Martial Sage

Chapter 1119

Reflecting on the face of perseverance, the mighty marching here!

There are many long lines, and the soldiers who stretched to the distance showed majestic light on their faces, winning consecutive battles.

Looking at Goguryeo, who was like a fish on a display board, every soldier showed a glorious look. When he returned this time, Emperor Tang would definitely reward the three armies once again. Everyone can at least get a lot of money for the merits of destroying the country!

Tang Hao sat cross-legged on the Marshal Marshal of the Chinese Army's military vehicle, his bright light armor gleaming to sting people's eyes.

On the chariot pulled by eight horses, Tang Hao looked down at the information sent by the scout in his hand!

The front convenience is Shicheng, and there is a mountain range in front of Shicheng. This mountain range is not on the road that the army must pass. It is indeed extremely dangerous. Just thinking about it, a muddy mountain in Tang Hao's hand was placed underneath, which suddenly formed a simple Marching topographic map.

A sideman standing by his side, looking at the vivid and majestic mountains and the stone city in front of the mountains,

"General, this mountain needs attention. If I were the defender of Goguryeo, I would be defeated by defending the stone city at this time, and the mountain in front of the stone city is enough to ambush tens of thousands of soldiers and can cut off our military food road."

Hearing that Tang Hao looked at the newly promoted teenager in front of him!

"What do you think?"

Hearing this, the young general quickly said: "General, attack Shicheng, it is better to take this mountain first!"

After Tang Hao listened, a smile drifted across his face

"Look at the little general! What will happen to Goguryeo if my handsome army goes straight to Shicheng?"

The teenager looked at it, but he stopped cautiously.

"General, if there is an ambush on the mountain"

Tang Hao showed a smile

"There must be ambushes, and they are all elite"

The young general was taken aback, and then he said;

"Then, when our army has crossed the mountains, Goguryeo will inevitably rush down and build the iron camp, stationed on the road to my army and replenish rations. Our rations will be broken, and tens of thousands of soldiers will be angry."

Tang Hao laughed

"What if I put 2 elite armored armies and my army 50 miles apart, and stay outside the mountains?"

Hearing this, the teenager looked at the topography map of the mud plate!

"Ha! The general's divine strategy is also..."

Suddenly the young general’s mind flashed. A few days ago, the general ordered his troops, and there were 20,000 iron armored elite troops who did not know their whereabouts.


On the battlefield, I saw corpses all over the field, and blood flowed into rivers!

In the Wuhei River next to Shicheng, the water was dyed red and flowed down the river.

The remnants wanted to cross the river and were chased when they flee. Numerous heroic souls were hacked to death in the water, and the river was blocked by a large number of them. Tens of thousands of corpses made the Heihe River stop.

In Shicheng! In the general's mansion

General Park has a tree stick tied to his arm to clamp the broken arm!

The right eye on the head is wrapped in a strip of cloth, which is caused by the long knife slashing across the face, and one eye has been destroyed by the long knife!

An infinite sadness is in the ascendant in his heart.

"Once upon a time, I have been dissatisfied with Second General Tiemu, and I also thought that Tang Jun was not that strong. In such a battle, how could I lose so tragically."

"My 130,000 army!"

In the wounded camp.

Piles of wounded soldiers gathered in groups, the cloth strips on their arms were tightly tied, and the blood had stopped.

Many soldiers bandaged their arms and legs and limped towards their injured and resting companions!

There are constant screams of pain and trembling!

The wounded soldiers shouted everywhere, the pain was unbearable. Painful wailing spread throughout the injury camp.

A lot of people were crowded at the entrance of the tent of the Suijunzhong. They held the cloth strips tightly over the wounds on their arms. The blood was still slowly leaking out, and they were being treated by the Suijunzhong!

A roar came out,

"Quickly, give me the cloth strip,"

"Where did the hemostatic herbs go?"

"Military doctor, there are not many hemostatic herbs. We have already looked for them. We need to save a little bit first."

"All right!"

The wounded camp is devastated!

In the corner of a wounded camp, three small soldiers pierced up all over their bodies whispered to each other!

A guy from the fourteenth five-year plan was crying softly! Whispered

"My father died in battle, my three elder brothers enlisted in the army to fight with the Tang army, and all the news is gone. Now there are only two of me and my old mother, and even I can't go back to my mother's side."

"Tang Jun was cruel, and I was defeated again. I might die on the wall of the stone city. How do I face my elder brother and father when I go down, and how do I face Pan'er's mother who returns home."

Talking about tears like rain!

The three soldiers were all heartbroken, and the voice came out. The two wounded soldiers swept their eyes and looked away. It is no wonder that they are numb in their hearts. There are too many children in the same situation here, and the whole family is killed!

"What should we do?"

A cowering pawn whispered secretly;

"Tang Jun has come, and we can't hold Shicheng!"

A group of people burst into tears.

Several people trembled!

A light flashed in front of a wounded soldier's eyes, and a bold idea popped up in his mind, and he couldn't suppress it.

"Why don't we run away..."

Just finished speaking, a little pawn next to him was aroused.

"Flee? You don't want to live anymore? You will be shown to the public."

"But what should I do, stay here, if Tang Jun fights over, we will die too. If the 150,000 army is defeated, can Shicheng still be able to hold it?"

I saw the three little pawns' expressions full of worry.

A little pawn has a firm face!

"It's a death on both sides. The army is defeated. What else can I do if I run? There is still a little hope of survival."

The three pawns looked around.

Look at each other and nod each other! Whispered quietly.

"Then when we wait for the night, our defenses are slack and we will escape together."

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