Martial Sage

Chapter 1111: Lack of Food

The soldiers and horses have not moved, the food and grass go first.

This is extremely simple common sense.

Even if it is lacking, at least it will be informed in advance, maybe ten days, maybe seven days.

But the three-day time limit is inevitably a bit unbelievable.

Putting down the scroll in his hand, Tang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, a sharp light burst out of his eyes.

"Three days?"

The grain and grass escort officer who came to the general escort furrowed his brows, and there was a chill in his heart.

"General Qi, the incident happened suddenly, and his subordinates knew about it not long ago."

"Then General Tae Hee of the Anqing city halved the quantity when he distributed grain and grass from the city."

"In addition, the capture of 40,000 Goguryeo soldiers and generals has resulted in a significant increase in military rations. This situation has just occurred."


The rough palm hit the case table suddenly, and Tang Hao's anger sounded through the military account.

"He Taixi is no more than a pawn, what authority does he have to control the rations of the army pawns of the Tang Dynasty? Isn't it possible to reverse it?"

"Go, tie him to me!"

The sudden move made the soldier responsible for escorting the grain and grass shake, and the fear in his heart suddenly increased.

Hearing Tang Hao's words, he hurriedly responded with cupped hands.

"General Tae Hee knows that the general will question him, and he is already waiting outside the camp."

Wu Tong, who was facing the tent, nodded slightly, Tang Hao stared at the tiger's eyes and slowly took his seat.

"The city of Anqing is under the control of my Datang, why should he let Taixi be the master?"

"As a general, you still need some courage."

Knowing that the main responsibility was not on the soldiers escorting the grain and grass, Tang Hao's tone became softer, and he asked instead.

"This barracks was originally the place where the Goguryeo soldiers were stationed before. Could it be possible that there was no food and grass stockpiled?"

Seeing being asked, the soldier frowned in response.

"General Tang, there is really no surplus in this camp."

"I heard those generals said that this time is to help the city of Anshi, in order to seize the hour, the accompanying army will only be provided for a day."

"The rest of the grain and grass are hoarded in a place called Fuzhen, where there is a family of merchants who are responsible for transporting grain and grass for the soldiers of the imperial city."

A suspicion arose between the eyebrows, Tang Hao leaned on the seat and asked.

"Can the merchant family intervene in military affairs? What is the origin of this family?"

In ancient times, there were three religions and nine ranks. This kind of business was actually lowly in ancient times and would not be taken seriously.

But in Goguryeo, there is a family of merchants who can store military rations in his courtyard. This is extremely difficult to understand.

The soldier took a step forward with a serious look.

"General, this merchant family is not an ordinary family. There are more than a hundred carts for food transportation. I heard that it used to be an escort. There were a group of private recruits under its staff, and there were branches in various states and counties. It is very convenient to communicate."

"Because of this, I was taken by the court, and because of this there was an extra purchase of food."

Tang Hao was relieved at once. He didn't expect that there would be a merchant master who could do such an extreme in Goguryeo.

Stroking his chin, Tang Hao had the thought of inquiring about this family.

On the one hand, it is food, and on the other hand, it is due to the influence of this family in Goguryeo as a whole.

"Go in!"

An angry voice sounded outside the account, interrupting the words of the two inside the account.

The next moment.

A stumbling figure broke in through the half-opened curtain.

He was thin and shrewd, and his gown was worn out as if he hadn't been washed for a long time.

Immediately, Wu Tong strode into the account, and watched the figure standing steadily moving towards the head of the account, saluting his cupped hands.

"General Taixi, I have met General Tang."

The behavior is standard, and the speech is respectful, but you can still hear a tremolo from it.

Tang Hao said with a sullen face, looking at the straightened body in the hall, the figure bent over ninety degrees, and said in a low voice.

"Taixi, you also know that you are a surrender, why are you doing what the master should do?"

"This courage is too big, right?"

Puff through.

The figure standing in the middle of the big tent suddenly knelt to the ground.

"General Tang observes!"

"The former prison guard was a hard bone, and he had cut off two fingers, and he didn't reveal any information."

"When I cut the third finger, I was alive and painful! At the moment of torture, there were traces of culprits outside the city's ordnance. When it caused a riot, someone walked into the granary and lit a torch."

The figure kneeling on the ground suddenly raised its head, with a sad face and frowning brows.

"General Tang, forgive me! It was because of the lax control of his men that it caused a catastrophe. Fortunately, General Jin rushed to save the fire and arrest all the rebels."

"Subordinates... Subordinates are incompetent, and I hope that General Tang will forgive him."

With a long ‘um’, Tang Hao slowly straightened his body and leaned on the desk.

"In this way, it's somewhat credible."

"We Datang emphasizes that rewards and punishments are clear, and the trial is unfavorable. It is the responsibility of the jailers."

"Knowing that there is a danger in the city, but neglecting to prevent it is your general's negligence. It is your stupidity to be able to be played around by these thieves."

"The burning of grain and grass is even more serious and deserves punishment!"

After a pause, Tang Hao looked at the figure on the ground.

"Do you have any objections?"

He gritted his teeth, the figure on the ground looked particularly dignified and nodded.

"Subordinates, there is nothing to say."

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