Martial Sage

Chapter 1161: Fighting Together

"Retreat." The head of the prince's guard gave an order.

At this time, Li Zhi, with the majesty of the emperor on his face, was no longer the child who had never changed.

"I am waiting to search for Gai's remnants by the will of the Holy Spirit." Rong Gonggong is still arrogant.

"The saint has passed away, and the rumor is in the prince."

What? Your Majesty died, and for a moment, Grandpa Lord felt that the sky had fallen, and the master who had served him loyally for decades had gone, and suddenly his mind went blank.

"Don't retreat." The guard gave an order, and the Ronggong and other team withdrew from the general's mansion.

A round of moonlight emerged from the clouds, Prince Li Zhi became the new monarch of Datang, and another era began.

Tang Hao and the General's Mansion were cleared of suspicion, but this month, outsiders were not allowed to enter the General's Mansion, including Monk Zhikong who came to give lectures for Tang Hao's family.

Not allowing Zhikong to come in does not mean that Tang Hao could not go out. Tang Hao disguised himself and brought Zhang Lvzhu's disguised Zhang Heng to a small noodle stall on the outskirts of the city in a carriage.

Originally, I wanted to put the joint location in the own trading shop. Li Wanqing kindly reminded that if a monk enters the wine shop, it will inevitably arouse suspicion from others. Instead, it is safer to put it in a small strange noodle shop.

It is no wonder that monks do not eat alcohol and meat, but they cannot skip meals.

At night, Zhikong came to a small noodle shop outside the city as scheduled. Tang Hao and Zhang Heng were dressed in casual clothes and sat at the table in the back. Zhikong took a seat next to the table.

"Has everything settled for the Master?" Zhang Heng asked.

Unexpectedly, the sound of these five big and three thick Chinese characters was as gentle as a teacher. The first time Zhang Heng uttered, Monk Zhikong was a little surprised, but this astonishment was immediately overshadowed by the major event to be discussed.

Zhikong nodded in response to Zhang Heng.

Sitting on the side, Tang Hao gestured, Zhang Heng quietly took out the customs clearance document from his sleeve, and placed it under Zhikong's palm under the cover of his figure.

"Two guest officials, the noodles are here." The shopkeeper brought two bowls of plain Yangchun noodles.

"The store will have another copy." Zhang Heng beckoned.

"The guest officer, wait a minute." Glancing at the plain-clothed monk next to him, the store understood the meaning and specially removed the meat oil in the soup when cooking the noodles.

"My friend acted carelessly, so Wen Di is safer to put in the master's place." Tang Hao, who was eating Yangchun noodles, was completely unassuming, just like the boy on Chang'an Street.

Just as the three of them were eating with relish, a dart hit the corner of the table sharply.

"General, be careful."

The table was kicked up by Zhang Heng, and the three of them flashed behind the table in an instant, beware of the Hidden Weapons bright sword that would not know it would fly again.

Afterwards, a masked assassin flashed out of the dark with a chopper, and with a sword down, the three of them quickly dodged.

With a sword down, the table was split in half.

"The general, go quickly, the wizard." Zhang Heng drew a soft sword from his waist and started a fight with the killer.

The opponent's Sword Technique obviously won with strength, the sword was up and the sword was down, the tables, chairs and benches in the stall were chopped off, and the boss had already been scared.

The carriage stopped next to the noodle stall. Tang Hao and Zhikong hurriedly ran into the carriage. Tang Hao drove the car with a whip, and the dark horses galloped along the road when they came.

This feeling of Mercedes-Benz is just like Van Diesel drove madly in a 3D movie. Tang Hao just wanted to drive back to the city as soon as possible. When he returned to the city, he would have his own guards. In this wilderness, it is impossible to guarantee that the other party is not the other person. Many ambush.

Zhang Heng entangled the assassin to fight fiercely at this time, and the opponent used the Sword Technique of the Datang Warrior. Seeing this skill and speed, it should be the same job he did in Goguryeo.

Since playing Zhang Luzhu, he came to Tangtu and couldn't hold back the hand that hadn't held a knife for a long time. Today, when the sword meets his opponent, Zhang Heng, who is a man with a disguised appearance, feels long-lost excitement.

Make a quick decision, get rid of the one in front of him, and hurriedly chase Tang Hao's carriage, Zhang Heng thought, if the opponent is divided into multiple troops, Tang Hao will inevitably be unable to resist it.

So Zhang Heng resorted to the "Shadowless Sword" trick. Even when he played against Tang Hao in the Goguryeo battlefield before, he didn't resort to this.

Otherwise, the person who fell would be General Zhen Guo.

"Shadow Sword" is intended to be fast, and no matter how stable the core is, it is to find the opponent's flaw in the speed and strike it with one sword. The opponent is agile, but Zhang Heng is faster than him, moving back and forth around the assassin like a ghost.

At first, the assassin was able to accept the move calmly and quickly. Later, Zhang Heng's irregular killing method quickly made him lose his patience, a trace of anger appeared in the sword, Zhang Heng was like teasing a cricket, a little bit of the opponent's patience.

Finally, the flaw appeared. With the other party's wasted patience, Sword Technique began to mess up. Looking at this timing, Zhang Heng stabbed the center of the heart with a knife, and the other party was killed.

Jumped up, under Qinggong's blessing, Zhang Heng, like a bird, hurried to chase Tang Hao and Zhikong.

As expected by Zhang Heng, Tang Hao and the others were entangled by two men in black. Zhikong didn't know how to martial arts. Tang Hao held a long sword to resist it. It seemed that the battle had been going on for a while.

Tang Hao Sword Qi was sharp, but the two killers weren't vegetarians. Moreover, the two-sided attack was a great drain on Tang Hao's stamina.

Zhang Heng appeared on time at this moment and joined the battle.

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