Martial Inverse

Nine hundred and seventieth chapters capture female insects

?Chapter 973

The huge Origin Beast, although the shape is similar to the Origin Beast, but upon closer inspection, there are many differences. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

First of all, it is because it is too large.

A source beast the size of a hill, compared to Feng Hao standing in the distance, is like the difference between an ant and an elephant, inconspicuous.

Furthermore, the energy fluctuations in color and dispersion are not the same.

On the body of the Origin Beast, Feng Hao could sense the same fluctuations as the energy contained in the Origin Stone, but there was no such fluctuation on this giant beast.

This is a giant beast condensed from countless inexplicable bugs.

Feeling the fishy wind blowing towards his face, with a strange aura, Feng Hao froze in his heart and couldn't help but feel a little scalp numb.

If he is really swallowed up by it, then there will definitely be no bones left.

There is almost no doubt about this.

Before that, he had figured out the properties of these bugs.

Whether it is attack power, defense power, or vitality, it is extremely tenacious.

If it wasn't for the energy of Heavenly Punishment, let alone chasing him here, even if he encountered a little, with the four extreme powers on his body, he would have nothing to do with it, as long as he ran for his life.

The purple pupils lit up, if it were a pair of demon pupils, his eyes scanned the source beast, trying to find out all the clues.

At this point, he was almost certain that these insects definitely had a head controlling their actions, otherwise their actions would never be so orderly.

"found it!"

Under the pupil technique of the peak of the sky, he soon discovered a different existence.

That is on the chest of this Origin Beast.

That's a worm.

A female worm.

Bai Shengsheng is in the shape of a cocoon. It has a pair of eyes and is looking at Feng Hao. There is a sparkling light in his eyes, which is obviously not low in wisdom.


At the end of it, Feng Hao saw that the little bugs kept crawling out, multiplying very fast.

At this time, it was fierce and restrained, and it looked at Feng Hao with some fear, especially when it saw the flashing arcs, its body trembled, and it seemed to want to stay away.


As soon as his mind moved, Feng Hao's figure rose slowly, lightning flashed all over his body, and the dense arcs attacked each other, bursting out a symphony of destruction. He was expressionless, like a god of destruction, with a vast momentum , look down on everything.


The mother worm felt the threat, and the giant beast roared in the sky, bursting out with the momentum condensed by countless small worms, sweeping all around, as if it wanted to frighten Feng Hao away with its momentum.


The corners of Feng Hao's mouth curved in an evil and charming arc, and he pulled the small ball out of his arms, "Tell it, either surrender to me or die!"


Xiao Qiuqiu was originally looking at this Origin Beast with interest, but after hearing what Feng Hao said, it was a little tangled.

It's not enough to be a translation machine.

After all, he is also dignified... With him, this is all he needs to use.

"Yah, ah, ah,..."

Under Feng Hao's coercion, it gave in again, and yelled at the Origin Beast angrily, with a strong sense of threat.


Immediately, the Origin Beast seemed to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulus, and its entire body suddenly stood up.

It is angry, it is the overlord here, and someone wants it to surrender, this is absolutely impossible, in this world, it is invincible.


Feng Hao snorted coldly, his face sank, and he said lightly, "It seems that I won't be able to teach you a lesson!"


Heavenly Punishment energy frantically poured out of his Wu Yuan vortex, disturbing the sky, muffled thunder rolls, and an aura that destroys everything roams between heaven and earth, everything is afraid, beasts dare not scream, insects dare not croak, heaven and earth are silent.

"Ben Thunder Fist!"

He bullied himself and rushed directly in front of the Origin Beast, smashing his fist directly at the position of the female worm.


The Origin Beast roared again, spit out a mass of jet-black objects, and sprayed it towards Feng Hao.

This is a group of bugs, the number is incalculable, if ordinary people let them stick to their bodies, there is absolutely only a dead end.


The corner of Feng Hao's mouth bent, his figure stopped, and then, he disappeared in place in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already on the side of this Origin Beast, his arm full of arcs, turned fists into claws, and moved directly towards him. Catch the female worm.

His purpose is not to kill these bugs, but to control them.

It can be said unceremoniously that as long as he controls these weird bugs, within the source world, he can dominate alone, and where he is, that is the forbidden land.

In the future, the Feng family can still rely on this group of bugs to gain a foothold in the source world, and no one dares to deceive them.

Of course, allies must be needed, otherwise, the Feng family can't afford the public anger, and neither can the human race.


Under the forcible drive of the female worm, these worms still devoured Feng Hao's arm, but the dense arcs flickered. As long as they hit, they would explode on their own, and they would be directly destroyed into slag.

Therefore, these worms didn't cause much trouble to Feng Hao. He wrapped arcs all over his body, his arm penetrated into the body of the source beast, spread his ten fingers, and sucked hard, the female worm was caught in his hands involuntarily. .


Without the slightest hesitation, Feng Hao flashed directly into the streamer space, avoiding the crazy insects.

When the female worms are in hand, it means that these worms belong to him, and he is reluctant to continue to lose them.


I couldn't feel the breath of the female worm, and sure enough, these worms seemed to have no brains, the huge Origin Beast collapsed suddenly, and all the worms scurried about in a panic, no order at all, densely scattered away.

The bugs at this time have no attack power at all, because their individual attack power is not very high, and the reason why they are tyrannical is that they all rely on collectives and numbers.


In this streamer space, the female worm finally showed a look of fear, especially the aura overflowing from the person in front of her, which made it even more uneasy.

With its wisdom, it has also understood that its own life and death lie within this person's thought.


As long as there are intelligent beings, they will not choose this path. Otherwise, why is cultivation? Isn’t it just to live longer.

"Submit, or die!"

Feng Hao's body was filled with an aura of destruction, and there was no emotion in his voice. It seemed that as long as it was overruled, he would kill the killer and show no mercy.


After Xiaoqiuqiu's explanation, the female worm finally gave a dejected answer. Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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