Martial Sage

Chapter 1168: Going to Pingkang at Night

To be honest, if it were not for the overall situation, Tang Hao really didn't want to control those two.

Mr. Cheng is talented and intelligent, but he is not good at learning. He spends all day in the band. Mr. Qin wants to learn, but after a lot of effort, the knowledge in the books is like water splashing on the green. Slate.

The night before, Li Wanqing arranged for the maidservants in the mansion to set up a cauldron to boil up a pot of Chinese medicine in Wu District, while Tang Hao, with the assistance of Princess Chang Le, went to the inner court of the imperial palace to check the secret archives.

Normally, it is resolutely not open, unless it is a major case involving the interests of the royal family. Tang Hao moved the ladder, brought the long-dust archives from the tall book shelf, and looked up every word without letting it go.

Finally, it was found that, as Tang Hao had imagined, the imperial concubine did not die after his appearance was destroyed, but where he went, the file did not record it in detail, only that he was sent out of the palace for treatment after being unconscious.

Sitting in the archives, Tang Hao pondered carefully, what role does the Prajna dance play? Is the rhythm of the music consistent with the heartbeat? There is more than one person watching the dance, and everyone's heartbeat speed is different.

Let everyone watching it indulge, in addition to the melody of the music and the enchanting figure of the dancing girl, it is estimated that other auxiliary tools are needed, right? What if it is in a lobby or an open venue?

Inferring this, Tang Hao suddenly started. In addition to the dance itself, there must be external aids similar to incense.

On the third day, before lunch, there were already guests in the General's Mansion. The butler took the distinguished guests to the backyard, lying in his mother's arms, looking at these novel faces curiously.

Going to other places is to go to a banquet and drink, but when you come to the General’s Mansion, you are here to drink medicine. These noble princes also drink this bitter medicinal soup with a kind of curiosity, and have enough energy to prepare for the evening. Take a stroll in Pingkangfang.

"General Tang, I'm really tough," the son of the Yuchi family was afraid of hardship, and begged Tang Hao after only a sip, "I mean it, you look very slim, or you can drink it with me. Got it."

"Prince Yuchi, this must be drunk, it has nothing to do with your body. This medicine is not a pure kidney medicine, but a calming medicine, a calming medicine, and the night scene is definitely not calm and peaceful, besides, you are not afraid of the danger of swords, and you are also afraid of the smell of this medicine. The pain?"

After hearing Tang Hao's words, Young Master Yuchi raised his neck and drank the black soup in the bowl.

After the princes finished drinking the medicine, the General's Mansion set up fine wines and delicacies to entertain the guests until the sun sets. General Zhen Guo was slowly tasting the wine while watching Mr. Sun's medicinal power attack.

When it’s nightfall, a group of noble boys will drive fast or take a magnificent car ride through the prosperous and wide streets of Chang’an City and head straight to Pingkangfang, where they flicker on the street for a while.

A group of people quickly arrived at Pingkangfang, and got off to their mother in front of the upscale and gorgeous Baoyue Building.

Mother Zhang, the female boss of Baoyue Tower, went up to greet the distinguished guests with a smile, and back, these noble princes were either alone or in twos and threes, and they saw the group for the first time.

The crimson rouge on Mama Zhang's face followed with a smile, red like the sunset on the horizon. She held a silk fan to cover her face and smiled shyly: "What good day did the old man catch up with today? Ha ha ha"

"Mom can really make jokes and jokes." Young Master Yuchi smiled heartily.

"All the princes from Chang'an came to the small building. I didn't say anything. The old man hurried to clear the place. Except for you, everyone else was thrown out. What do you think of the prince?" Mother Zhang said diligently.

Not to mention that these gangsters are regulars of the band, the distinguished guests, even if they come back for the first time, mothers just get up on the ground and have to create an open space for these gangsters to have fun.

"It's your mother's business to clear the scene. We don't care about it. Today, we are here to watch the peerless singing and dancing of your top brand Hongrou. Don't bend it around." Young Master Qin was very direct.

"Girl Hongrou is off today, as you all know, every month it's hard to beat and rest every day." Mother Zhang's expression was difficult.

"Today, none of us came here to play with mom. Now you can take advantage of the good mood of us and invite that card out to hold her place and give you enough Baoyuelou's Face." Said patiently.

As he said, a golden lump rolled out of his sleeve, which was directly stuffed into Mama Zhang.

It is said that gold is the most beautiful color in the world. Without a word, Mama Zhang hurriedly went upstairs to the red and soft room.

Yuchi rushed to the big room on the top floor with a group of people very skillfully. There was the largest and most gorgeous VIP room in Baoyue Tower. The gorgeously crafted Persian carpet was inlaid with finely shredded rusty stones, and the dark green was exquisite.

The scent of essential oils is enchanting.

Opening the exquisitely carved windows, a cool night breeze was blowing on his face, and Young Master Yuchi looked back proudly and said to the other masters: "Brothers are not here in vain. Let’s see the legendary Prajnazhi together today. dance"."

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