Martial Inverse

Chapter 986 Your conspiracy

?Chapter 986 Your Conspiracy

"Feng family, there is such a large force in the Hongmeng world!"

Yan Mo rummaged through all his memories, but couldn't find this so-called Feng family. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

To be able to cultivate such an outstanding young generation, there is no doubt that this family must be extraordinary, so he did not think about Tianwu Continent at all.

This is impossible. Tianwu Continent, in their minds, is a barren land. The people there are cowardly. If there are no restrictions, any extraordinary force, even the Ten Great Empires, can dominate the entire continent. .

"A pseudonym!"

He still planned to ask Feng Hao in person at this time, because in that smile, he always felt that this person seemed to have a relationship with his Yan family, otherwise, why would he show kindness to himself.


He doesn't think that this person who can crush the elites of the Wu Ling family will want to please himself, and he will please him, it's more or less the same.

So, they didn't say any more, and everyone's eyes were on the scene over there, waiting for the negotiation to start.


Here, all the remaining Wuling people fell to the ground, and Wu Li and other four Wuling family superpowers also returned here, and around them, not far away, there was a head covered in black. The monsters in the shape of the source beasts stood there, and the strange aura spread from them, making people feel uneasy.


Wu Li did not relax his vigilance. On the contrary, his nerves were in a highly tense state. Seeing that Feng Hao had not moved, he let out a light sigh and said to Feng Hao in a deep voice, "Tell me, what should I do? Just give up!"

He was a latecomer, and he was the first to provoke him. If it were him, he would never leave the other side alive, and he actually agreed to reconcile, so he was ready to be slaughtered.

"very good!"

Feng Hao was still standing in the swamp, still a thousand meters away from where the Wuling people were. His gaze swept across the Wuling people, just like looking at the lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Invisibly, his The corner of his mouth is curved with an evil and charming arc, "First, first, you must hand over the piece of divine source that your Wuling clan obtained!"

His first sentence made Wu Li and the others almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

All of them were blushing and almost screamed.

It's really a life-suffering thing.

Who gets the source of the gods, who gets the source of the gods.

Their mood cannot be described in words, in short, they are so depressed that they vomit blood.

"Don't deny it!"

Just when Wu Li was about to explain, Feng Hao said with a stern face, "Your Wu Ling family's tactics are really vicious. After obtaining the divine source, you deliberately kept the Origin Beast King not to kill. What do you guys want? Don't you just want to borrow the King of Origin Beasts and attract other races to take the bait to catch you all, and then your Wuling family is the dominant family in this area!"

His remarks were well-organized, and they directly expressed the thoughts of everyone from each race in the distance. The eyes they looked at the Wuling people were even more unkind.

Because, in their hearts, they are now so suspicious.

At that time, after they blasted open the source, they discovered that the source of the gods had been unearthed for a long time, and the traces left around tell them that the source of gods had been taken away a few days ago.

As for being swallowed by the King of Origin Beasts.

This is a joke. The King of Origin Beasts swallows the divine source, which is not beneficial to it at all. On the contrary, it can use the divine source to purify the energy in its body to obtain more powerful power.

Therefore, there is only one possibility that it was taken away by the Wu Ling family, because there were traces of fighting in that area.

Only Haotian had a doubt in his heart.

This news, but it was spread by myself, could it be that the people of the Wu Lingzu also deliberately exposed it at that time.

This point, he is not very clear, maybe this is the case...

"You are talking nonsense!"

Wu Yi, who was standing in the crowd, roared furiously, bloodshot in his eyes.

If it is true, they will admit it, but the problem is nothing but people who have experienced the whole process of changes. This time, it is because of the King of Origin Beasts, because of that piece of God. Yuan, the Wu Ling family has already suffered heavy losses, but now, nothing has been gained. In the end, this black cauldron has to be carried by itself. What is this called?

However, he did not suspect Feng Hao, because he had never seen Feng Hao from beginning to end. In his eyes, Feng Hao was the one who rushed over after hearing the news that the Terran was trapped. He was so suspicious , is not without basis.

After all, this incident is full of strangeness, and it is normal to be suspected.

However, he did not understand where the divine source had gone, and was it digested after being swallowed by the King of Origin Beasts.

This is absolutely impossible. Divine Source contains a vast sea of ​​energy, how could it be refined overnight.

Even if it is a saint with a heaven-level high-level cultivation technique, if he wants to refine a piece of divine source, even if he refines it wholeheartedly, it will take at least a few years.

"I'm talking nonsense!"

Feng Hao's face turned cold, his eyes were sharp and murderous, and his eyes were locked on his face.

He naturally recognized this guy. This is one of his dead ghosts. If it wasn't for the King of Origin Beasts that they forced into a corner, how could he have obtained the source of God so easily.

After all, they are still heroes.

It's a pity that they are destined to not get the reward, and they have to bear the blame. If they don't let it, it will be themselves who will cause public anger.

"Wu Yi, step back, do you have the right to speak here!"

Seeing Feng Hao's face getting darker and darker, Wu Li's heart trembled with the cold murderous intent, he turned around and roared at Wu Yi with his eyes wide open.

Wouldn't this goddamn guy look at the situation?

Contradicting him, what is the difference between this and courting death.


Wu Yi's face was flushed red, and when he glared at him, he lowered his head and backed away.

He had an ominous feeling in his heart...

"Do you think I'm lying too!"

Feng Hao's complexion did not improve because of this, but asked Wu Li gloomily.


The corners of Wu Li's mouth twitched fiercely, and he was so depressed that he really wanted to commit suicide.

This is so frustrating.

As the pillar of the younger generation of the Wuling family, when was he so angry?

He felt that he had never been so angry in these few minutes in his life.

If you don't admit it, it will definitely cause the anger of the human race man in front of him. When he is angry, there will never be many of the elites around him who will be able to escape back to the city, and the four of them have even less chance of going back to the city. Many, maybe they will break out, please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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