Martial Sage

Chapter 1160: Swordsmanship

In the firewood room, the mistress Li Wanqing stood with her back to them, wearing a large cloak.

"Kneel down." Wu Tong put the informant with his hands on the ground, and the informant fell to the ground with a snap.

"The villain did nothing wrong, why was he brought here?" The informant's mouth was quite hard.

"I checked the roster. That Jiading named He Er died of a sudden illness on his way to Chang'an early on, and you just borrowed his name to replace it." Li Wanqing's tone was cold.

The informant's tough attitude just started to soften in an instant, and his eyes fell on the ground.

"Say, who sent you here, dare to come to Zhen Guo General's Mansion?" Li Wanqing shouted, and the informant trembled in fright.

"Tang Hao can't provoke my superiors." The informant sneered.

"Oh, then I'll try it today." Li Wanqing was also a famous heroine in the military, and he didn't feel relentless when he started. Before using much strength, the informant began to feel pain and couldn't stand it, confided. The truth.

"Well, isn't the person who was ordered to search on the way here, and is coming soon?" Li Wanqing tidied up his face and walked out of the wood house without a hassle.

As soon as he walked out of the firewood room, a small group of Jin Wuwei with a search warrant came to the entrance of Tang Mansion.

The leader showed the token, and the gatekeeper of the General Mansion had to let them in.

"Everyone, what do you intend to do?" Tang Hao who was sitting in the main hall shouted angrily.

"Recently, the remnants of Goryeo Gai clan escaped to Chang'an," the leader said. "The informant reported that someone had entered the General's Mansion. For the safety of the General's Mansion, please cooperate with the army in the search."

"Presumptuous," Princess Changle exclaimed angrily when she came out of the inner hall, "Who ate the bear heart and leopard courage and dare to search the mansion of this princess and her husband?"

"His Royal Highness, we are only acting on orders." As he said, the principal took out Tang Huang's search warrant, "It is also for the safety of the princess and the horse."

Since it was the father's will, Princess Changle didn't dare to make trouble. Tang Hao's attitude was still neither humble nor overbearing. Today's matter is not to be avoided, and the disaster is the most important thing to panic.

A bunch of people began to search from the side yard where the people lived under the slaves.

In the prison, a Korean man had confessed Zhang Luzhu's appearance. Although there were many people in the general's residence of Nuo Da, it was not difficult to find a foreign woman with obvious characteristics.

"No, no..." After a while, the searched informants reported one after another.

According to the report of the spy that had been placed inside the General's Mansion before, Zhang Luzhu was a maid in charge, and it is impossible for a maid in charge to evaporate so plainly.

"General Tang, is there a Zhang's Xinluo slave maid in your house?" The principal confirmed with Tang Hao again.

"Although my General's Mansion is well-known, it is not like the rich and powerful. It has the extravagant habit of raising Bodhisattva and Xinluo maidservant." Tang Hao calmly said, "Since I can't find it, please come back."

Usually in the military camp, a principal dare to be so presumptuous, General Tang has already dealt with it in accordance with the military law, and now holding the search warrant given by the imperial court, he can only hold down his emotions and not attack.

Just as the principal gathered his troops and was about to leave, Rong Gonggong brought a pair of palace guards to Tang Mansion.

Obviously, he already knew the process and results of the previous search, so he said in a strong tone: "General Tang, you know the Law of the Tang Dynasty better than me. Keeping Gai's remnants private, according to the law, is a felony for the nine clans."

Counting the pair of men and horses brought by Father Rong, there were almost forty or fifty soldiers at the general's mansion. Looking at the situation, even if they dig three feet, they will find Zhang Luzhu out.

"Grandpa Rong-gong took people to the general's mansion for a search, nominally to search for Gai's remnants, so is there clear evidence that the man was in my general's mansion?" Li Wanqing, the mistress who had not spoken, spoke at this time.

"The Ministry of War is in prison for the trial, and the accomplice confessed." Although the voice of Rong Gonggong was soft, he was powerful.

"Then there is material evidence? The handling of cases has always emphasized that people can get the money. Just relying on a testimony, the Ministry of War is not afraid of making a wrong case?" Li Wanqing was calm and composed. The female general who fought in all directions was not a vegetarian.

Rong Gonggong was immediately at a loss. At first, he sent an informant to the general's mansion to monitor Tang Hao, fearing that General Zhen Guo would have the heart. Now this kind of raging situation is equivalent to pretending the Emperor Tang himself.

"Not long after the peace of Korea, there will inevitably be the old clan of the Gai clan in the city of Chang'an. The search of the general's mansion is also to prevent the culprits from escaping." Grandpa Rong continued his momentum.

For the safety of Chang'an, the raid was justified by Rong Gonggong.

The informant placed in the General's Mansion was knocked out by Wu Tong and was locked in the wood room, so Li Wanqing was not in a hurry. Seeing the uneasy expression of Rong Gonggong's calm expression concealing her inner anxiety, she actually thought this fat old man was quite cute.

"Please allow the army to allow Jin Wuwei to search the main hall and other rooms." Rong Gonggong put pressure on Tang Hao.

It seemed that this eunuch had made an inch of it, and Tang Hao had a tight fist. Wu Tong also stood behind, ready to move.

"The prince is here." Just as the smell of gunpowder on both sides was strong, Li Zhi came with people and horses.

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