Martial Inverse

Chapter 985 Surrendered

? Chapter 985 Surrender


In mid-air, a shrill scream spread through the air, blood splashed, and everyone saw that a man with only half body was sucked in by the dark crack, and then the crack closed naturally, Feng Qingyun Damn, as if nothing had happened. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .


The jet-black Origin Beast stagnated slightly, just like an arrow from the string, chasing after another super-powerful Wu Ling family.

"That person is dead!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the distance trembled in their hearts, and there was deep astonishment in their eyes.

That person, but one of the strongest of the Wuling family, is extremely terrifying. If there is no accident, he will definitely become a pillar-like existence of the Wuling family, and now, his legs are destroyed, it is already crippled, absolutely It's impossible to get to the top.

He has lost his qualifications.

"You bastard!"

The nostrils of Wu Li and others were smoking, but they didn't dare to look back, so they could only run away with all their strength.

If they want to escape, they can naturally choose to be promoted, but once they are promoted, who will support the Wu Ling family in the source world.

They are here, in addition to sourcing the source stone, they also have the responsibility to support the Wu Ling family. Only by training an equal person can one person be promoted. This is the case for all ethnic groups.

At this time, they actually regretted getting involved with this evil star. Even if they escaped to the city and opened the protective cover, how could they go out with these strange creatures outside the city.

Thinking of this, their faces turned ashen.

If you want to reconcile this time, you must pay a high price.

The source line was almost destroyed, and the source of the gods was also taken away, and now the fields are still falling... The monstrous hatred in their hearts could not be vented, and they made them want to vomit blood.



The screams, the sharp screams, resounded in the heaven and the earth, and entered their ears, and the sound made their hearts sting.

These are the elites of the Witch Spirit Race,

The mainstay, and now, is being slaughtered.

The loss was too great, and they didn't know how to report it to the top. In short, the punishment was certain.

"What exactly do you want to be willing to give up!"

Wu Li's eyes were red, and he roared loudly. The sound resounded like thunder, and it shook thousands of miles.

He relented, thinking that even if he returned to the city, he would not be able to escape the fate of being slaughtered. It would be better to negotiate now, so that the elites of his clan would lose less.


Hearing his words, Feng Hao's mouth curved into a shallow arc, and he said calmly, "It's not impossible for me to give up, but you must meet a few conditions!"

After seeing the scene just now, he understood that it was almost impossible to kill these guys, and they could break away at any time.

However, in the current situation, it is a good time to formally discuss the matter, and he can obtain greater compensation.


Wu Li almost didn't even think about it, he agreed with one sip, and then shouted in a hurry, "However, can you stop them first!"

Hearing the screams in his ears, his heart was bleeding, but what else could he do.

"it is good!"

The curvature of Feng Hao's mouth became thicker, and he said, "Okay, stop, they won't attack!"

His words, in the ears of the Wuling people, are no different from the sound of heaven, just like seeing the dawn in hell.

Sure enough, when his voice fell, all the strange Origin Beasts closed their mouths. At this time, they stopped a little nervously.


At this time, Wu Li also breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was still not very good-looking, because, he knew, this was just a different way of slaughtering.

"Come down, as long as you don't run away, they won't attack. Of course, if you think you are strong enough, you can try to run away..."

Feng Hao's voice was full of jokes, and the last sentence made all the Wu Ling family tremble, all of them falling towards the bottom.

run away.

What a joke, what's the difference between that and courting death.

After chasing and fleeing just now, it made them understand very well that they are sheep, and the surrounding Origin Beasts are hungry tigers. will not cherish.

After they fell, dozens of jet-black Origin Beasts surrounded them, trapping them and not attacking.

Seeing this scene, Wu Li and the others also stopped, returned, and fell. Looking at the elites who had lost nearly half of them, their hearts twitched fiercely, but they did not dare to show hatred on their faces. meaning.

At this time, how dare they anger the human race in front of them again.

They are very clear that as long as people's thoughts move, some clansmen will fall every second, and even they have little chance of escaping back to the city. In the end, there may be only the option of promotion to the Holy Rank.

"The Wu Ling family is about to bleed!"

The people who followed behind watched this scene, and their hearts trembled. Looking at Twilight of the Wuling family, they were all full of pity.

This human race man is obviously not a good kind. Wu Lingzu took the initiative to attack him first, and also killed hundreds of human race elites, people will easily let them go.

Not to mention doors, not even windows.

At this time, everyone in the human race felt proud, the depression in their hearts dissipated without a trace, and their hearts suddenly felt proud.

When has the human race ever been so strong, forcing the aloof Wu Lingzu to run away and take the initiative to seek surrender, this is something that has never happened before.

But now, it was done by one person. He used his own strength to force thousands of Wuling people to surrender unconditionally...

If it weren't for the smell of blood still in the air, they would all think it was a dream.

"Brother Haotian, who is he, and which force's son is he!"

Yan Mo followed and asked Haotian who was excited.

Before, Haotian had communicated with Feng Hao, so he found Haotian.

He urgently wanted to know whether this man with the thunder-extreme attributes was from his Yan family.


Hearing the call, Hao Tiantian came back to his senses, looked at him in surprise, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, and said, "He said his name was Feng Hao... As for the power... he said it was the Feng family!"

"Feng Hao, Feng Family!"

Yan Mo was stunned for a moment, and there was an indescribable loss in his heart.

When he met on the road, he saw Feng Hao's kind smile, and he really thought that Feng Hao was from the Yan family.

It's a pity that they come from a family that even he has never heard of. Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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