Martial Sage

Chapter 1134: The Secret

It's quiet in the dead of night.

The imperial study room was still lit by candlelight, the door was open, and the door was looking straight in.

An old man in a yellow robe looked at the case table by candlelight.

The corners of his eyes were moisturized slowly, and his breathing was a little bit rapid, but his body exuded a powerful force that grew stronger and stronger!

I saw that the old man's face slowly became haggard a lot, and his face instantly became a bit older.

The old eunuch Grandpa Rong stood beside him, bowed his head and said nothing, occasionally looking at Emperor Tang, who was overwhelming and sad at this moment.

Emperor Tang was indignant, the entire Great Hall looked gloomy, and then a soft sigh came out.

Father Rong looked at the Emperor Tang, only to feel that his wrinkles had increased again.

"Your Majesty, it's late at night, pay attention to the dragon body!"

Emperor Tang was silent, Father Rong's face was sad, he wanted to say something to the old master in front of him, but he opened his mouth slightly, but couldn't say a word.

Emperor Tang slowly raised his head and looked out the door, with thoughts floating in his mind:

"Once upon a time, I had a lot of sons Chenghuan!"

"Zhenguan Dazhi, my Datang people live and work in peace and contentment, and my Datang is unprecedentedly prosperous."

"But what's wrong now?"

"My son turned out to be either insurrection or chaos..."


Thinking of this, Emperor Tang slowly lowered his head and sighed softly.

I scanned the Great Hall of the Imperial Study Room, and looked at the old minion in front of me, his eyes gradually became complicated, and he spoke slowly:

"I have been disappointed with Li You several times, but I still made him a feudal lord, but this rebellious son actually rebelled, not as a son of man or a minister."

"Li Chengqian, Li You, all my sons, I clearly have high hopes for them. Their teacher is one of the most knowledgeable courtiers of the Tang Dynasty. When they went to the fief, they also gave the court officials to help them manage their affairs, but What's wrong……"

Having said this, a trace of regret lasted a long time in Tang Huang's eyes, and slowly raised his head, a touch of ice appeared on his face, and a touch of cold light persisted in his eyes for a long time.

"A group of sons, I, hate iron for nothing!"

"Do you really have to become a lonely man to become an emperor?"

"My heart hurts so much."

When Father Rong heard this, he knew that what the emperor was talking about was the emperor's family matter. He didn't dare to speak, but his eyes showed a touch of unbearableness. There was a complex emotion in his heart, and he gently lowered his eyes for a long time without saying a word.

Tang Huang looked at Father Rong, his expression constantly changing, and it was reflected in Tang Huang's eyes.

After a moment of silence, he spoke slowly:

"you say!"

"How did my prince become like this?"

Father Rong raised his head, a thoughtful look flashed across his face, and he spoke slowly after a while.

"Your Majesty, you need to take care of the dragon body first, and don't be sad anymore. General Cheng will be sent into the palace soon. I have General Cheng in the Tang Dynasty, and the world will be overwhelmed by all battles, and the King of Qi is invincible..."

Hearing this ambiguity, Emperor Tang slowly flashed a strange expression on his face.

In my mind, the pictures of young boys running and crawling across, laughing and playing, Tang Huang was kindly beside him!

Immediately after the picture was cut off, Tang Huang was severely suppressed, an expression of anger quickly appeared on his face.

"Such a rebellious son, abandoning the father and the king, is unforgivable."

"I can't bypass him. I must think for the sake of my country. If the traitors don't kill, why the civilians are angry and how can the world be peaceful."

A sharp look flashed between his eyes, and Tang Huang's breathing gradually increased.

Looking at the military newspaper in front of him, he was silent for a long time.

The expressions of the two in the hall were complicated.

One is still thinking about the feelings of father and son, and thinking about the beautiful rivers and mountains of Datang.

A loyal old temple person looked at the old master with full of concern, feeling infinitely in his heart...

Emperor Tang slowly got up, Father Rong dared to help him, Tang Huang's temples turned white, and there was a cold glow in his eyes. The moist corners of his eyes looked particularly bright under the candlelight.


Not long after, an old official slowly approached the imperial study room.

"Your Majesty! The old minister was ordered to meet..."

Emperor Tang slowly moved his gaze away from the book case and looked outside the door. Cheng Yaojin had already reached the door and waited for the summoning with his hands.

"come in!"

Cheng Yaojin entered the hall nervously, looking at Emperor Tang's frown, instantly feeling the oppressive atmosphere in the hall, and then he was full of doubts.

Slowly raising his feet and crossing the gate of the Imperial Study Room to enter, a hint of doubt flashed through his heart:

"Why night 2 even declared me to enter the palace?"

"what happened?"

Looking at the expression of Emperor Tang, anger was added with some pity, only to feel that something big had happened!

Suddenly, a thrilling line flashed across my mind, and it disappeared in a flash.

"Could it be that the military newspapers that were fighting in the air before, what happened to Qi Di?"

Cheng Yaojin greeted Emperor Tang with a look of doubt.

Emperor Tang slowly lowered his head and was silent for a few moments, his eyes gradually became tough and resolute, and then he stared:

"Cheng Yaojin listens to the decree."

"The king of Qi is conspiring to rebel, you lead the troops to bring me his head back!"

Cheng Yaojin subconsciously accepted the order and bowed his head, suddenly raised his head, with a panic on his face:

"Q... King Qi."

"Your Majesty..."

Tang Huang's eyes were complicated, he flicked his dragon's sleeves, his palms were flat, and he signaled that he would stop talking. Cheng Yaojin slowly stopped his mouth.

"Leave immediately tonight, and return the peace of the people in the world as soon as possible."


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