Martial Sage

Chapter 1112: Unexpectedly


Tang Hao got up, shifted his steps, and walked out of the case table.

"It's good if you dare to recognize it!"

"However, I still have a question."

The figure on the ground lifted its solemn face and looked over.

"General Tang, please."

Eyes narrowed slightly, Tang Hao's eyes flashed, and he made a low voice.

"The guards of the city are present, even if these soldiers are mixed into the army and light a torch, is it possible that half of the grain and grass in the city will be burned?"

"If this is the case, the movements of you generals are too slow."


The whole tent was quiet.

Wu Tong and the soldier who escorted the grain and grass, both of their eyes focused on the figure kneeling in the tent at the same time.

The fire in the backyard was the most worrying issue for the entire Datang army soldiers.

The war ahead was all well, but the three-day ration was not enough for the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty to invade the Imperial City of Goguryeo!

If it is behind these Goguryeo soldiers who are stationed in the city, they are working together to engage in ghosts, not to mention that they are going to attack, and even the food and grass for the journey back to the city will not be enough.

The vast army starved to death in a foreign land, just a matter of flicks.

Thinking of this, Wu Tong's hand was already on the hilt, waiting for Tae Hee's reply.


A sigh from the city came from Tae Hee's mouth.

"General Tang's words are true, the burnt grain and grass are nothing but a drop in the bucket."

"In these days, there have been countless people who have poured into Anqing, Wugu, and Dawangcheng. The houses are no longer enough, and they are still under construction."

"But as more and more people moved in, conflicts with the people who originally lived were gradually rising, and many people returned to their homeland and found that their houses were occupied. The conflicts are increasing day by day, and the city defense is somewhat collapsed."

"In the final analysis, it is all about food and lodging. In desperation, many people were allocated ten buckets of millets, and they were invited to go to the border of Datang to find a way to survive in order to prevent the city from becoming unstable."

Tang Hao, standing with his back in the tent, could not see any expression on his face.

After a long while, he just started to question.

"After all, charity is not a long-term solution. Have you ever thought about how to solve it?"

He looked up hesitantly at the left and right, Tae Xi said.

"We have robbed some wealthy merchants, as well as wealthy rich men who came to Goguryeo to do business for merchants..."

"We...we also sent some soldiers to plunder..."

There was no expected thunder and anger, but the figure in front of him nodded slightly.

"Knowing to think of something, that's good."

But after a while, something was thrown over.

In the sound of the ding-ding-dong, Yinliang's dagger rolled down to Taixi's feet, and a sound was uploaded from the top of his head.

"...People have to eat if they want to survive, that's true."

"But letting your people move into the city is not to scare away the rich businessmen. If this is Yang, only the poor city can't prosper."

"What's more, the wealthy businessmen you robbed are still our Han people. How do you do this different from looting the frontier?"

Amidst the light, his footsteps moved slowly, step by step towards his side, the voice above his head continued to speak.

"There are tracts of grassland in the north, which is not far away, but for most of the day's journey, where are the wandering Mohe clan, they have herds of cattle and sheep, why don't you start with them?"

"Maybe you don't know the news that they have united with your country, but in the final analysis, you still treat us as outsiders. And Mohe, you are regarded as friends."

Hearing this, Tai Xi's face suddenly changed when he was kneeling on the ground, and he waved his hand hurriedly.

"No, no, General Tang."

"The Mohe people have always been extremely savage, have we ever regarded him as a friend?"

"Although I heard that they are cooperating with our country this time, but to put it bluntly, these barbarians can't make iron armor and are greedy for our armor, so they just reluctantly cooperate."

Raising his hand to interrupt Tai Xi's words, Tang Hao leaned down slightly and looked directly into the eyes of the person on the ground.

"First, the failure to defend the city is due to your lax military discipline and improper handling. You can't shirk the blame."

"Secondly, the ones that should be robbed were not robbed, but you robbed the ones that shouldn't be robbed. Although it didn't hurt the roots, and didn't make money or kills. But remember, they have the same blood flowing in their bodies as we want."

"Since you are surrendering to the Tang Dynasty, you should be friendly and good-neighborly. As friends, you should not do such rough things."

Straightening up, walking to the head of the account seat again, Tang Hao's words brought a sense of majesty.

"If you make a mistake and be punished, you should be punished. If you think you are the first offender, the death penalty will be avoided. Pick up the dagger and stabbing your own thigh for those who committed the crime and your mistake. ?"

Wu Tong couldn't bear it, he took a step forward and frowned.

"Grandpa, they are also out of good intentions."

"The city handed over to them, if there is a riot among the people, it will definitely not be able to deal with you."

"Furthermore, plundering is a last resort. Those wealthy families who can come here to do business, their wealth is also considered solid, this loss is not enough."

"Or...or read it for the first time, just... let him go..."

Tang Hao waved his hand to interrupt Wu Tong's words.

"This is not a question of impropriety!"

"The reason why they dare to fight against unarmed merchants and unwilling to use force against the barbaric Moo tribe is just bullying and fearing hardship!"

"Bullying Han people should not be forgiven. This is a matter of principle!"

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