Martial Sage

Chapter 1181: The arrogance of scholars

That's right, now Shen Hai and the others have won the championship, which means that they have graduated from the academy, and they will have official uniforms just waiting for the emperor's ranking. It is really not worth ruining the future for a brothel girl.

Besides, she is still a woman who has committed many evils and deserved it.

Shen Hai tried to drag Yuan Jialing away with the enthusiasm of milking, and the other junior and the servant of Baoyue Tower also had this intention.

OMG, Baiqisi, that in the minds of the people of Datang is the existence of the Yama of the Dark Night. Shen Hai still remembers that when he was naughty when he was young, as long as the nurse said that Baiqisi had come to catch him, she would be honest immediately.

Hong'er's desolation must have offended a certain powerful family, and it would be good if she could save her life. If Yuan Jialing insisted on wandering this muddy water, the consequences would be disastrous.

Yuan Jialing said without fear: "If this woman breaks the law, she will naturally be dealt with by Tang law. Why does she deal with a person in such a situation? The setting of Tang law is definitely not to make people wantonly."

How about Baiqisi here today? Even if it was His Majesty, Yuan Jialing dared to ask, when did Datang have a decree not to allow others to support themselves.

The brawny man with a knife at his waist was speechless when asked by the little scholar, but his eyes revealed a fierce light.

Yuan Jialing said again: "I don't care who gave you this order. Listen, I decided to hire this woman as my cook. It’s a lot of things, I don’t believe you can do anything to me."

Unexpectedly, Yuan Jialing, who usually doesn't speak much, would be so hard today, and a look of surprise flashed in Shen Hai's eyes.

Shen Hai took a step forward and said, "I just went through Datang's laws from beginning to end again, and there really is no such one. Brother Jialing knows right and wrong, and the kid admires it very much."

The words were thrown to the ground, and they were clearly transmitted to the ears of every spectator present.

At this time, Hong'er was grateful, and the girl Baoyue watching the bustle upstairs was also touched by Shen Hai's generous statement with tears. The eyes that looked at Shen Hai all meant admiration.

As for the Yuan Jialing who just said righteously, it was naturally ignored.

The brawny man sneered. He saw a lot of arrogant boys like this. Whenever he entered Baiqi Division, he would admit it when he saw the harsh torture device.

On the contrary, the strong man calmed down and said with a smile: "Boy, I wish you were locked in the prison of Baiqisi, your bones are still so hard."

After that, the strong man would use the lock to capture Shen Hai. Yuan Jialing became even more angry and shouted: "Everything happens because of me. You have to take people and take me. What does it matter to others? I want to see. Where is the law of the Tang Dynasty set by the Tangtang Baiqi Division?"

At this time, instead, Shen Hai put the chain in the hands of the strong man around his neck and pointed to Yuan Jialing and said, "You kid, don't hinder me from becoming famous. Although you are my best friend, if you block my advancement, The road, I will still turn my face with you."

My God, Shen Hai is still dreaming of admonishing the emperor directly. He is still thinking that the emperor will admire him a lot when he knows it. He will clean up those two hundred horses. If such a good thing is such a good thing, he will not go ahead. Be the first?

Yuan Jialing threw off his sleeves angrily. Another student, who was smart, flashed into the crowd early, acting as if it had nothing to do with him, hanging up high.

The brawny man pointed to the younger brother who hid in the crowd and said to Shen Hai: "Look at your friend, how wise he is. If you can learn from him, I will definitely forget what just happened. Nothing happened at all."

Bai Qisi also didn't want to make things big, obviously he automatically gave the college students a step down. When everything comes to this point, it depends on whether you guys are willing to seize this opportunity.

"Nonsense, he ran out to help us get rid of our sins, otherwise, how could you tell the world about your evil deeds?" Shen Hai's momentum is even higher.

"Shen Hai, you can die if you close your mouth." As he said, the little junior apprentice disappeared into the vast crowd of people, and the speed shocked the Baiqisi gang.

Daddy usually doesn't even chase you so fast.

The brawny man was also scared standing in place at this time. Although Baiqisi had great magical powers, he was not unscrupulous. The law of the Tang Dynasty was placed there, like a sharp sword hanging above his head, and he was determined not to step on the boundary.

You know, a long time ago, one of the leaders of Baiqi Division was able to avoid a part by relying on the academy. This is a well-known thing in the division. If it is said that in Datang, there is a place for Baiqi Division to have Feared.

Then this place must be a college.

At this time, Shen Hai felt that the noose that had just been locked on his neck was still so tight, and now it had begun to loosen. Knowing that the matter was almost successful, he took the noose off the end of his neck by himself.

He squeezed it back to the strong man, and Shen Hai's expression was calm and firm at this time, as if he was determined to win. Although they have just graduated from the academy, making contributions is something they can't ask for.

However, doing meritorious deeds for yourself from others is something this group of college students disdain.

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