Martial Inverse

The ninth and fiftieth eighth chapter is also shot while lying down

?Chapter 958

"Destroy the sky!"

The chilling voice spit out from Feng Hao's mouth, and the unicorn arm was directly revealed. The dark purple crystal giant sword condensed by the power of stars, the power of the blue, the power of the thunder, and the power of battle was revealed again in his hand, carrying With the aura of being able to smash the sky, he rushed into the Origin Beast alone, holding a long sword, and slashed directly at one of the Origin Beasts. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .


The Origin Beast's eyes were red, and the two teeth that exposed its mouth were extremely cold, reflecting an icy light. It just moved, and the earth trembled. When it opened its mouth, it spit out a mouthful of pure white energy, like a sky. The beam of light rippled through the space with ripples visible to the naked eye, like the surface of a lake, and the potential energy pierced everything.


A gleam of light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant. When it reappeared, it was on the side of this Origin Beast, and the dark purple giant sword in his hand, without the slightest hesitation, directly moved towards the head of this Origin Beast. cut off.


In Jinghong's room, that stern white mark pierced the heavens and the earth, and the piercing sound of breaking through the air resounded. There was not much obstacle, and the head of the Origin Beast was directly chopped off.


When the second Origin Beast collided, Feng Hao disappeared in the same place again strangely like a ghost. When it reacted, its hideous head had been split open by a sword.


Haotian, Qiong Linger, Wan Xin, Samsara, the four disciples of Xuantian Palace all rushed to kill them, doing things they dared not do before.

Thirty or so Origin Beasts, this is not a small number. If Haotian was just bringing these Xuantian Palace disciples, they would definitely choose to avoid them, but the current situation is different.


The speed of reincarnation was as fast as lightning, and the shot was as fast as lightning. I saw a cold light flashing, and the Origin Beast in front of him broke his head, which was very neat. After he took off the other Origin Beast head When he was at the level, bright red blood spurted out from the torn head.

On the other side, Haotian also acted alone, with great power and no ambiguity in killing the origin beast. Qiong Linger and Wan Xin joined forces to kill the origin beast with ease.

Not very laborious.

And the five disciples of Xuantian Palace would not be able to do it. It took a lot of time for the five of them to surround and kill a Origin Beast. This fully shows that it is not that the Origin Beast is too weak, but that these people are too strong.

An almost unilateral massacre officially started after the shocking sword fell.


The rumbling sound and the shrill screams resounded continuously in this valley, the suffocating air soared into the sky, and the fierce wind raged wildly around, a scene of flying sand and rocks.

Under the blow of the four super powerhouses, the thirty-two Origin Beasts were all wrapped up, and it only took a few minutes, and they all fell down. spread.

Of course, most of them died in the hands of Feng Hao and Samsara. The tyrannical Origin Beasts had almost no pressure on them, and they could see blood in every move.

After cleaning up, five Originium stones were dug out of the thirty-two Origin Beasts.

This can be regarded as a considerable gain. Looking at the uncontrollable surprise on the faces of the five disciples of Xuantian Palace, Feng Hao is already very clear.

Then, of the five Origin Stones, Haotian and the four disciples got a total of two, one for Samsara, and two for Feng Hao and the two women.

For Originium, Samsara did not refuse.

Only saints need Originium.

"Sure enough!"

After seeing Samsara's shot again, Haotian's heart trembled, and when he recalled those pictures, he couldn't help shivering.

That kind of speed, he can't dodge, that kind of murderous intent, he can't resist, to be the enemy of this person, there is only one way to die.

One hit kills, and there is no sloppy phenomenon at all, which reminds him of a terrifying existence...


Thinking of that existence, a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

If those are the people, then...

It's really big.

"This kind of person is willing to follow him!"

The more he discovered, the more Haotian felt that his worldview was slowly changing.

And all of this was because of the man in front of him.

Fortunately for him, he had already made a good relationship with him, not to mention whether he could become a confidant, but he was definitely a friend.


Two days later, the group finally saw the city of the human race...

"Brother Hao, we are going too!"

Qiong Linger and Wan Xin both bit their lips and looked at Feng Hao with pleading and firm eyes.


Feng Hao hesitated and frowned slightly.

Although the strength of the two women is not bad, what they are going to do this time is to intercept the third-ranked powerhouse of the Wu Ling family, Wu Meng.

In this regard, even according to Haotian's plan, it would not be 100% successful.

Because, Haotian doesn't know Wu Meng's true strength, and he is only a rough estimate.

"Brother Hao, we will never hold you back!"

Qiong Linger's eyes were full of water, and it looked like you would cry if you didn't agree to me, and Wan Xin on the side was also very pitiful. Very distressed.

He is very reluctant to take risks with the two women, he does not want them to be injured in the slightest, and if they want to participate in this plan, he cannot ensure the safety of the two of them.

"It's still not right!"

Feng Hao shook his head, hardened his heart, and was very determined.

He couldn't forget the pale and pretty faces of Wan Xin and Qiong Ling'er. Every time he thought of the scene of that day, he was afraid for a while.

He didn't want the two women to become the flowers of the greenhouse. The experience did not necessarily have to be in the source world, nor did he have to participate in this interception. It was too dangerous.

"Sister Xin'er and I are already very strong. Besides, this guy can go, why can't we go!"

Seeing his icy and unmoved appearance, Qiong Linger immediately became anxious, pointing at Haotian beside him and shouting.

She is no longer the Qiong Ling'er she used to be. Looking at the Hongmeng Realm, there are not many people of her age who can surpass her.

"Cough, brother Feng, the two of them are indeed very strong. Even me, I can't fight against them!"

The corner of Haotian's mouth twitched, and he said under Feng Hao's somewhat surprised eyes.

He was also shot while lying down.

However, he also has to admit that if the two beautiful women in front of him join forces, he really can't compete. Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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