturally, they were not given the reward of 10,000 Originium Stones, but a 1% share to individuals.

This alone can make everyone crazy, and no one can ignore it.

One percent of a source line, this is a huge amount, no one can calculate the specific amount, even the major extraordinary forces are absolutely jealous.

However, this also shows that the major extraordinary forces are helpless to find the source, otherwise they would not have offered such a shocking price.

Maybe it really can only wait until a few years later, the original lifeline will derive a new one.

"One percent!"

Feng Hao was not moved by it, not even showing the slightest excitement.

One percent of the share is a huge sum, but if you can get the first share, you can get one layer.

That's one tenth.

That was Feng Hao's goal.


Haotian nodded.

He is becoming more and more curious about who this man is, and why he is so tempting, yet he can still treat it with an ordinary heart.

You must know that after the original announcement, he also joined the task of finding the source vein, but there is no doubt that after searching for more than half a year, there is still no effect.

Although the source realm is not as vast as the Hongmeng realm, it is at least a space the size of Tianwu Continent, and its area should not be underestimated.

Moreover, there are not only human races, alien races and Origin Beasts on this land, these are all deadly.

This undoubtedly added a few points of difficulty to finding the source vein.

"Even Master Xiangshi, who has the pupil technique of the peak of the sky, can't find it. Perhaps, the source vein has indeed been exhausted. Therefore, in the past few years, the major forces have mainly hunted down the source beast and searched for the source vein. Assist!"

Haotian, as the key training object of Xuantian Palace, one of the supernatural forces, knows everything about the situation in the source world. At this time, he has undoubtedly tried his best to befriend the man in front of him.

Haotian has a feeling in his heart that befriending him will definitely bring him unexpected benefits.

"Thank you Brother Haotian for telling me!"

Feng Hao bowed his hands towards him gratefully, and had a little more affection for the man in front of him.

Is a man to give.

At least, Feng Hao saw his frankness and sincerity.

"Haha, Brother Feng, you're welcome, this is just some common sense!"

Haotian rejoiced in his heart and politely returned the gift.

After going back and forth, the two became acquainted.

After a whole day of recuperation, under Feng Hao's recuperation, Wan Xin soon returned to normal. The unassuming intimacy of the three really made everyone feel speechless, and the numb goosebumps disappeared. I don't know. how many layers.


When a few people passed through a valley area, a loud beast roar aroused everyone's attention.

"It's the Origin Beast!"

Haotian's expression changed, and he exclaimed softly.

"Original beast!"

Hearing this kind of beast roar, Feng Hao actually thought of it. After all, there is only one kind of beast in this source world. When his mind moved, two flaming balls ignited in his eyes. Zi Yan, like a pair of magic pupils, is shocking and makes people dare not look directly.

Under the purple eyes, he saw a wild boar-like head, pure white and crystal-like fur, and a stout beast like an elephant, rushing towards him.

It is undoubtedly the source beast.

"Thirty-two Origin Beasts!"

With a glance, Feng Hao's eyes flashed with joy, and said with a relaxed tone, "This is a good sign, the source stone is here!"

After all, he took the lead in rushing towards the Origin Beast Group, and please come to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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