Martial Sage

Chapter 1182: The Master's acquaintance

Shen Hai is a man of arrogance and backbone.

"If there is a loser in our family, the old father in the family will lament," Shen Hai said, "but lamenting and lamenting, if the child is hungry, he will still feed the child."

According to him, such a simple truth is the same on His Majesty, maybe the emperor is now lamenting when he sees the case file.

At this moment, an old man sprang out from nowhere, spit on the face of Hong'er fiercely, and said to the two horsemen who were riding horses: "Two officials, your majesty is kind and kind, we must not corrupt. The emperor’s good reputation."

As the old man said, he squinted at Hong'er, who was shrinking in the torn quilt, and then said: "This vicious woman, if she steps on her, she will get her feet dirty. Just lift her feet and it will pass. Why do they get dirty? We ourselves."

"Yes, it should be like this. I'm all kind people, and it's not worth letting this stuff dirty me." Those who watched the excitement echoed one after another.

Shen Hai put his arms on the shoulders of officials and said: "The two are also busy people. You still need to guard the safety of the people in Chang'an. Looking at this time, it's time for the two of you to go to work."

With a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, Shen Hai went on to say almost as if: "Today is also destined, why don't we find a place to have a drink together, this lady will let her fend for herself."

The strong man looked at Shen Hai, Yuan Jialing and another servant of the band said, "Let's do that for today. If this woman does anything evil in the future, she will look for you three."

Yuan Jialing quickly asked the owner of a shop next to him to borrow paper and pens, wrote a letter of guarantee on the spot, and handed it to the strong man headed: "This Dage, this is a letter of guarantee made by me. It will be popular in the future. If you do evil, you just look for me directly."

Seeing that Yuan Jialing was so knowledgeable, the poor master took a look at the letter of guarantee, then put it into his arms, arched his hand, and walked away quickly.

Hong'er, who was still sloppy, tugged Yuan Jialing's arm and whispered: "Silver." Even if the sky fell, this woman still refused to let go of money.

"I don't know how to live or die." Shen Hai cursed inwardly.

No matter how good-tempered people are, they can't help but attack a master who wants money but not life. At this moment, Shen Hai couldn't help but want to get enough, and kicked the woman hard.

But seeing her embarrassed and pitiful now, Shen Hai put his feet down.

Yuan Jialing still pays attention to things, took out a bunch of copper coins from his arms and put them in front of Hong'er: "You first go take a bath, find a place to live, change your body to be clean, and follow me out of the city tomorrow. You can't stay now."

Seeing Hong'er settled down, Shen Hai patted Yuan Jialing on the shoulder, and said sourly, "Brother, are you looking for this lady?"

Teacher Tang Hao mentioned a disease called "Stockholm" in class. Isn't this kid getting this disease? Shen Hai guessed that for the sake of a Lefang mother, he had made himself such an old man sweat so much that he had never worked so hard for his wife.

After the procedures were completed, the three of them returned to Baoyue Tower. When they entered the door, Shen Hai said to the mother who was entertaining the guests: "Mom, please look for top grade, don't fool us with rouge and vulgar powder."

"Uncle, look at them, knowing that we dare to come to the band to play here, I will go to the house and call someone to break their legs." A little lady in a dark green dress said to an old man coquettishly.

The old man was Fang Xuanling.

"A Rong, stop making trouble. It's your blessing to have such a husband. You can see how they handle things before and after. The four people can move forward and retreat freely, and easily resolve the crisis. Your husband is good at observing words and colors, and with clever tongues. Ruhuang, knowing that the old man is here, he will not suffer, so he dare to speak boldly."

A Rong still pouted, a little angry: "But let me down, that disciple, he entered the brothel."

Fang Xuanling smiled and said, "People who come out of the academy are unruly. After the final exam today, he is very rare to relax with his friends. No matter what he says, he will come in, otherwise he will lose his face in the academy."

From the beginning of the matter, Fang Xuanling looked at this young man calmly. He put himself in a safe position first, and then confronted the power.

My own niece is lucky, with such a courageous and strategic husband, who can be happy and peaceful for a lifetime, what else is unsatisfactory?

It sounds like the uncle’s analysis is quite reasonable. It was getting late, and Fang Xuanling ordered the coachman to return to the mansion with the wronged A Rong. His wife was still waiting for the two men.

Sitting in the car, Fang Xuanling recalled the scene she had just seen, and decided to write a memorial to report the story to the emperor. If such talents are not used, should they still be allowed to grow wildly? As the prime minister, his duties are simple Gold is washed out of the sand.

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