Martial Sage

Chapter 1110: Fighting With More Bravery

Dawn, the sun stretches across the city, and many people wake up earlier this morning than in the past.

Many people packed their bags and gathered around the street.

The war has not yet spread to this city, but the rumbling horseshoes and ear-splitting fighting have already echoed in the ears of the people in the city two days ago.

Everyone knew that the Great Tang soldiers stationed outside the valley would be crushed anytime and anywhere.

At the same time, the police in Anshi city has reached an unimaginable degree of tightness. There are more cavalry on patrol than usual. Scouts are no longer sent. The city gates are closed. Not only the citizens of the city, but also The soldiers at the head were also a little frustrated and perturbed.

Standing on the towering city wall, the guardian general looked at the long valley outside the city, and took a long breath. Looking at the sunlight from the sky, he closed his eyes somewhat helplessly.

Datang's Haohao soldiers can't stop even 150,000 Goguryeo soldiers. How long can Anshicheng with only 8,000 soldiers last?

In the glow of the light, the voice of lowering his head slowly opened his mouth.

"Zhong Qian, how do you say this battle should be fought?"

The elegant scribe on his side frowned, exhaled a long breath, and shook his head with a high-ranking official hat.

"The soldiers and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty are like wolves and tigers, brave and stunned."

"As in Goguryeo, it's like entering the land of no one."

The words paused for a moment, and the voice became deeper, mixed with a little sadness.

"If our cities are tough to resist, they will undoubtedly hit the rocks with pebbles."

"Although it is a poor mountain and remote area, it has also nurtured the people in the city for generations. To them, this city is home. It's a pity that the war is raging, and I don't know how many people who don't want to leave will lose their lives."

There was wind blowing across the city, and the silhouette of the man who bowed his head looked at the figure walking down the street, with a look of reluctance in his eyes.

a long time.

The mouth under the bushy beard opened, speaking dryly.

"Datang soldiers have always been hailed as tiger wolves..."

"You said, if we surrender, will Tang Hao let us go?"

The scribe named Zhong Qian didn't seem to be surprised by the word surrender, but calmly moved two steps, propped up the cold city wall, and faint words poured out from his mouth.

"External rumors say that Datang soldiers are extremely cruel, killing women and children, and cannibals."

"But when I walked along this road, Qian found that he treated soldiers and soldiers extremely harshly, and the people's good land Datang soldiers never ruined a point."

"Money, I think the rumors from the outside world are actually unreliable. It may be possible to surrender, but to support it...I am afraid it will only make the entire city into ruins."

There was a long silence, and a small voice drifted across the city along the morning breeze.

"If it is surrender, are we traitors?"



A long, loud voice sounded outside the tent. After a while, a soldier opened the curtain and strode in.

Before the long case, Tang Hao flipped through the information sent by the scouts, comparing them one by one on the map.

This time, we conquered the valley of Anshi city and broke the last barrier of Goguryeo, and the entire Goguryeo kingdom was unobstructed.

The scout motioned to intersperse in the open field and brought back a piece of news. The map and the overview of the city were full of cases.

When I looked up, I saw the scout standing in the center of the tent. Whoever uttered the word "speak" buried his head on the fragmented map.

"Anshi city is heavily guarded, and the number of patrols has doubled. At this moment, the city gate is tightly closed, restricting the entry and exit of personnel."

"It seems that I want to defend the city firmly and resist stubbornly."

A cold snort sounded from behind the case table, Tang Hao raised his eyes from the leather carrying the intelligence, stared at the cupped hands cupped fist soldier, and sneered.

"Negative Yu stubbornly resist? Defeating the city?"

"He doesn't look at it either. Even their egg-sized area is enough for the Great Tang soldiers to settle down?"

The smile suddenly closed, Tang Hao's expression was serious and cold, and his cold words resounded through the big account.

"Pass a letter and tell them that if you surrender, show your sincerity."

"Dare not to obey, let him write a will to the old and young at home, wash his neck, and wait for the big sword of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty."

The scout led the cupped fist and hurried out of the big account.

Wu Tong, who was studying ink on the side of the tent, squeezed the ink stone and stopped.

"Couldn't it be another hard stubble? Still thinking of a fluke?"


Tang Hao looked over, and a touch of arrogance flashed in Yang furnace.

"Fortunately, I also found the right place!"

"Accepting four cities, do you really think that my Datang is the Lord who saves all sentient beings?"

"Under the influence of Gai Suwen, the whole Goguryeo style of martial arts is soaring, and a small city dare to be hard at the front of the Tang Dynasty. If there is a lesson from the past, how to fight the battle behind?"

After that, Tang Hao looked solemn and shook his big hand on the table.

"This battle is not only to be fought, but also to be fought fiercely!"

When the voice just fell, someone walked into the big tent, and when the curtain was opened, his face was not pretty.

When I heard the conversation between Tang Hao and Wu Tong, my heart was quite disturbed.

Looking up at Tang Hao, he said in a deep voice.

"General Tang, the food and grass in the army is lacking."

"Together, it won't last for three days."

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