Martial Sage

Chapter 1120

It's late into the night, General Mansion!

A group of lieutenants looked solemn and kept silent.

General Park sat in the main seat, glanced at the low morale of the generals, and wrinkled his brows.

"Success or failure is a matter of military affairs. In a war, we are just following the Tao of Datang."

"Now, we rely on the city, easy to defend and difficult to attack, to regain morale, and to revitalize my Goguryeo soldiers."

The lieutenant next to him took a look and whispered.

"Now there are wailing in the army, and many soldiers are timid."

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid the military will be hard to rectify."

"Our army suffered a whole number of casualties in the first battle..."

A five-and-three rough general shouted sharply.

"What are you afraid of? We still have an army of 80,000, speaking on the same level as Datang."

"Now guarding the city and condescending, He Chou can't resist the Tang army."

General Park took a deep look at the generals.

"Send my military order"

"Taking people's heads to reward military skills, killing ten people, sealing hundred husbands, rewarding hundreds of cattle and sheep, and 100 forging silk"

All the generals all cupped fist together.


Suddenly a muffled hum sounded!

The shadows of the people fell slowly under the window lattices under the moonlight.


General Park secretly held the handle of the knife at his waist, narrowed his eyes, and shouted sharply.

A melodious sound like the chirping of a lark came from outside the door.

"General Park. Don't come unharmed."

A beauty moved slowly and walked out from behind the door!

She is graceful and graceful, and her delicate face is faintly charming.

With a green saber around his waist and a crown around his waist, it feels like a beautiful woman!

Behind the graceful beauty, followed by a group of dazzling Yingyingyanyan, each sword in hand.

The general and the lieutenant were on guard, holding the hilt in their hands.

General Park looked at Jin Xiang coldly, his face was sullen, and he shouted in a deep voice!

"Ms. Jin visited late at night. I know that this general's residence is the secret of the military state. Without my instructions, anyone who trespasses without authorization will be killed."

The beauty raised the hilt of the sword, the jade finger flicked the sword body, beautiful eyes glanced over the cold blade, a crisp sound of the sword resounded through the lobby, and said with a chuckle.

"The general can't help but lift up his guards, just so slack, ten people can easily stand here, what else does the military state have to say?"

Park Miao's eyes leaked fierce light!

"court death?"

Lianbu moved lightly and took a seat on the side of the hall. Meimu moved to General Park's arm, and the wound was red.

After a while, Jin Xiang smiled and chuckled.

"The general said so loudly, is this honorable now? Do you dare to mention the word ‘death’?"

The general's eyes drenched, and his fingers on the hilt of the sword suddenly tightened.

"You want to kill me?"

Jin Xiang only picked it lightly when he changed, and turned his eyes to a cold light, and his jade face was cold.

"Kill you, I can put your head in exchange for a meritorious service in Datang, and I can also help my eldest brother secure the title of garrison in Anqing."

"This sale of two birds with one stone, you don't think it's worthwhile."

Pu Miao was furious and drew his sword.

"Then come and see if you have such an ability!"


There was a sound of metal rubbing, and the generals drew their swords out of their sheaths!

Piao Miao held the sword in one hand and pierced directly towards Jin Xiang.

Jin Xiang drew his sword to counterattack, dodge a blow with his head and kicked Piao Miao's left arm.

A heart-piercing pain sounded, and it was precisely kicking Pu Miao's severely injured arm!

Pull up the sword flower, a green lotus sword song stabs forward with the lotus steps,


The sound of a sharp sword piercing into the body came, and the generals looked at it, and Pu Miao's entire sword arm was chopped off by the root.

"Ah!" a fierce roar uttered.

The crowd screamed in exclamation.


One more sword, Jin Xiang stabs it with one sword, without any tricks, a flat sword!

There was only a touch of coldness in Piao Miao's eyes, and he couldn't avoid it anymore.


With the long sword in his chest, Park Miao lay straight on the ground.

Look back.

Femme beauties are lifting swords and dancing, drawing fierce swordsmanship...

Both sides will be hacked by Yingying and Yanyan.

Second General Fu Zhu!

A dark shadow flashed out of the door, and that was the last one to escape.

"The general was assassinated, come quickly..."

A high-pitched voice came, cutting through the tranquility of the night.

With blood on his body, the lieutenant let out an earth-shaking roar.

A large number of soldiers were surprised!

While roaring, rushed towards the lobby with the lieutenant...

Inside the lobby, scenes are shocking!

General Park lay horizontally on the ground, the ground was full of blood, there was no movement at all.

"Catch the assassin..."

After hearing the words, Fang recovered from the panic.

Grasping the weapon in his hand, he began to search all over the house.

The shadows of the beauties sank into the darkness at the end of the gloomy corridor.

The General's Mansion instantly turned into a pot of porridge.

The guards searched everywhere, their eyes panicked, they didn't know where they were looking, and their brains were at a loss!

There was a sound.

"Get out, get out..."

One after another, small schools continued to appear, leading the soldiers to the general's mansion.

An angry shout came from the General Mansion,

"Catch me an assassin..."

The foreign guards looked at each other for a while.

The news of the general's assassination spread to the corner of the tower!

Standing here are two soldiers holding Chang Ge, and the figures in the night are extremely thin!

A burst of shock crossed his face.

"How is this going?"

"The guards of the General Mansion are so tightly guarded, how could they be assassinated?"

The soldier beside him was also taken aback when he heard it.

"I just fought a big defeat, did the lieutenant throw the city to rebel! Otherwise, how could the general mansion be infiltrated?"

"Now that the Great Tang army is about to fight, why the General's Mansion has been assassinated? How can we fight this battle?"

"This city is in such a mess"

The two soldiers looked around, and thoughts surged out of their hearts!

"If you want to let's run, this won't beat Tang Jun at all, we are running in a hurry."

The two of them were silent for a while without saying a word. They looked at each other and looked downstairs together.

From time to time.

The little pawn of the tower was in sight. Several shadows looming in the darkness appeared and rushed towards the city gate.

"The general is dead, run away..."

All of a sudden, a thunderbolt flashed through my heart, trance.

The tower soldier quickly threw away the Chang Ge in his hand and ran downstairs.

There were large-scale footsteps on the tower.

Long Ge landing sound...

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