Martial Inverse

Chapter 983 The situation is subverted

?Chapter 983 The situation is subverted

It was just a thought, an estimate, but it made everyone in the audience feel a little suffocated...

"When did my human race have such a strange character!"

The powerhouses of the human race racked their brains, but they couldn't figure out where this man came from. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

If the human race really has such a character, doesn't it mean that the human race is invincible in this source world?

Thinking of this, their breathing could not help but quicken.

"The physique of the thunder pole attribute, could it be someone from the Yan family!"

Their eyes were all cast to Yan Mo in the distance, and they couldn't help feeling emotional.

Yan family, this time there is another incredible character.

While they were envious, Yan Mo was both shocked and puzzled.

He was not sure whether this person was from his Yan family.

It stands to reason that even if it is a child cultivated in secret, he has definitely seen it himself, but he feels too unfamiliar with the man in front of him. In short, he has never seen such a person in the Yan family.

"It would be great if it was from my Yan family..."

His eyes were bright and bright, and he made up his mind that he must ask carefully.

This is really important to the Yan family.


"Bastard, I don't know how to come and help!"

Seeing the strange Origin Beast behind him chasing him closer and closer, Wu Li was dripping with cold sweat, and shouted at the Wuling people in anger and anger, and he was no longer afraid of being embarrassed.

He was really afraid, as long as he could live, with his own strength, who would dare to make irresponsible remarks.

"As ordered!"

After being yelled at by him, all the elites of the Wuling Clan reluctantly responded, biting their heads, and suddenly Wuli surged wildly in this space. Heavy, sombre pressure, even the ground sank, covered with cracks.


Wu Li is like a tsunami,

It swept away towards the source beast that was formed by the swamp, with a huge momentum, and wanted to smash it into pieces.


The source beast raised its head and made a sharp cry from its mouth, which made the scalp tingle. It was like a small boat in the vast ocean, but it still slammed into the earth-shattering tide, and the whole movement did not stop at all.

In the scene that followed, the elites of the Wu Ling family really wanted to escape directly from this place.

After this Origin Beast broke into the tide of Wuli, it was like a fish in the water, and it did not suffer any damage. Moreover, it was still able to move, but the speed was slowed down a little.

This made Wu Meng hurriedly retreated into the distance, not daring to stand still, and Wu Li also had a chance to breathe, opening the distance between the two sides.

However, this is just the beginning of their nightmare...


Following Feng Hao's command, a head of Origin Beasts condensed out, and immediately, about twenty Origin Beasts rose into the air, overwhelming the sky and rushing towards the Wu Ling people.


One of the closest Wuling tribesmen was swallowed directly by a Origin Beast, blood splashed, and even a little bit, not even bones and scum were left.


After seeing this scene, Wu Li made a decisive decision, shouted loudly, and took the lead in rushing towards the Wu Ling family city.

There is the safest place, even a saint may not be able to break the protective cover of the city, so as long as he enters the city, he has no worries.

However, what made him furious was that the Origin Beast arranged by Feng Hao had been following behind him, not giving up.

"Human Race, my Wuling Race is at odds with you!"

He shouted, hoping to threaten Feng Hao to let him remove this weird thing.

However, how could Feng Hao take care of him? The hatred has already been formed, and the severity is the same. If you kill more now, there will be one less powerful enemy in the future. Therefore, after his purple eyes swept over, including Wu Li, Wu Meng and Huan Behind three other similar Wu Ling clan superpowers, he arranged a Origin Beast with special care.

However, following his order, the situation on the scene was turned upside down immediately. All the people of the Wuling family became the dogs of the family. The source of the gods and even the source line were no longer needed, and they all moved towards the city of the Wuling family. The direction ran, leaving the other two races and people of the human race to watch this scene like petrification in place.

One person, changed the situation of a battlefield.

"You can't fight him!"

Looking at Feng Hao's feet, it was just a large circle of swampland, and they all left a seed in their hearts, and they engraved this face firmly in their minds as an unprovokable object. .

Seeing them like this, Feng Hao didn't embarrass them and let them go away. However, they didn't leave directly, but stood in the distance and watched the battle of disparity in strength.

The Wu Ling family really hit a rock this time.

In just a few minutes, at least hundreds of clansmen were engulfed by the primordial beast, but they left a horrifying scream, splattered blood on the spot, and were devoured.

"Do not!!!"

The first powerhouse of the Wu Ling family who could rank in the top ten was overtaken by a primordial beast. He opened his mouth and swallowed it directly. , there is no trace,

"Stop them anyway!"

Seeing the source beast getting closer and closer, Wu Li roared towards the back as he ran.

The speed of the Origin Beast condensed from the swamp is not inferior to him, and even faster than the first line. If it hadn't been running while fighting and slowing down the speed of the Origin Beast, he would have been devoured long ago.

However, around this, it is already a matter of time to catch up with him.

Those Wuling clan elites did not hesitate to hear his orders, and they all took action, just to delay the speed of the Origin Beast and buy a few seconds for the powerhouses in their own clan.

This is not to say that they are stupid. Their strength and speed are far slower than Wu Li and the others. It can be said that death is almost absolute. , and their family members can also receive high-level preferential treatment.

"Feng Hao!"

Haotian stroked his chest and walked towards Feng Hao with a staggering pace.

"Brother Haotian!"

Seeing his miserable appearance, Feng Hao couldn't help feeling guilt in his heart. With a flick of his finger, a liquid-like medicinal property popped out, and it didn't enter Haotian's body. It was only a small amount, and the wound on his chest was almost repaired.

After that, he bounced several times, each of which was aimed at the powerhouses of the human race.

"Definitely a high-level pharmacist!"

Feeling the wounds in the body that are being repaired quickly, everyone was startled again.

They didn't expect that this strange man was actually a pharmacist, and he seemed to know Haotian of Xuantian Palace... To see the first episode without advertisement, please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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