Martial Inverse

Chapter 972 Swamp

? Chapter 972 Swamp

As soon as Wan Xin said these words, the atmosphere on both sides became a little nervous. Samsara's eyes narrowed slightly, locking on the Yun Qingshan brothers and sisters, ready to launch a fatal blow at any time. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

"Actually, at the beginning, I really wanted to attract the attention of a few people with a huge amount of Originium, but I didn't think too much..."

With a wry smile on the corner of Yun Qingshan's mouth, he spoke truthfully.

Although he still doesn't know what race these people are, he can feel that these people are very extraordinary.

It really shouldn't be offended.

In particular, there is a man who doesn't know the depths, and is even afraid of the monsters who are immune to attacks. If this offends him, it may be another matter whether he can go away.

"The grace of saving life is unforgettable. I, Yunqingshan, guarantee by the reputation of my Qingyu clan, will definitely deliver 10,000 Originium Stones to several benefactors within a month!"

He looked solemn and said sincerely.

This sentence made the faces of Wan Xin and the three of them improve a little.

The Qingyu clan currently controls a large source vein. If this man named Yun Qingshan really has a high status in the Qingyu clan, it is not impossible to get 10,000 source stones.

And the current situation can't help, killing the two of them won't help, you can only choose to believe.

"This is my identity token!"

Turning his hands, Yun Qingshan took out a jade that looked like a feather. After hesitating for a while, he threw it to Wan Xin and said, "With this token, several of them are friends of my Qingyu clan. Anything, you can use this token to come to the Qingyu clan to find me, as long as it is useful, I will not shirk!"


Wan Xin took this peculiar piece of jade in her hand and felt the coldness inside the jade. In an instant, she felt that her mind was clear, and she was exhausted and retreated.

"This is an exotic treasure!"

With a move in her heart, she looked at the identity of this Yun Qingshan a little higher.

With his token, even foreigners can enter the Qingyu clan's territory. With this, it is enough to prove his identity is not simple.

This is like them, even Haotian and Qiong Linger, it is impossible to bring foreigners into the human race city, let alone rely on tokens.

This time is amazing. If what Yun Qingshan said is true, then they will undoubtedly win the friendship of the Qingyu clan. This is not comparable to 10,000 Originium Stones.

At this time, even if it is reincarnation, it cannot help but be moved.

Undoubtedly, now Feng Hao has won the friendship of the Qingyu clan alone. Based on this alone, his status in the human race will not be lower than that of the helms of the various extraordinary races.

It can be said that if this matter is spread out, he will definitely be confessed.


With him here, wouldn't that mean the alliance between the human race and the Qingyu race?

If it is not for this kind of person, who else is there.

And with this identity, what Feng Hao wants to do, as long as they don't challenge the bottom line of the major extraordinary forces, they will allow it.

If he wanted to marry the Xuantian Twin Fairies, in his capacity, the Xuantian Palace could not ask for it, and even the Yan family, considering these factors, would pay attention to him as a person.

In the same way, if he speaks for himself, then the matter between him and Xueyan can be resolved very well.

As soon as he thought of this, ripples swayed in his calm heart lake...

"Thank you!"

Wan Xin also considered these things, pursed her lips, and said something to him softly.

This gift is not something that can be measured by value.

"Hehe, this girl is polite!"

Seeing their reaction, Yun Qingshan was relieved.

Indeed, he also cares about Feng Hao. He believes that this man who has done what he can't do will definitely not be inferior to himself in the future.

Befriending such a person, he does not suffer.

"May I ask which race you are from, when the source stone gathers, I will ask someone to send it to you!"

There was a glint in his eyes, and he asked politely.


Wan Xin hesitated for a while. For a while, she couldn't make up her mind either. She looked at Qiong Ling'er, but saw that she was also looking at herself.

"Don't worry, I am absolutely sincere!"

Seeing them hesitate, Yun Qingshan said sincerely again.

"Let's wait for Brother Hao to come back and talk about it!"

The two women exchanged a little bit of eye contact, and it was Wan Xin who said to him.

"That's fine too!"

Yun Qingshan nodded, and then stood aside with the beautiful woman, chatting with them without a word, but his eyes were always on the direction Feng Hao was going.

He really wanted to know why Feng Hao entered the Origin Beast Swamp.

After a while, the place fell into silence, and the eyes of several people were looking at the depths nervously, looking forward to the return of the figure.

After all, the fierce name of the Origin Beast Swamp is not blown out, but there are indeed monsters that people can't resist.


"Shh, shh,..."

Following those bugs, Feng Hao's figure flickered, and he shuttled through the Origin Beast Swamp. Although he encountered a lot of Origin Beasts on the way, he was dodged by him one by one. It was handled casually by him.

"Where did this kind of bug come from? Could it be derived from the Origin Vein just like the Origin Beast!"

The power of these bugs made Feng Hao a little suspicious.

In fact, the Origin Beast is also an extremely powerful species. As long as it is derived, it has a shocking strength. If the number is on a par with these insects, I am afraid that it will not be inferior to this group of insects, and even the degree of terror will increase.

Because those absolutely forbidden places are also where the lifeblood of the Origin Realm is located, and there are countless Origin Beasts gathered. Moreover, there are many Origin Beast Kings who control them. Once a creature invades, they will control them. All the source beasts attacked the ground, and in such an earth-shattering scene, no creature could resist, and all of them turned to ashes with one blow.

"what is that!"

It's far away, but Feng Hao stopped his steps and cast his eyes into the distance...

It was a continuous, undulating swamp like a wave. It seemed to be full of life and extremely agile.


After those worms came to this swamp, like water droplets returning to the lake, they directly integrated into it and became one.


After the swamp undulating for a while, there was a sudden tremor in the middle, and it swayed down and spread around. Then, the swamp changed dramatically.

This swamp actually stood up.

That's right, it just stood up, and, slowly, it condensed into a huge Origin Beast. Please come to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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