Martial Sage

Chapter 1130: Conflict

In front of the Great Hall of the Goguryeo Palace!

Tang Hao slowly entered the hall surrounded by the generals and a group of Goguryeo officials!

Looking at the Great Hall full of barbarians, the officials sighed.

Gai Suwen's body was still burning next to him, and the smell of charred permeated the Great Hall.

After a while, a shoving sound came from outside the door.

"Go faster, Haw!"

The prince of Goguryeo was escorted to the temple. The prince looked angrily and looked around.

Looking at the charred corpse on the Great Hall, with the father's war knife beside him, he knew who the deceased was in an instant, tears fell in an instant, and he looked at General Tang viciously.

Tang Jiang sat on the upper dragon chair, and the old Goguryeo officials knelt down on the hall, shaking together.

The prince saw this group of ministers crawling on the ground as slaves and maidservants, and his heart burst into anger:

"Er wait for things without morals, like the dog with broken spine, how dare to live in the world, my father just died and he came down, you are the ministers?"

After speaking, the prince stared fiercely at the kneeling ministers, and the ministers looked ashamed.

The old Tingwei slowly raised his head and glanced up at the prince quietly, stretched out his bony hand and quietly pulled his trousers.

"Grand Prince, don't make a noise in the Great Hall!"

"I'm already powerless now."

"Kneel down quickly and don't make Tang Jiang angry. It is possible that Datang will still allow us Goguryeo to autonomy like the Turks."

After the prince heard the disdainful veteran spit, he kicked the following veteran away:

"You old man, the emperor was kind to you when he was alive! You thanked you like this, licking your toes for the culprit."

The prince gradually became hysterical, turning his head and glaring at Tang Hao.

"Shameless Tang thief, his heart is like a snake and scorpion, destroying my ancestral temple and destroying my home."

"I can't wait to kill you thousands of times!"

Tang Hao closed his eyes slightly, his eyes flashed with cold light!

Hearing this, the old Tingwei hurriedly turned his eyes away, not daring to look at the prince again.

In the blink of an eye.

A light from a knife flashed in the corner of Qunchen's eyes, and a head under the knife rolled to Qunchen's feet. Cheng Chu-sil stood on the Great Hall with a blood-stained saber, spitting lightly at the corner of his mouth.



The officials buried their heads deeply on the floor, shivering.

Tang Hao spoke slowly, and for an instant the voice blasted into the hearts of the officials like a spring thunder, and the officials listened carefully.

"The country cannot be without a prince for a day. The king of Goguryeo set himself on fire, and the prince was killed. I will break your royal line and I shall pay you one."

Speaking, slowly turned his head and looked at the trembling people below! A scrawny little guard came into view.

The little guard opened his eyes instantly and watched Tang Hao point to him!


"come over"

The officials saw that it was a court guard next to the Great Hall.

The little guard looked flustered and walked forward tremblingly.

After a while, an old official raised his head trembling all over, trembling:

"General! He... he is a little guard."

"Let... make him king, maybe... it's unreasonable!"

Speaking of the veteran's breath, he dared not raise his head!

The little guard obeyed the order and walked to the throne with trembling legs.

The little guard did not dare to sit down!

"sit down!"

There was a thunderous prestige.

The little guard slumped his legs and sat on the emperor's seat, looking nervously at Tang Hao and his officials.

Tang Hao looked towards the court with cold eyes:

The ministers only felt murderous, crushed to death on the ground like a thorn on their backs and heavenly might.

"Long live my king, long live long live..."

The new king sat on the dragon chair and was startled...

"He is the new king of Goguryeo! I, Tang Hao, will keep it. Whoever refuses to accept it, don't want to live..."

The corners of his mouth withdrew slightly, a penetrating feeling hit the hearts of the ministers, and he quickly bowed his head.

Tang Hao stroked his sleeves lightly and walked away from the palace.


In a corner of the imperial city!

A group of people are rebuilding their homes in turmoil, carrying logs and pushing mud blocks!

Countless big men pulled the rope, one end of the rope was tied to a dangerous building without an owner. A wall of this house has been knocked down by stones, and there are a lot of beams and wood inside.

Push hard!

With a neat and uniform sip, the building shook tremblingly twice.

There was a loud noise, this dilapidated and dangerous building fell down, and countless big men stepped forward!

There was a loud bang, and the same pictures next to it were everywhere.

Many refugees in the imperial city gathered together, digging out piles after piles of materials, and they were looking for plots to build houses.

Jin Xiang looked around, the refugees in front of him were full of passion, honest and kind!

It is this place that I have been struggling to build my home with naked sticks and towels. It is conceivable that in the future, it will be prosperous, and countless commercial wine shops will return to the original imperial city!

Jin Xiang looked at the piles of beams and wood materials in front of him and directed a group of men to restore their homes.

"Let's put the wood over there."

"It's your turn to pick up water, go quickly."

A group of resting strong men immediately got up and took turns, carrying huge buckets and walking towards the river.


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