Martial Sage

Chapter 1169: Oiran Hongrou

It has been circulated in the shop that the dance of Prajna is hooked on Hun and Po, which makes people feel ecstatic and unwilling to stay away.

"I heard that after watching the dance a while ago, Longxi Jun was drunk and dying, and died for a long time in the first two days. Therefore, the brothers who didn't want to watch this dance said clearly that Zhang's mother I arranged for other fun." Zhang's mother at first I started vaccinating everyone.

She must clearly explain this to the princes from the beginning. Everyone who comes to Baoyue Tower to play is a rich or noble master. In case something goes wrong, the little mother can’t bear it. Take such a big responsibility.

Before coming, Tang Hao distributed a mask similar to a gas mask to every young man. Although it was really ugly to bring it on, safety came first.

To be honest, Tang Hao was worried that there was a problem with the essential oil incense of Ya Shi.

"The concoction of Mr. Sun that we drank before coming here is a good medicine for strengthening the kidney specially prepared by his old man. It has a very good effect in regulating the body. Now everyone sitting here probably has no erotic desires. After half a month, I Make sure that everyone is still a strong man, so now everyone will bear with it for the time being." Tang Hao made a lot of sense.

After hearing Tang Hao's greetings in advance, the princes each found a private seat to sit down. In such a situation, if anyone said they were scared, they would retreat first, and then how could they get mixed up in the circle in the future.

The room suddenly became quiet a lot, and Young Master Yuchi whispered: "If they start playing tricks, lighting incense, etc., we will quickly put on the mask. Although it is not good-looking, the safety of the body is the first priority. Now put the mask on. Hide in your clothes."

Although each of the young masters here usually has differences of one kind or another, they are surprisingly consistent at this moment, and a very tacit mask is hidden on their bodies.

The enchanting maidservants twisted their waists, pouring wine tenderly to the guests, and then quietly withdrew.

The princes present here are like Liu Xiahui, unmoved, watching the charming girl put unknown incense in the delicate incense burner, and no one is unmoved by the soft waist.

The skilled maid put the incense into the exquisite incense burner. Tang Hao sniffed it carefully with his nose. He didn't smell any difference, and quietly waved his hand to signal that everyone shouldn't be nervous.

The melodious dance music began to play slowly, and the top girl Hongrou charmingly moved from the secret door to the center of the hall, as if there was a switch, the light in the room instantly dimmed.

Hong Rou politely paid a next prayer for the guests present, and the snow satin on the shoulders naturally slipped to the shoulders during the salute, and the condensed fat skin made the mind rippling.

After the salute, the maids who danced for the Oiran's top card, dressed in clothes made of light gauze, and holding their musical instruments, entered the center of the dance floor like falling cherry blossoms.

With feet as white as tender lotus roots, stepping on the luxurious Persian carpet, any of the dancers are the best, not to mention the beauties gathered together.

When thinking of the top notes of the dance of Prajna, the beauties follow the rhythm, their lips slightly lifted, and the cherry-like red lips sing exotic sounds that no one can understand.

With the unfolding of the music, Hongrou's dancing posture unfolds like a scroll, sometimes like a snake without joints, twisting a soft messy waist enchantingly on the floor, and sometimes like a favorable Nine Section Whip, Jinghong together.

The rolled up bun fell down with the dance, the red and soft hair was scattered on his face, the sweat on his face was stained with a few hairs, and the star-like eyes were filled with pitiful love.

The uncontrollable Young Master Yuchi shook his arms, lifted the two five-and-three rough servants holding him, stretched his arms to face the charming Hongrou, and his expression of pity filled his entire complexion.

Hongrou's entire smiling face was attached to Yuchi's little arm, and her face was gently rubbing against Yuchi's arm, like a lost sheep found a warm embrace.

You push me, and I push you, as if you are about to fight. For a brothel girl, you are vying and jealous of you.

Seeing Hong Rou rubbing against Yuchi's body, she didn't see any reaction from Master Yuchi himself.

After scanning this scene, Tang Hao almost didn't laugh, trying to make a non-functional person react and consider you girl Hong Rou to be amazing.

Hong Rou watched Tang Hao also come over, her eyes overflowing with a smile, her flexible waist twisted more vigorously, just now two soft arms were about to embrace Tang Hao, but Tang Hao flashed aside.

Tang Hao returned to his seat with the dizzy Yuchi, and filled Yuchi with a large jar of wine. Yuchi was drunk and turned into a puddle of mud, what else could he do with him?

The irritated Hong Rou pulled out a gold hairpin from her hair, and made a long narrow blood hole on the snow-white chest, and a foot-long blood hole suddenly appeared on the snow-white chest.

Hong Rou opened her chest by herself, and the maids beside her also pulled off the hairpins on her head like this, and slashed her chest neatly, and the smell of blood filled the whole room at once.

Smelling it carefully, there was a hint of sweetness in the blood.

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