Martial Sage

Chapter 1133: The King of Qi's Rebellion

The mighty army returned to the territory of Datang.

The soldiers were filled with the joy of victory.


A report came to the generals with the sound of horseshoes, and the generals looked at it together.

The scout drove to the handsome car, pulled the armistice horse and jumped off.

"General, we have returned to Datang and entered the territory of Qizhou, but there is no official from Qizhou ahead to greet the triumphant army."

Hearing these words, Cheng Chumo suddenly violent:

"What's the matter! My army triumphed, but no one came. Is that fair?"

Wu Tong frowned slowly, his fingers slowly floated to his forehead and thought:

"What's going on? According to the usual practice, my Datang triumphantly went to school. The county officials along the way must welcome the triumphant army and send some wine and food to congratulate. This is not in line with common sense."

Tang Hao rode in the handsome car with an unbelievable expression, then bowed his head, his thoughts in his mind.

"No one answered?"

Tang Hao frowned slowly, then turned to look towards Qizhou, thinking:

"Where is the county official of Qizhou?"

"They wouldn't be so ignorant."

"What happened in the middle!"

Then he slowly turned his head and looked to one side, with a solemn expression on his expression:

"Yanyun eighteen riders, go to the city of Qizhou and see if you have any news to report back quickly."

Yanyun eighteen riders led the way.

Raising the whip and hitting it fiercely, the horse galloped forward instantly.


The three armies continued to march closer and closer to Qizhou.

Yuchi Jingde slowly kicked his horse forward, a dignified expression on his face.

Gradually frowning:

"General! It is Qi Wang Li You who sits here."

"Qi Wang Li You is withdrawn by nature. Emperor Tang talked about his son by our side. King Qi has always resented Emperor Tang for injustice, because Emperor Tang has been angry countless times."

"The king of Qi was under the control of the feudal lords in his adulthood, and he was domineering among the people. His Majesty sent all the important officials to Qizhou to teach him. He actually poisoned the important officials, and the important officials escaped to Chang'an after nine deaths. For this reason, his majesty issued an edict to send him back, and he ignored him. ..."

Hearing this, the generals around him frowned, and then they gathered to discuss together:

"King Qi and His Majesty still have this past."

"I've also heard of this. Many people know that King Qi and His Majesty are at odds."

Countless words came out little by little.

Tang Hao was slightly taken aback.

"This majesty is at odds with King Qi and his son!"

Tang Hao lowered his head, a touch of thought flashed across his mind.

Suddenly there was a flash of light in my mind, as if thinking of something, I raised my head and looked far away at Qi, then slowly turned to the west...

A thought exploded in my heart...

Gradually, a strange color appeared between the eyebrows:

"If King Qi has a different mind, and there are not many soldiers and horses in the imperial city now, if it is at this time that my army has not returned to the army to cause chaos..."

Thinking of this, Tang Hao's eyes condensed, his expression constantly changing:

"Cheng Chumo, quickly give me thousands of Qingqi elites to stand by..."

Cheng Chumo was stunned when he heard the words, and then took a serious look at Tang Hao.

Turn the horse's head to run towards the cavalry formations on both sides.

Tang Hao slowly fell into silence.

For a long time, the brows gradually eased, and his eyes gradually looked forward to the ground.

"Everything needs peace of mind. I'll know when Shibaqi comes back. Now it's just a guess..."


Not long after, I saw all the eighteen people in dark silhouettes from a distance, rushing towards him in a galloping manner, and the leader hit the horse and came to the front of Tang Haoshuai's car.

Tang Hao turned his eyes to Yan Yun Shiba Qi, frowning!

Seeing the man in the lead stand up and get off his horse, his face is urgent.

There was a bang in my mind, and something must have happened together.

"Report to the general that the city is in a mess, sparsely populated, and only few old and weak women and children are left."

"According to the people of the city, people in the city have been compulsory for military conscription, and no one is spared from 15-year-old children to 50-year-olds."

"Ten days ago, the king of Qi dispatched his army and went all the way to the west, with uncertain whereabouts."

The audience heard the words, and a touch of shock appeared on Qi Qi's face.

"This King Qi, what is he going to do?"

"Call up all the people in the territory and head to the west. The west is the direction of Chang'an."

"The King of Qi has turned upside down."


Tang Hao listened to Bi Shibaqi's report.

A flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, a touch of anger appeared in his expression, and a palm hit the side weapon.

Get up immediately and grab the Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife that I haven't touched for months:

The swords were piled on the chariot, and the generals looked at Tang Hao:

"This will order."

"Weichi Jingde, you commanded 20,000 cavalrymen to go to Chang'an for the front army."

"The rest of the generals followed closely, but if there are obstacles, there will be no mercy..."

"Yanyun eighteen riders, 3000 Qingqi rushed to Chang'an with my starry night, looking for King Qi's army on the way."

"Grand General's Order!"

The generals will take orders!

Tang Hao leaped and took off with a horse next to his upper body, holding the rein with his left hand, and dragging the Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife with his right hand.

3000 Qingqi followed closely and rolled up the dust.


"General Order, march lightly!"

The messenger rushed to the rear army, and the whole army opened...

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