Martial Inverse

Chapter nine hundred and eighty fourth chase

?Chapter 984

"I'm really ashamed..."

Looking at the team with not many people left beside him, Haotian lowered his head, and red bloodshot streaks appeared in his eyes. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

This time, he brought more than 20 core disciples of Xuantian Palace, and at this time, there are only four people left...

All of these are the foundation of the future of Xuantian Palace. Each of them has the ultimate energy, and the future is limitless. However, it is so damaged here.

All because it didn't go according to the original plan.


He didn't know, because that was what he thought in his heart at the time. The moment he saw the King of Origin Beasts, he was already dazzled by desire.

Divine Origin is really too rare, but not every origin can be derived. No one will know if Divine Origin is unearthed. At most, it is just that race.

This time, it also happened that Feng Hao broke into the origin of the Wuling family. Otherwise, how could the four major races know about it.

"Brother Haotian, rest assured, we will definitely be able to avenge this revenge!"

Feng Hao was the most ashamed. He took a deep breath and said something to Haotian, urging the female worm, and the swamp under his feet swept away in the direction of the Wuling city at extreme speed.

Anyway, he was completely offended. He didn't care about forcing him. It was a waste to have this help.

As long as there are this group of bugs, he will have no problem single-handedly taking on the Wu Ling family.

Seeing his actions, everyone in the scene instantly understood what he wanted to do.

He is going to trouble the Wu Ling family.


Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, their eyes filled with shock.

"Come up!"

Haotian was the first to react. He gave a light drink and chased in the direction of Feng Hao, while those human race powerhouses were only slightly stunned, then they all reacted and quickly followed. up.

"Does he want to...!"

far away,

Although Yan Mo didn't hear what they said, but when he saw their actions, he knew what was going on, and without hesitation, he ran after him.

"Something big is going to happen..."

The other two races who had not left looked at each other, but arranged for a few people to report the letter, and the group followed from a distance, wanting to know how this matter would develop.

But in fact, the most important thing they still want to determine is whether the strange swamp-like creature can break through the defense of the city.

This is extremely important. If there is such a thing, then they must report it, because this affects the balance in the source world.

Such creatures are absolutely not allowed to exist.

However, no matter what, at this time, the Wu Ling family is definitely going to lose blood.


Wu Li and the other Wuling clan powerhouses fled desperately. Along the way, thousands of Wuling clan elites were slowly eaten away by the jet-black Origin Beast, and the screams resounded through the sky...

That is like a demon that climbed up from hell, devouring people directly, leaving no bones and scum.

Such a scene made all the elites of the Wu Ling family tremble, but due to the threat of Wu Li and others, they could only retreat while fighting, delaying time for these superiors.

The scene was absolutely bloody. The Origin Beast rushed into the crowd, just like a wolf entering a flock, and the elite of the Wuling tribe was like a piece of paper. The hearts of the people who followed in the distance were chilling.

If this is replaced by myself, it will definitely not be much better.

The only one who was calm was Feng Hao. He issued an order to the female worm again, and the five Origin Beasts condensed again, chasing after Wu Li and the others.

This is the person he wants to kill. These people are a threat. As long as one kills one, it is enough for the Wu Ling family to feel pain.

For the enemy, there is no need to be merciful, otherwise, it is cruel to oneself.

"damn it!"

Wu Li and others jumped violently and hated Feng Hao to the core, but they didn't dare to look back. They could only separate their minds, spread the incantation, and use their trump cards, just to slow down the pace of these Origin Beasts.

"What the hell is this?!"

The people standing here are the core children carefully cultivated by the major forces of various races, but at this time, they have rummaged through all the memories in their minds, and they have not found a species similar to the creature in front of them.

They don't understand what this is, is it a new species.

To say it, in fact, it seems that this kind of strange thing is not very powerful, but it is expensive.

Immune to attack.

This makes people wonder what is going on, how can there be such a creature in this world, if it is only the peak of Martial Emperor at this time, then the saint can still be killed, but if this kind of creature is also promoted to Holy tier.

Thinking about it is scary, this is too heaven-defying, if this is the case, this kind of creature is simply an invincible existence of the same level.

Feng Hao is naturally aware of this point. The female worm is the same as the Origin Beast. When it is derived, it is the peak of the Martial Emperor. Although its abilities are different, it has one thing in common with the Origin Beast, that is, it has no 'Dao Core'. , It is impossible to advance to the Holy Rank at all, otherwise, this will be his greatest help.

But think about it, the creatures derived from the source world are actually not creatures, but spirits, and naturally they will not be the same as living creatures.

This is a nightmare, the nightmare of everyone in the Wu Ling family. Thousands of elites are swallowed up every moment. Even if they escaped, it is impossible for them to forget what happened today.


The super powerhouse fleeing with Wu Li was about to be overtaken by a source beast. He felt the strange aura and looked at the black mouth. Immediately, a strange aura spread between the heavens and the earth, directly wrapping him. At this moment, he was like a different person, and the aura in his body began to change...

"He's advanced!"

Looking at the aura that made the space easy to ripple, everyone trembled in their hearts.

At the last moment, he resorted to life-saving means and directly promoted to the Holy Rank.

Although he didn't want to, because in this source world, he could secretly obtain a huge amount of source stones to prepare for the future holy order, but at this time, he had not fished enough.


At that moment, a pitch-black crack was opened above him, and a powerful suction descended on his head...


But at this time, the Origin Beast had already rushed over, and the black mouth was like a black hole, gnawing at his legs, please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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