Martial Sage

Chapter 1131: The World's Prestige

"Good news!"

With a loud yell in the sound of footsteps entering the palace, the monarchs and ministers all heard and looked!

The soldiers walked quickly to the hall, kneeling facing the Emperor Tang, holding a paper with both hands.

Emperor Tang stared at the battle report impatiently and ordered:

"Hurry up!"

Father Rong immediately took the battle report, walked quickly to Tang Huang, opened the battle report, and instantly opened his eyes with big bronze bells, his expression shocked:

"Your Majesty! The general, the commander, defeated Goryeo in a battle! The general established a new king in Goguryeo."

Tang Huang's heart was shaken, and a surprise flashed in his heart. He actually defeated Goguryeo so quickly!

Rong Gonggong said, the ministers' hearts instantly burst like spring thunder, showing a look of surprise, the Great Hall suddenly became noisy, and the ministers whispered to each other to discuss.

"The general defeated Goguryeo in the first battle!"

"How is it possible? How long has the stone city been broken, and now the imperial city has been broken. This is amazing fast, how did the general do it!"

"Great general, god, too, that's a majestic imperial city that was captured in just one battle!"

After the group of ministers were shocked, it was a happy color.

"The Goguryeo imperial city was broken, and the general established a new king in Goguryeo. From then on, Goguryeo will pay tribute to our Tang Dynasty every year."

There was a touch of excitement in the eyes of the officials!

A collection of hands of a courtier:

"Your Majesty! The general set up a new king, this is a sage."

"This move spread to the world, the reputation of the state of the Tang Dynasty courtesy will inevitably shock the world, and countless countries in the world will surrender to the Tang Dynasty!"

Hearing this, Emperor Tang flashed a ray of light in his eyes, a joyful expression appeared on his face, and a heroic thought flashed in his mind:

"On the ancient emperor, who can conquer countless nations outside the four seas, I did it..."

The ministers were excited, looking from left to right, there were a lot of discussions.

"So and so, how prosperous my great Tang's prestige will be when it reaches Fanbang!"

"From then on, Fanbang will bow his head in front of my emperor, but under the order, I will do my best to respect the order of the Tang Dynasty. I, Tang Shenwei..."

"Every Panbang barbarian, who would dare to touch my Big Tang tiger beard..."

The ministers continued to reconcile in the discussion!

Emperor Tang sat high on the throne, hearing the voices of the ministers, Long Yan rejoiced.

On the Great Hall, Fang Xuanling walked out of the queue, a joyful color between her brows:

"Your Majesty chooses talents and uses energy, and his eyes know beads."

"Tang Hao began to use self-respect. Datang will fight for hundreds of battles in the south, and every battle will win. Goguryeo is inevitable to be destroyed, and it is inevitable to surrender to the four seas..."

Cheng Yaojin walked out of the team with both hands:

"The minister agrees, your majesty ruled martial arts, created this flourishing period of the Tang Dynasty, so that all the famous generals and ministers in the world will serve you, and the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty has also cultivated such great talents as Tang Hao. The emperor can no longer describe his majesty's great cause. ."

The officials heard the words and looked at the Emperor Tang, and saw that Emperor Tang faintly resembled the sage of an ancient true dragon from the three emperors and five emperors. No, the three emperors and five emperors must be defeated. Tang, amidst the noise, sighing words spread to the dragon seat.

"Your Majesty's wise, throughout the ages, there is no one who can compare with him."

"Throughout the past and present, has any emperor created such a prosperous age..."

Listening to the comments made by His Royal Highness, Emperor Tang showed a touch of joy on his face, joy and pride that can no longer describe his heart at this moment, and then he got up and stood up.

The Emperor Tang raised his hands, and the power of the Emperor Tang filled the Great Hall instantly:

"When the three armies return, I will give them a big reward."

"Ha ha……"

Seeing this, the officials knelt down and bowed their heads:

"The minister congratulates your majesty for the coming generations..."

"The minister congratulates the great Tang Dynasty, thousands of years..."


Teams of Tang soldiers patrolled the streets, looking around.

Compared with the beginning of the war, this imperial city has been completely renewed just a few days ago. Many people lament that the order on the streets is a hundred times better than before the war. For ten days, they have not heard of a thief. The people of Goguryeo have shown an incredible feeling. .

The Tang army prestige the imperial city to manage public security in the streets and lanes. The army has strict military discipline and has no offense to the common people. The reputation of respecting the old and supporting the young spreads throughout the city. There is a popular saying among the people that the Tang army can fight on the battlefield with horses, and win in all battles, and dismount can eliminate violence. Peace the people, govern the subjects, like a heavenly master...

Countless vendors on the street sighed:

"Tang Jun is really a blessing army! I have been doing business on the streets of Imperial City for more than ten years, and I have never felt like these days. I don't have to worry about the oppression of the feared officers and soldiers at all."

"Yes! It would be great if this were my soldiers from Goguryeo, but General Tang Da established a new king and did not include us under his command. What a pity..."

"Why don't we go to Datang to take a look at this craftsmanship. I heard that there is richness and the reputation of being rich in some people, but we haven't visited it all the time..."

When a team of soldiers heard the vendor's discussion, their eyes flashed with ray of light, and their faces showed the pride of being a citizen of Datang.

Tang Hao sat in the palace general's mansion.

The generals are on the side.

Tang Hao spoke slightly:

"The army is out, it costs a lot of food and grass, the soldiers love home, I decide to return to the DPRK tomorrow."

The hands of the generals:


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