Martial Sage

Chapter 1152: The End of the Year Warm

Although Li Wanqing and Tang Hao are married, the life of the young couple has passed for a long time, but after so long, she has not given birth to a child or a daughter for Tang Hao. Even though she was strong in the past, it involves the bottom line of her heart. After all, it was unbearable.

Although Li Wanqing treats Changle's children as if she was born by herself, she was not born by herself after all, and she still has great regrets in her heart.

Tang Hao rubbed the back of his wife's hand and said with a smile: "Look, why are you crying so well, isn't our current life going well?"

Li Wanqing just shook her head, and her voice was choked with words: "Ms. Zhang said to her husband outside the house, and her concubine also heard it. A woman who has been wronged so much and has done so many things is actually in the heart of the husband. Still very touching."

Li Wanqing gently wiped the corners of her eyes with the silk, and then said: "During this period of time, my concubine is also thinking about her husband's accomplishments, but in the inner room, only Changle Little Sister gave birth to such an heir. The concubine has also heard about it. , Saying that the concubine is jealous and disagrees with her husband accepting a concubine."

Speaking of this, Li Wanqing looked up at Tang Hao and said, "Rather than accepting the women outside, it is better to bring Zhang Luzhu into the house."

Tang Hao embraced her, wiped away the tears, and gently patted: "I will talk about this later, isn't the madam also having a grudge in her heart before? Let's delay this matter a little bit later. As for the things she did, the husband said in his heart There are indeed some feelings, but this is not the same as the love between husband and wife..."

Tang Hao is still very clear in his mind as to which is lighter and heavier. In his eyes, the insider has not always been a tool for the succession of the clan. Since he is married and enters the door, he must be in love.

Li Wanqing went on to say: "As long as that Zhang Luzhu treats her husband wholeheartedly, other things, Changle Little Sister and I don't count. What's more, the husband's current status, if there is no concubine, what would others think?"

At this moment, Tang Hao suddenly felt that he was no longer the hairy boy back then. He was heartless and could ignore the eyes of his surroundings. Now he is the husband of two women, the head of the family, and he has already shouldered huge responsibilities on his shoulders.

"Now we have only one child. If the people below don't say anything, they will mutter in their hearts." Li Wanqing said, the more severe the choking, her fingers kept wiping away tears.

But after experiencing many things, after sobbing for a while, she regained her rationality and slowly said, lying on Tang Hao's shoulder: "The concubine body is also annoyed with her own body, why can't we add a son and a half to the official..."

Tang Hao comforted and said, "I am also responsible for the officials."

After a moment of relaxation, Li Wanqing got up from her husband's arms and grabbed the words. She held Tang Hao's hand and said, "Since Miss Zhang likes her husband, she should be admitted to the house."

"Let's talk about it later, I just sympathize with her." Tang Hao touched his wife's forehead, then got up and led her, took the towel and wiped the tears on his face.

"This is a young year, and the lady is crying and crying. I didn't know that Tang Hao was beating a woman with the door closed. Let's go, it's time for lunch. The kitchen has made a lot of your favorite dishes today, let’s laugh. one."

Li Wanqing laughed out of her husband’s last sentence, grabbed the towel that she had touched on her face, and wiped it lightly. Then she followed Tang Hao to the door. When the couple came to the front yard, they had various delicacies. The scent of the scent appeals to the appetite, and the entire courtyard is beaming.

The festive and lively atmosphere in the courtyard is getting stronger and stronger. In a room on the side yard, the door leaf slightly opened, and Zhang Luzhu, who was wearing a shabby dress earlier, came out, and looked at the laughter and laughter in the courtyard. He pursed his lips. He said to himself: "Today is a small year, they are so lively..."

Zhang Luzhu stood on the spot, watching the excitement of the crowd for a long time. She didn't know what she was thinking. It was a long time before she recovered. The lively noise in the distance made her ears buzzing. After a while, He moved lightly, turned around blankly and returned to the cold room.

Since the King City was breached, she has no home. From the northern border to Chang'an, she carefully hides herself along the way. Although she has enjoyed a short period of time, she can only feel cold and Death in the bustling city. If it is the premise , Zhang Lvzhu discovered that, in fact, he had no so-called home at all.

With a stiff figure, Zhang Luzhu walked alone to the dark corner and sat down against the wall with her arms folded. For a moment, tears fell and she cried silently.

The sky was light and snowy, and it stopped a bit after traveling farther to the north.

In the deserted side yard, someone came here with drinks and food. In the cold room, Zhang Luzhu, who was buried in his knees, raised his head and the door opened with a creak.

The snowflakes outside were squeezed in by the wind, the lights flickered, and the tall Wu Tong put the drinks and steaming food on the table.

Then, Wu Tong sat down opposite her and said: "This is arranged by the mistress. You can't be alone in the New Year today, right?"

Zhang Luzhu bit his lip and looked at the other party without blinking for a moment. He reached out and took the chopsticks that Wu Tong had handed him. He wiped the corners of his eyes quickly and smiled.

In this cold world, the old year is about to pass. There is always something to let go, drive away the cold, and bring warmth to the surroundings. Turning over the old year is a new beginning. Let it turn over.

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